My journey

8 year rant
by kwquitter , 22 Sep 2019
5 150 by lscianname
09 Oct 2019
3 months today!!!! What?!?
by me_n_freedom , 03 Oct 2019
6 148 by jeyan
08 Oct 2019
Exhausted. No energy
by emancipated , 06 Oct 2019
8 223 by grannef
07 Oct 2019
Made it through a month
by justfortoday , 04 Oct 2019
6 157 by lillian, quit coach
07 Oct 2019
celebrating small successes
by emancipated , 03 Oct 2019
3 84 by jeyan
04 Oct 2019
Doing my best...
by franny , 13 Jul 2019
20 313 by merline, quit coach
04 Oct 2019
Confronting One's Own Addiction
by optimist , 28 Sep 2019
8 147 by optimist
03 Oct 2019
Three weeks down ...
by justfortoday , 24 Sep 2019
5 128 by emily, quit coach
25 Sep 2019
Butterflyna's Journey
by butterflyna , 05 Feb 2019
97 1393 by riham hanna
20 Sep 2019
1.5 Years Smoke Free
by eagerquit , 16 Sep 2019
5 186 by efram, quit coach
17 Sep 2019
8 163 by merline, quit coach
13 Sep 2019
Buckle up ... it's gonna get bumpy.
by justfortoday , 06 Sep 2019
4 126 by elke, quit coach
06 Sep 2019
My story, my quit!
by brieffree , 05 Sep 2019
2 78 by nadia b, quit coach
06 Sep 2019
Should we rebrand "Hell Week"?
by efram, quit coach , 25 Aug 2019
11 224 by wimporswim
04 Sep 2019
Ready to do this ... again
by justfortoday , 03 Sep 2019
3 74 by jenna c, quit coach
03 Sep 2019
An other Chance
by brieffree , 02 Sep 2019
4 75 by brieffree
03 Sep 2019
Starting Again
by tuckerpen , 29 Aug 2019
8 154 by linda, quit coach
31 Aug 2019
I'm so sad
by justfortoday , 31 Aug 2019
5 136 by manderson4
31 Aug 2019
I owe everyone here an apology …
by justfortoday , 28 Aug 2019
4 129 by brieffree
28 Aug 2019
4 75 by justfortoday
27 Aug 2019
New life
by brieffree , 26 Aug 2019
2 50 by kate r, quit coach
27 Aug 2019
Getting Started
by sarah, quit coach , 22 Aug 2019
4 94 by brieffree
24 Aug 2019
5 weeks for real? Answered
by me_n_freedom , 12 Aug 2019
5 482 by merline, quit coach
22 Aug 2019
Benefits of quit! For good!
by brieffree , 10 Aug 2019
5 106 by elke, quit coach
15 Aug 2019
5 96 by emily, quit coach
14 Aug 2019
4 88 by jeyan
09 Aug 2019
by buttingout2014 , 29 Nov 2017
10 307 by steven, quit coach
08 Aug 2019
We’ve been smoke-free for 118 years!
by grace, quit coach , 28 Jul 2019
1 60 by grace, quit coach
28 Jul 2019
cravings don't disappear but determination stays strong Answered
by weatherbabe returns , 20 Jul 2019
4 123 by atp
22 Jul 2019
Rewards For Quitting
by steven, quit coach , 17 Jul 2019
5 123 by renee, quitcoach
20 Jul 2019
2nd week today ?!
by me_n_freedom , 18 Jul 2019
3 81 by treepeo
18 Jul 2019
A WEEK today!?! Answered
by me_n_freedom , 11 Jul 2019
5 106 by elke, quit coach
11 Jul 2019
What I know for sure about quitting.....
by nadia, quit coach , 30 May 2019
11 224 by me_n_freedom
11 Jul 2019
6 months into being a non-smoker
by atp , 01 Jul 2019
5 384 by treepeo
01 Jul 2019
4 118 by jenna lee, quit coach
28 Jun 2019
One Year!
by songbird , 05 Jun 2019
8 145 by merline, quit coach
27 Jun 2019
Married to your Quit
by efreeman75 , 26 Jun 2019
5 99 by grace, quit coach
27 Jun 2019
6 Months ago today
by vin7mick , 25 Jun 2019
6 308 by elke, quit coach
26 Jun 2019
by jenna lee, quit coach , 17 Oct 2018
9 168 by efram, quit coach
20 Jun 2019
Summertime Challenges
by steven, quit coach , 22 May 2019
4 102 by merline, quit coach
13 Jun 2019
Staying Quit in Social Situations
by steven, quit coach , 15 May 2019
6 133 by treepeo
02 Jun 2019
From Smoker to Non-Smoker..
by atp , 27 May 2019
11 200 by efram, quit coach
02 Jun 2019
The Patch Is My New Best Friend
by turningpoint , 29 Apr 2019
7 133 by turningpoint
28 May 2019
A Thought
by turningpoint , 24 May 2019
4 88 by turningpoint
26 May 2019
Benefits of Rewarding Yourself after Quitting
by merline, quit coach , 23 May 2019
1 71 by merline, quit coach
23 May 2019
Reaching out
by Val H , 23 Apr 2019
31 400 by efreeman75
22 May 2019
What Cigarettes Mean
by turningpoint , 17 May 2019
8 152 by kate r, quit coach
20 May 2019
Lies we tell ourselves about smoking
by renee, quitcoach , 08 May 2019
3 180 by merline, quit coach
16 May 2019
Benefits I hadn't thought of before
by mariannec , 10 Apr 2019
10 265 by treepeo
07 May 2019
by turningpoint , 04 May 2019
3 92 by turningpoint
04 May 2019
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