501 posts
31 Dec 2018
10 May 2019
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renee, quitcoach
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I never admitted to myself that I was an addict until I quit smoking and really spent some time educating myself about smoking.
So many other lies, or things we just won't admit to ourselves -
The cost of smoking - never really wanted to think about how much I was spending on smoking. Just put it on the debit or credit bill while i'm buying gas and don't think about it. The quit calculator on the Dashboard really puts the cost of smoking in black and white. For me in just over 4 months I have saved over $1800.00 - that is huge. That is a vacation right there.
Health effects such as lack of energy, breathing issues, congestion - those are all just getting older and not due to smoking. Ha, now that I've quit I feel so much better and am healthier overall. That nasty cough is gone!, Blood pressure back to normal, can walk up stairs without weezing.
The Big C - honestly all of us smokers knew of someone who had or has cancer, yet we continued puffing away not wanting to think that smoking was exposing us to massive increase in odds of getting cancer.