Forums / My journey / 1.5 Years Smoke Free

1.5 Years Smoke Free

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    16 Sep 2019
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    Good Morning,

    I am happy to say it has been a year and a half since I last lit up a cigarette and I feel great about the freedom I have gained. I look on smoking as something I used to do, and now do not want. I thank SHO for all the help in seeing my way forward. Here are my stats:

    Money saved: $9578
    Days smoke free; 558
    Cigarettes not smoked 18,414
    Life saved 140 days, 15 hours, 54 minutes

    Wishing everyone another smoke free day.

  2. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    16 Sep 2019 in reply to eagerquit
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    Congrats on 1.5 years of living the non-smoking life. 

    When I started my quit 8 months ago you were still active on the site and some of your posts really helped me get my quit going, so thank you for that. And these follow-up posts form so many former smokers always make me feel better as I can see that it does keep getting better as time passes. At 8 months I still get the odd day where I think about having a smoke - that darn nostalgia more than anything else. 

    It is a freedom being smoke free. Something that when most of us started our quits we never really understood. 

  3. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
    65 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    16 Sep 2019 in reply to eagerquit
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    Hi eagerquit,
    Awesome job!  Awesome stats!  Congratulations! 

    We choose not to smoke today.
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
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    16 Sep 2019
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    Hi eagerquit,

    Way to go!  Your stats are amazing!  Isn't it great to be a non-smoker?  Life is so much better on this side.
  5. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    237 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    17 Sep 2019
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    Hi eagerquit,

    Thank you so much for sharing your success with us.

    It must be so nice to think about smoking in the past tense  ... like something fading into the distance in the rear view mirror of life.

    And just look at how much you've gained, starting with your freedom!!!

    Cheers to continued success and making changes for the better,
5 posts, 0 answered