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Dublin Guys Journey

336 posts, 0 answered
  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 65
    Deep breaths. Somehow I'm getting through this. I'm using the mist like no ones business but its better than smoking. I found another mist spray in my bag that my friend gave me months ago. The date is up on it but I'm gonna use it anyway. Save's another €30. Meeting up with a mate this Saturday who knows I quit and I'm gonna stick with the plan to see if he notices I'm looking better. Sorry for all the moaning this last week or two. I know I'm not the first or the last quitter to battle these horrible urges at this stage of the quit. If it were easy to quit, no one would smoke. I see people smoking now and instead of feeling 'oh just to have one' I almost feel sorry for them. 
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Bad new guys... I slipped and smoked a cigarette. At lunch time today I was going crazy at work because people were irritating me and I could feel my anxiety go through the roof. I walked towards the shop intending to buy a pack and a lighter but then turned around and walked back towards the car park where I used to go to smoke. A friend was there and I asked her for one. She gave it to me... different brand to what I  used smoke. I smoked it and then went back to the office but that resulted in me fast going to the bathroom to throw up. I was so sick I had to leave the job for the day. 
    I didnt really enjoy it and it made me sick so thats testament to why Im not letting go of this quit. I simply cant smoke anymore even if I want to. Getting sick from something is a true sign its just not for you.

    So Im going to carry on with the quit as it was. At least I didnt buy a pack and have to drown it or give it away. Please dont be mad or disappointed in me... I was getting really bad thoughts before I slipped like feeling I would snap and lash out at people for no reason. And Ive learned a lesson from it. 
  3. lfa
    lfa avatar
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    Hi, I am following your thread from the beginning, never posted here before, but really want to support you now & say you're not alone here. I quit in beg. of January and also on patches still. I had 2 slips over this time. The days I slipped I choose to be compassionate to myself. 1- i am not weak or bad; it's my junkie brain trying to get to that old patterns. 2- I try to capture, journal and memorize all the observations around my emotions that day. I try to understand what exactly triggered me and it's getting more and more crystal clear to me how the addiction often becomes the cause for bad emotions. (which then leads to an excuse to get a cigarette). For me the awareness around how addicted brain trying to TRICK me and play on my emotions became eye opening. I think it was also helping that coincidentally, the next day instead of being sad and blaming myself I did ice-skating or something active. It was actually like a reward for sticking with my motivation despite difficulties. Thank you for all your journaling here! I read it almost every day especially when feel urges. It helps me to get that needed pause, delay and eventually to get through another day without cigarette.  
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    10 Feb 2022 in reply to lfa
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    Thanks Ifa. That means a lot. A slip up is part of the process I guess and while I wish it hadn't happen, I have to dust myself off, pick myself up and keep moving. Today is still Day 66 of the quit. I didnt enjoy the cigarette at all so I know now Im not missing out on anything. I took today off work because I just needed a break from the demanding office and people annoying me. That was the trigger yesterday. I only have two weeks left in that job so Ill be ok but I just dont want to even be there.
    Today Im just at home taking it easy and using the spray with the patch on. Im going to just continue on like I didnt slip and forget about it. The good thing about what happened is that I didnt buy a pack. Thats what happened in past failed attempts and having a full box around would have only meant Id smoke them all. So thats good. 

    Strangely enough Im not getting any urges today. Maybe by having that one smoke Ive convinced my brain that I dont need them anymore and Ive moved on. Just did that job interview and I think it went well. Keep your fingers crossed for me. 
    Last modified on 10 Feb 2022 11:55 by dublinguy
  5. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy: When I first read your post I said AWE SHIT. Then I read on and realized it was a slip . Knowing how hard you are trying I know you will carry on with your quit. As they say if you fall off the horse, you get right back on and keep riding. Now you can related to how hard to quit really is. Iam glad you are still on track and keep using NOPE now more than ever. stay safe and keep writing.
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks fisherguy. I appreciate the support, I really do. It was just a moment of weakness and a slip. No way am I going back to smoking. Not a chance. 
  7. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    So you had a slip.  You're human, it's okay.  You are using it as a learning experience, which is really impressive.  Now you know for sure that smoking is not the solution to anything and in fact, it makes everything that much worse.  It sounds like this slip has actually strengthened your resolve.  You should be proud of yourself for the way you handled it.  You didn't run out to buy a pack.  Instead, you went home to practice some self-care and reflection.  That is the right thing to do.

    I have faith in you, dublinguy.  You are going to be okay.  Sending positive vibes your way.
  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    09 Dec 2021
    11 Feb 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    Day 67, and my dashboard says I've saved €1005 now... That's one incentive to keep going.
    I'm back in the office today and the thoughts of smoking are lurking again but I wont give in to them this time. 
    Yesterday I had an interview for that job back home and I think it went well. Have a second round interview wit them in person next Thursday. So fingers crossed.
    I just bought the second pack of Step 3 patches.. so from Sunday Ill be on my last week of the patch program. 
    Somewhere in my mind is niggling at me to smoke again but I know that was the slip I had Wednesday. The fact it made me sick is a turn off and I didn't sleep very well Wednesday night after the slip either. Smoking is just so bad for us. It would be so easy to give in now but I'm not going to give up. I want to reach the 3 month target and then the 100 days and so on and enjoy life as a non smoker. I suppose I smoked a pack a day for what... 25 years so in the context of things 1 on day 65 wont negate the whole quit. I wouldn't be able to cope with having to reset the counter to 0 and have to restart the patches all over again. 

    I told one of my friends .. the one Im meeting tomorrow for a bit of lunch, that I slipped and smoked one. And he told me the exact same thing happened to him a few months back. He was going crazy from the urges and just had the one but only managed to smoke half it. Pretty much the same as me... so I know I'm not the first or last that this will happen to. The important thing is what you do about it... and not buying a pack is what saved me this time. To think I almost did buy a pack... Id be gutted now knowing I smoked the 20. So there's good in this and I learned. Not gonna say anything about it to mum.

    My breathing is still better, its not sore when I take a deep breath in like it used when I smoked. I slept fine again last night... so I cant let that little slip ruin what I'm fighting so hard to keep. Its a big lifestyle change. I can do this. I think at this stage into a quit... between 2 and 3 months the urges and cravings are mental not physical. The physical stuff is gone. I coughed smoking that one on Wednesday and as already said, it wasn't the euphoric experience by any means. So I just have to keep going now, accept the slip happened and put it behind me. The reason was I was agitated at work.. gonna have to watch out for that going forward. At home yesterday there were no urges at all... and I got through the interview.. the waiting and post without an urge. So the physical part of the quit is now dealt with... I think. But its the mental part now I have to focus on. I'm reading back over this thread again to remind myself how far I've come. And every fibre of my being is yelling 'hold onto this quit! that slip wasn't real because u didn't even buy a pack... keep going!'. 

    Thanks again for your kind words of encouragement fisherguy and treepeo. I needed it. :)

    (after lunch).. went back to that little cafe and had my latte sitting outside again. A Friday treat. Read over Oceans thread and Andys as well. They are both great threads to read over to stay focussed. Will take it easy over the weekend and keep on the path. NOPE...

    I prob wont post over the weekend but if I get through it Ill be back here on Monday on Day 70. 
    Last modified on 11 Feb 2022 09:46 by dublinguy
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    13 Feb 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Day 69
    Just chilling here at home watching netflix. I think the Hell week last week has now given way to a happier week. No longer getting urges at all and Im not thinking of smoking for the first time. Went for a drive out to the offices where Im having that interview next Thursday. Just as well I did, the business park was a maze of office buildings. 
    Met with my buddy yesterday and he told me I was looking so much healthier in the face and skin wise. 

    So things are looking up. 3 months is on the horizon now. 
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 70.
    Well I made it through another weekend. Last week of the patches now and I'm using the mist.

    I'll admit, the slip I had last Wednesday is playing on my mind ever since.. Am I just an imposter now saying I'm 70 days or 10 weeks quit.. but then I think of how much I used to smoke and haven't reached for one or go buy a pack since the slip. And I've seen other posters here have slips too so I have to accept that it can happen. Cant beat myself up over it cos there's nothing I can do about it. Its not the end of the world and at least I saw that I don't enjoy it and I'm not missing anything. I'm not back at 5 days cos what about the 65 before that I didn't smoke.. This is all such a mind game. I feel the physical urges are now as good as gone... but mentally I'm not there yet.

    This is the last week of the patches so it will be interesting next week if the nicotine cravings spark up again when I've no patch on. I still have the mist to help me. Happy Valentines Day everyone.
    Last modified on 15 Feb 2022 06:23 by dublinguy
  11. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    You are definitely on Day 70, make no mistake.  You earned every one of those days and then some.  I mean geez, think about how many cigarettes you would have smoked during this time if you hadn't quit when you did.  It is actually quit mind boggling when you have an app that actually keeps track of stuff like that.  For me, the cigs not smoked since I quit 5 years ago is roughly 47,000.  47,000!  Holy cow!  It's a wonder I could breathe at all before I quit.

    Don't doubt yourself, dublinguy.  You are totally committed to your quit and you are doing the best you can.  When life gets hard, just keep telling yourself that you won't let it get the better of you.  Tell this addiction to take a hike.  You have better things to do.
  12. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 71.
    Thanks Treepeo1 for that reassurance. And you're right. My dashboard is saying I haven't smoked 1420 cigarettes. I'm imagining that many cigarettes laid out on the table and its quite shocking to think that's how much I would have smoked. My poor lungs.... 47,000 cigarettes. That's astounding. 

    I'm still a bit on edge. I wake up in the morning at 7am and it's a struggle to get up and come into work (cos I don't like it). I got permission to take leave during the day on Thursday to go attend that interview. I really hope I will get through it ok and get the job. But if not, its not the end of the world. Moving home would be a challenge but it would be nice to see family everyday and not be so alone like I am here in Dublin. I'm not sure how I would describe my mood. I'm happy but the job situation sucks. I'll still have to go back to the old job for a few weeks even if I do get the new one. Yuck.

    The urges aren't bad this week. Just the odd niggling now and then. Nothing I can't get through. It feels good to say to myself 'I don't smoke'. And the dashboard is telling me I've saved €1065. This is the first time in years I'm not living from pay cheque to pay cheque. 

    The two men I rent a room from both got Covid last week... so I have to keep my distance and stay in my room when I'm home. If I were smoking I'd have been in and out of the kitchen heading out the back where I used to smoke, breathing in the same air as them and then filling my lungs with toxins. No doubt I'd have picked Covid up from them but no smoking is saving me I reckon. I use the spray at work when I need to. I can't wait to finish the patches this Sunday coming and then I'll be on the way to clearing the nicotine out of my system... aside from the mist. 

    I noticed that Im coughing up a bit of phlem this last week or so.... and one honk was blood stained. So my body really is clearing itself out now which is encouraging. Its only in the morning when I'm in the shower. 

    It was my aunts 1 year anniversary since she died yesterday. Her house is up for sale and its kind of sad looking at the rooms in her house now all empty on the website. Real hitting home that she really is gone. Im connected with her family (ie my cousins) on Facebook and not one of them had a post up about her anniversary. Makes me a bit teary but I know that's just my crazy emotions due to quitting. they prob put an add on teh local paper like people do and Mum will have saved that so Ill see them when Im home again. 

    Life sure isn't all laughter at the moment..

    (after lunch) Went for a walk again on my lunch to get some fresh air. Now I'm going through a few urges yet again but bought a bag of moo mints instead. I know from my slip that to smoke now would make me ill and my lungs to burn so no way am I gonna go there. Its not worth it and this quit is too valuable now.
    Last modified on 16 Feb 2022 09:15 by dublinguy
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 72.
    Feeling a lot better today. Had an urge earlier to go buy a pack and smoke but I resisted. This is definitely the stage of the quit that I would fail in the past but Im focusing in on all the good things that are happening to stay motivated. Its so easy to forget how hard we fought at the start so being able to read back over it here is a great help. Do I want to have to go through those nights of heartburn and getting sick again? No way. Keep using the spray.

    I've only three patches left now so Saturday will be the last day. That's good cos at least I have Sunday free to see how I'm doing. Bored out of my mind at work here today so that's a challenge. In fact, I'm bored a lot of the time now. As a smoker I really didn't do very much aside from watch tv and smoke on the hour and drink. Now as a non smoker I'm going to have to try and come up with new things to keep myself busy. 

    We're getting storms here today and tomorrow. I like seeing it rain and glad I don't have to get out in it to get my fix anymore. I do feel at times when the urges are there that I'm actually going a bit crazy. The 'need' to smoke coupled with the battle in my head to keep fighting is hard to get over. And I know its that 3rd month hump that I just have to try get over... once Im into the next month and off the patches and more used to not being a smoker things will get better. I think this is the furthest Ive gotten into a quit before so its the addiction trying to get me to cave and be a junkie again. If I didnt have this place to post my little rants I'd be driven mad. 

    To give in now would mean this entire thread will have been for nothing and I want to be an inspiration to others and a resource for helpful tips on how to beat the habit once and for all. So Im holding on with all the strength I can. 
    Last modified on 16 Feb 2022 09:46 by dublinguy
  14. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hey dublinguy,

    Yes, I remember those days when you've about reached the three month mark and somehow you think, okay I did it, good for me, now let me give in and have a smoke.  It's this darn addiction playing with your head.  But you have to stay strong and ride it out.  Eventually those thoughts will be fewer and farther in between, and you won't even think about smoking.

    I'm glad you mentioned covid, because now it's more important than ever to quit.  I remember reading at the beginning of the pandemic that people who smoke get sicker if they get it.  That makes sense given that it attacks the lungs.  And look, it kept you away from the people you know who have covid, so that's good, right?

    Just be careful that the stress around your work situation doesn't trigger you into doing something you'll regret.   You have worked too hard to blow it now.
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    17 Feb 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    Day 73.
    Horrible day in work today... bit stressed out. Hate it. Came back from the interview and it was very fast but I think I did ok. They said they would let me know by the weekend so fingers and toes crossed.
    Thanks Treepeo. Im not going to do anything stupid to risk the entire quit. Ive come too far. 

    I might switch from the spray to the lozenges.

    I just read some old threads on here.. 3 or 4 pages in and the help on here is so amazing. I'm going to use the phrase... 'my quit is far more valuable to me now than a single smoke could ever be'. Annoy someone else today you wont win with me. It helps as well I have some mates checking in on me everyday reminding me not to give in that I would regret it and be so disappointed. And that's true. I was disgusted and ill after that slip I had on day 65 and the cigarette was rotten.. did nothing for me. While the spray isn't a replacement its getting me through the difficult times. I wouldn't even call them urges or cravings anymore... its just an old habit trying to surface. But that's not me anymore... I'm not that guy that stinks like an ashtray anymore. 
    Last modified on 17 Feb 2022 10:56 by dublinguy
  16. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi dublinguy, 

    Sorry to hear about the stressful day at work, but the glorious thing is that you have been able to remain smoke-free and strong throughout. So, congratulations on day 73! 

    That's a lovely phrase, "my quit is more valuable to me now that a single smoke could ever be." Thank you for highlighting it. Doing this sort of mental work -- rereading early journey entries, looking at the gains from quitting -- is helping to keep you strongly motivated, it seems, and helping you to stay on track where in the past you've been derailed. 

    It sounds like you might have some concern about coming off the patch on Saturday. That is understandable. FYI, there may be a day or two of increased cravings, similar to when you stepped down. It's good that you'll have low-dose NRT to help in the transition. Plus all of your hard-won skills and know-how, of course. If you're feeling not ready to go off the patch, too, there's no harm in using it a little while longer. 

    Wishing you continued success,

  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 74
    Well the news is I didnt get the job back home. Bit disappointed but maybe its for the best.
    Going good with the no smoking today. Not many urges at all. Bought another spray mist just to be ready for coming off the patches. Today it does feel that things are getting better. Was a rocky road there for a while with the mood levels. I felt a bit depressed and the urges were making it worse. But Im good today. Heres to another good weekend. No plans so just take it easy. Got some wine for the evening here and will just watch some movies and chill out. Heading home next Thursday for a long weekend before going back to the old job 
    Last modified on 18 Feb 2022 13:24 by dublinguy
  18. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 77
    Another weekend over. Did absolutely nothing aside from watching Netflix and old tv series. Watched ER season 1.. some of it anyway and a US presidential series called Designated Survivor. Have stopped using the patches now so I only have the mist. So far so good. Haven't noticed any major difference in mood or anything. The weather has been miserable all weekend so couldn't get out to do very much. Off work Thursday and Friday this weekend so heading down home to make a long weekend of it. I need it. Will post again later if anything happens :)

    (later in the afternoon).. work has me driven demented today. Only two more days here after today so I can hang on. I've used the mist a lot today to help me get through and then what I find is I don't need it at all when I'm at home. So defo at work is the danger zone for me. I didn't really get urges today to smoke but definitely felt a bit stressed and wanting a break... but I know that break can no longer come in the form of a cigarette. Thats not who I am any longer and I'm ok with that. I looked up 1 bed places to rent in the area... 1400 a month for the most basic of accommodation. Is the world gone mad!? I'm just looking, under no pressure to move from where I'm living but I'd love to live alone again. The plan was to try save a lot of money this year and maybe by this time next year look to see if I could go about a mortgage. But I think I'm dreaming and if I move to a 1400 a month place in the meantime I can forget about saving.. there wouldn't be much left every month.

    The good news is I'm not smoking and I'm 11 weeks into it now. I really think I've turned a corner on this journey and I'm feeling positive that I've actually managed it this time. The key is now to just hang on and ride out the rest of this 3 month starting leg... after that I should feel less tempted and weak.... 
    Last modified on 21 Feb 2022 10:35 by dublinguy
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 79
    Can't believe I'm almost at 80 days. I recall a few weeks back seeing a post up for 80 days and there was me thinking I would never see it but here I am. Definitely feel 'different' this week now that I've come off the patches. Different in a good way. I no longer notice people smoking like I used to and the smell doesn't bother me like it did. Today is my last day in the job I don't like so I'm heading home again in the morning for a break. The car needs to be serviced and NCT'd so I'll get that done and hopefully it will be good for another year. 
    Still using the spray when I need to but that's becoming a habit now more than a need. If you use it too much I feel it kind of burns your throat. Not sure if I'll buy another one after this one. Will see. Just popped into the office of my old job, the one I'm going back to and they've changed a few things for the better. I'm going to look at going back as a positive step. I used go out to smoke on the hour so it will be interesting to see how I get on. 

    But in general, I'm doing good here. Treepeo was right about the 'so I'm here at 3 months.. yeay.. big whoop.. now let me have a smoke'. But I'm not going to do it. I'd still like to have one or two but I know I can't just have the one or two. I'm an addict and that pack a day habit would fast return if I let myself slip. This quit means too much to me now. 
  20. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulation on your 80 days smoke free. Your doing great. 3 months is awesome. You should be proud,,You picked yourself up and carried on..Good for you. You can do this. Remember NOPE..Stay positive..
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 84
    Just back from a long weekend break down home in my parents place. The time sure goes fast. Feeling great. Can't believe 3 months is now in sight next Sunday. Its almost like I'm expecting some sort of euphoric event when 3 months comes cos I know the 2-3 months is my trigger and danger zone time in a quit. The patches definitely worked for me this time round. Into my second week of flying it solo now and it feels great. I feel liberated and the urges are not there at all. I still think about smoking but also think of why I want to be a non smoker just as much so I know I'm on the right path here.

    My mum said if she sees me smoking again she'll be very disappointed and wont support me in any quit again... lol.. no worries there cos having gotten this far there is just no way will I go back to that filthy habit again that was draining my energy, making me sick and robbing my bank account daily and making smell like about 5 cats took a pee on me. No way. Finished up in the job last Thursday and they gave me a card with money in it as a send off. Was not expecting that. Bought myself a new pair of jeans and a top as my reward. Got the car seen to which cost a fortune as well... something about shocks gone. Have to get it tested again next Saturday for wheel tracking but it should see another year for me... by then, if I keep this no smoking up, I'll be able to afford to buy a new one. 

    NOPE... and have the mist on the side when and if I think of a smoke. 
  22. tinalee
    tinalee avatar
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    Dublin Guy,
    Congratulations on all your progress. I enjoyed reading your journey as it's very inspiring and nice to see. I am glad the patch worked for you I hope to be where you are one day on the patch program too.  Keep up the quit
  23. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 85
    Hi Tinalee... welcome to the quit forum and well done on your progress so far. It isn't easy but as the days and weeks go by it definitely gets less difficult to resist the urges and you get used to not smoking... it becomes normal. For me it was definitely the habit that was hard to break and to ignore the urges and triggers. The patches were a huge help and I stuck to the program... 6 weeks of the highest dose, then a further 4 weeks, 2 of the 15mg and then 2 of the 10mg... and I used the Nicorette mist as well.... now that has become a habit.. a squirt here and a squirt there. But it really helps. and before you know it you're on day 85 with the 3 month milestone on the horizon.. If I can do it.. so can you.

    Using this forum as a journal really helped me as well. and reading other peoples threads. Today Im back in my old job and so far so good. Its way easier than that stressful job I was doing for the last 3 months. Ill never complain about this job again. But maybe the quitting smoking added to the discomfort in the other job too.

    I bought another mist just to have it as backup. Think Ill continue to use the mist for a while... but the great news is I have no inkling whatsoever to smoke. Seeing Fisherguy make it to 3 months and freedomchild at 4... Im gonna get there too.

  24. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 86
    Still feeling good. Counting the days down to Sunday now to hit that 3 month goal.
    The job Im doing now is so much less stress than before and everyone has been so nice to me since I came back... I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Not getting the urges to go out and smoke and Im surprised by that as in this job before I would be heading out on the hour every hour to get my fix. Even the guy I share the office with made a comment about that and I bet hes noticed the lack of that yucky stench off me too. This feels so nice. Theres a bank holiday coming up in 2 weeks time for St. Patricks so Ill probably head home again for that. Trying to persuade a mate to book a summer holiday this year... cant wait to be at the airport and not needing to smoke.
    Last modified on 02 Mar 2022 06:48 by dublinguy
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 87
    I have to admit logging in here everyday and adding a day to the day count really makes me feel good. Ive read over the entire thread and what a journey its been full of ups and downs, life changes in circumstances regarding the job, up and down from home, meeting friends... its all been part of the journey of getting to 87 days. This time, just maybe I have done it and managed to keep the quit in tact no matter the obstacles and challenges.
    I'm waiting to get to Sunday for the big 3 month finish line... that's a huge milestone for me but I know I have to keep on plugging after that and adapt now to life as a non smoker. I'm not getting strong urges or cravings at all anymore... I do think of smoking now and then but it passes.. 'oh that's something horrible that I used to do but not anymore'.

    Really love reading threads on here. I read Madersons 'back with a brand new quit' thread from start to finish and what an inspiration he was... a year in by the end of it. Hope he is keeping well wherever he is and same with Ocean and Andy.

    Once I hit 3 months I will probably follow Andy's path... Not post as much on this thread as I really have nothing to say only that Im so happy to be smoke free and the urges are gone. But I will definitely be checking in from time to time and here to offer any advice or tips where I can. For me, this quit.. I think what worked was that I really just wanted to not smoke anymore. I was fed up with it... the stench, having to stand out in the cold, being the only one in my family (apart from a nephew and cousins) and friends who smoked, coughing, sore throat, and obviously being broke and living pay cheque to pay cheque each month. Maybe I just outgrew the habit like we do when we 'grow up'.

    Thanks to everyone who posted back to me along the way... I feel a bit emotional here typing this.. but you have no idea how much I appreciate the support and the help and the kind words when things got tough. I cant believe I've done it. Now if only I could eliminate alcohol but Im not ready for that one yet.. maybe in time but I love my bottle of white on a Friday after work... or the few pints with my friends when we can... and of course my childish fat frogs watching tv in the evenings. We have to have something nice in our lives.

    Heading to the pub later after work with one of my mates for a few pints... we call them scoops too here in Ireland. This is the friend Im gonna try convince to book a holiday with me later this summer. Somewhere nice as a reward for the effort and with the money I've saved I can afford it. Last holiday I went on was back in 2018 to Santorini Greece for 2 weeks. Just imagining now lying out by the pool (not smoking), cocktails and then the beach and a nice dinner in the evenings... would be lovely.

    This really is a great website and congratulations to all the coaches for keeping it going. Its been a huge factor in my quit journey and I feel I've made some real friends on it along the way.

    NOPE.. not one puff ever and have a great smoke free day everyone.


    (later in the afternoon) Just bought another mist spray just so I have it. Guess Ill be doing a thread about quitting the mist next. But that's ok... I know I can just stop that but its just handy to have at the moment as I near the three month hurdle :)
    Last modified on 03 Mar 2022 10:26 by dublinguy
  26. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
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    04 Mar 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy,

    This forum was my lifeline when I quit.  I logged on first thing in the morning, and it was one of the last things I did at night.  The support we get and give to others is invaluable in our fight to beat this addiction.  As you can see, your posts have inspired others in their quest to quit, so they help both you and everyone else.  I hope that makes you feel really good.  You are an inspiration!

    I travelled to Ireland years ago, and tried my first Guinness there.  Holy cow, I would never be able to give that up if I lived there.  I think it's the most delicious beer I have ever tasted!  Now, it may not be your drink of choice, but I say, go out and have fun with your friends.  As long as you're not smoking, why not?  Grab your pleasure where you can.

    As for travel, you will be delighted to travel without worrying about dealing with cravings.  I used to get so uptight knowing that I had hours to spend in the airport before I could even board the plane.  Then waiting for luggage, etc. drove me around the bend.  I couldn't wait to get outside to smoke.  Once I quit, that all changed.  I got a bite to eat at the airport, and even had a coffee, and I had no cravings at all.  I was much more relaxed and the trip was actually enjoyable.  There really is freedom in being a non-smoker.

    I look forward to celebrating more milestones with you!
  27. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    05 Mar 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy, 

    So proud of you for hanging in there with your quit! Wow tomorrow will be 3 months for you in your quit journey, a huge milestone, make sure & do something special for yourself. Keep rocking your quit! You are doing great! 
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    06 Mar 2022 in reply to wandam
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    Well here I am... 3 months into my quit today. This is a huge milestone for me and I didn't think I was going to make it. But I'm here. I know that things will be easier from now on once I keep NOPE and stay away from smoking. So on with the 4th month. Ive read back over this thread several times and it really helped retain the resolve. It wasnt easy but I was able to rant here when I needed to and that helped beyond measure. And reading other peoples threads really helped as well. To anyone starting out... if I can do this you can too. Just bite down and ride it out and you will be free.

    Some stats that I am so proud of...
    Savings$ 1,350.00
    Days Smoke-Free90
    Cigarettes Not Smoked1800
    Last modified on 06 Mar 2022 07:17 by dublinguy
  29. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
    81 posts
    18 Jan 2022
    06 Mar 2022
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    Congratulations on your 3 months smoke free. You should feel proud. This isn't easy at all.  Being free of it is great. Your doing an awesome job. Keeping NOPE in mind is one that even helped me. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done...
  30. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    01 Dec 2021
    06 Mar 2022
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    congratulations on your 3rd month quit. We You and I made it through the terrible  3's . 3rd day 3rd week and 3rd month. Things do get better and less stressful from now on, trust me I know. We are only 2 weeks apart in our quit but not that I am a expert or anything , you will find you will think less about smoking and more about other things. Enjoy your freedom and give yourself a pat on the back. Talk to you at month 4.
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