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Dublin Guys Journey

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  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Stephen. Things do seem to be going very well this time around and nowhere near as many cravings as I had the last time I gave up. Now I do get the urges... like after dinner or when Im having some wine... but thats just the association habit thing raising its head and knowing what that is and recognizing it for what it is helps. 

    I was nearing 40 smokes a day there the last couple of months... sometimes 60 if we were out on the town drinking. That was just getting ridiculous in terms of cost and my health. I had a very bad cough for months that I couldnt get rid of. Now the bank balance is sorting itself out again and the cough is all but gone. So things are looking up. Was told I look fresher in the face and the weight is starting to come back on because Im eating more now again. Which are all good things. 

    We can do this! 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Great job Dublinguy 
    this time is your time
    keep up the good work !!
  3. ststephen
    ststephen avatar
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    Hi dublinguy. Yes the associations are tough. I have had to change many routines and am taking a break from some social environments that may trigger. What I have found is that my ability to recognize what may be a trigger is not great at times. Getting better but still clouded. So for example I think that I can handle going to see a band or something but knowing that my judgment may be off has helped me make better choices. Not forever - I love live music - but for now. Like not going even though part of me say I’ll be fine. Hopefully I’ll that makes sense. 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still going. Almost a month now. I have to admit, drinking wine does make it challenging to stay away from smoking... and I get cranky as hell if I dont have a patch on. Sometimes I forget to put one on and apparently Im like a 'wasp'... lol. Feeling a lot better though. And eating much better. Hanging on in there with it.
  5. ststephen
    ststephen avatar
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    Awesome news dublinguy! Right there with ya. Just hit 30 days on the weekend. We got this!!
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well hello my Canadian friends. Her I go again back with yet another attempt. Its a bank holiday here this weekend so Im allowing myself to smoke until next Tuesday but after that - bye bye smoking. It really has to go this time... and its best friend Pinot Grigiot with it! Enough is enough and I know the damage Im doing to my lungs. Looking forward to keeping a daily log of the process like I did before. The help on here and the simple kind words of encouragement are enough to keep one motivated to keep going and not give up giving up. God loves a trier as they say. Hope everyone is keeping well. 
  7. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Good luck on your attempt Dublinguy, and I've stopped and started too many times to count. I've managed to make it 2 weeks so far, and hoping it keeps up. Wishing you all the best when you try again 
  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Dogmother. It does appear that we have to make several attempts before it finally sticks. I still had a few smokes left in the box this morning from the long wk end so Im gonna smoke those and tehn go at it like a jack russell goes at a rag doll toy... Im not gonna let smoking beat me this time and I need the money.

    The price of a pack has gone up again over here... 15.50 for my usual pack and 16€ for a pack I pick if they dont have my usual Marlboro Gold. Thats a luxury holiday right there in very little time and I do wanna go abroad later this summer to relax and get a break for the norm here. Im going to do it this time and I know I can do it once I put the foot down.
  9. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I'm rooting for you Dublinguy, and you can do it! Sometimes it takes what seems like a million tries before it seems possible. I'm not out of the woods yet, but today is 3 weeks for me, and it is getting easier. Paws crossed it sticks this time. I still get cravings, but I just tell myself I don't smoke anymore. I'll fall for anything! Lol  You go for it like that Jack Russell, and hoping for the best for you.
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks... I havent quite managed to pack em up completely but I have cut right back... Im giving myself Monday coming to really kick em to touch. The minute I say to myself that they have to go, something happens that stresses me out and Im climbing the walls to smoke. Its madness! I have the puffers on the go and the patches so I have the armour to fight this... but I just need a break from work stress and whatever else... even if I could get just one 'uneventful' day and let me focus on the quit... but no! Even watching the news these days is stress inducing. GGGGGRRRRRRR..... Jack Russell mode needs to be put on....

    Well done on your three weeks. They do say it takes 28 days to break a habit so your almost at that point now. Keep going... I managed to quit for 6 months last year so I know I have it in me to do it.. and I Loved Loved Loved having the extra cash in my bank account... it was a great feeling. so I need that back. 

    Together .. we will do this!!! 
  11. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    We will do this together, and when you're ready, you'll jump in there with both feet. You know you can do it, if you managed to do it for 6 months, and the extra money is nice! I'm liking that part of it!! I found the past few days pretty rough, and I had lots of cravings, but managed to stay smoke free. Phew!!🙂 We will muddle through this whenever you're ready.
  12. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well, Ive managed to quit smoking in work.. thats a good step in the right direction cos I was taking breaks on the hour come hail, thunder, snow or sun... I was out sparking up. So I happy with this progress. Got a new puffer yoke to help me and I can use that in my office. I still go outside and use it there but nowhere near as often as I used to. Seeing others smoke outside isnt really bothering me yet.

    At home in the evenings and the mornings before work is a different story. But today Im really gonna try not to head to the store for a pack. Its all just pure habit and routine. I love sitting out the back in the sun with a glass of wine and smoking away to beat the band one after the other. But I know its stupid and my partner hates the smell of the ashtray... so thats incentive to quit. We're also looking at holidays now for September and then again in December so with the money I save by not buying a pack everyday, Ill soon have the money for these luxuries... we all need something to look forward to. So today Ive asked that when I get home, we have a glass of wine out the back but then go for a walk... just to break up the routine. Smokes now cost $15.50 here and if I do the math, every day at least one pack... its a no brainer. And for what? to clog my arteries, mess up my lungs, smell bad and look green in the face. 

    I dont think so! Im gonna tackle this no head on and I think Im ready. 

    I hear you with those days of struggle... the start is always the hardest but the motivation keeps you going. Then its just a matter of sticking to your guns and holding firm. And the terrible threes.. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months... I recall that from my last big quit. 

    Onwards and upwards now. Ive done it for work... this is the third day of not smoking there. Just an extra push now to eliminate em from at home. 
  13. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Congratulations on not smoking at work, and you're doing great! Baby steps! Pretty soon you'll stop smoking at home, and it sounds like you're determined to do it. I really like seeing how much money I'm saving, and that's a real motivator for me. I wish the cravings would stop, because there's days where I could eat a pack! Wishing you good luck 🍀 as you find what works for you.....and you're absolutely right about the 3 days, 3 weeks, and I hope I'm still smoke free at 3 months.
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still going great with not smoking at work. Now its to cut it at home... Just have to put the horse blinkers on when Im passing the shop on the walk home. Persuade myself they dont sell cigarettes there anymore. They are banned. lol. Im gonna do this no matter what. Just cant afford them anymore and the prices seems to be increasing by the week. 

    Puffer on hand and the patch on. Lets go! Wish me luck. 
    Last modified on 20 Jun 2023 04:12 by dublinguy
  15. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Wishing you all the luck in the world! We're very similar being equipped with all our non smoking gear. I have the patches, inhaler, and the gum, and I won't go near a store. Who'd have thought it would be so hard to quit!
  16. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Its a nightmare... Its just a matter of self talk, a few tears if need be and to get angry with yourself for having that ball and chain around your neck.
    I happy with my progress with not smoking at work. that's a good step in the right direction... but that morning cigarette with a coffee, and then at home after work after a long day, and then with a few glasses of wine. I've a lot of work to do. It helps my partner hates smoking and is keen to see the end of the full ashtrays out in the garden.

    Heading home to Cork (where my parents live) on Friday so I will try not to smoke for the weekend and see if that can break the chain that I'm stuck in at the moment. And I want to go to Spain at Christmas so those flights and a hotel have to be booked soon... the money I save on not smoking would pay for both in less than a month.. have to re-focus on all the good that comes from not sparking up... Ill get there... but as you said... baby steps. 
  17. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Keep at.  You can do it 
    one day at a time
  18. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks JB... yes Im still lurking about these forums... glad to see a familiar name here and even more glad to see you still doing so great. Its encouraging to know this battle can be won.
  19. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Hope everyone's still on track, or getting on track! Has to be one of the toughest journeys ever
  20. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi dogmother - Not fully on board the train yet but my time is coming... had a few dramas over the last few weeks that stopped the full commitment but I beginning now to run out of excuses so my time is approaching very fast. Its all in the head... you just have to make that decision then go for it and then really stick to your guns and drill the reasons why into your head. I wanna go on vacation somewhere nice in September and that costs money, so thats incentive enough. 
  21. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy
    You might be boarding the train soon! I totally get how hard it is, and it's amazing how many excuses we can come up with. Whoever said people lose their imagination as they get older, never met a smoker with excuses! I know you'll do it when you're ready, and maybe a trip will be the incentive you need . I'm still stunned at the money I'm saving, but I still won't go into a store yet. Don't want to be tempted into buying a pack, and hopefully someday I won't even think about that. alot of money if I never go into a convenience store again!
  22. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    You're doing great dogmother... remember to reward yourself at each month anniversary to have something to look forward to... even if its just a dinner out somewhere or a trip to the cinema.. something you wouldnt do if you were still smoking.
    I hear you on the convenient store business. Its so hard to find the strength to just keep walking by when you know how easy it is to get the pack of smokes and the demon telling you 'ah shur one smoke wont hurt!'. It will! It could land you right back to being a full pack a day smoker again. Theres a thread somewhere on here where the person was talking about this very thing... she was in floods of tears in the car and decided she had had enough and was going to smoke and tell no one. She got to the door of the shop and something stopped her from going in... Will power... thats what this quitting business takes... will power and willingness to try. 

    I find posting here really helps me when Im trying to quit. The support you get is lovely and its nice to read others stories and not feel so alone in the battle. 
  23. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi dublinguy, it is awesome to still see you on here, not giving up & moving forward towards your quit! I quit & relapsed several times & struggled each time to quit again, but like you I was determined to keep at it & not give up. I’m rooting for you! Take Care & congratulations on your engagement! 
  24. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Thanks for the words of encouragement Dublinguy, and it helps. I've been starting to waver a little bit lately, and have actually thought about buying a pack, and telling myself I'll only smoke 1 a day! Ya right!! Lol  I'd be smoking the whole pack, and that story you told about the girl who was going to buy a pack, but got to the door and didn't, really made me think. Brought me back to thanks so much, and good luck with everything you're going through too
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Today was meant to be Day 1. But my partner went cleaning the house yesterday and moved my patches from the table to God knows where in the house... so I couldnt find them this morning to put one on. Tomorrow is D Day. Will get more patches from the pharmacy today and give it a go tomorrow. I didnt smoke last night watching movies which was a good accomplishment.
    Stuck it up on Facebook that Im giving up again so this time now I mean business. The money saved last time is enough of an incentive to do this.
  26. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    good job dublinguy.  keep up that attitude.  quitting smoking is a journey, and it takes will and you will have to hate that habit.  don't forget slips are part of the quitting process, so don't be ashamed when you relapse.  just get back to your quit, and learn from your mistakes.  

    also keep in mind that smoking is both and addiction and also a habit, so if you want to win the battle, you will have to focus on changing your habits which trigger your addiction.
  27. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Jeyan. Today is Day 1 and Im really gonna try over the weekend to not smoke at home. I still have a few smokes left in the last packet I bought so if I go mental, I can have the one or two but once they are gone, thats it. I did it before I can do it again... and I need to make sure I look good for my wedding pictures in 2 years time... lol. Also will need the money for holidays and new clothes from any weight I might put on. Last year when I quit for 6 months I couldnt believe how much I saved, simply by not paying the €15.60 a day per pack - often a second pack is bought if Im going out on the town. When you do the maths on that alone its actually scary. Basically Im working to feed that filthy habit thats actually killing me... if they were good for you Id say something... Partner getting sick of me saying Im going to quit and doesnt believe I will do it but I will! 
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well... so much for my plans to quit over the weekend. Drama Dram Drama so the timing was wrong.
    But Im sat here now in work on a Tuesday morning, the drama has subsided and I have the patch on and the puffer on my desk. Half the battle with this is all in the head. I need to focus on how good I felt last time I quit and hold onto that knowing the first few weeks are the worst of it.

    Im really struggling with the no smoking at home bit. Its too easy to have a few glasses of wine watching a movie and ducking out for a smoke. Partner loves having to pause the movie while I smoke and then the stench when I come back in. I remember getting that smell as a non-smoker and it really is disgusting. 

    I will get there with this... just have to stop buying them.. too expensive for one thing and they do nothing but cause more stress and anxiety. I still have a few in the box left over from yesterday and they are at home today not with me here. Maybe if I can get through the week not smoking at work, which seems to be ok... and then only a few at home in the evening till that pack is gone... thats progress. the full on quit wont be such a shock then when I finally get on it. 

    Why oh why did I start smoking again when I had gotten to 6 months.. I was doing so well. but no point looking back on slips and over analysing them. Cant do anything about it only use it as ammunition for this quit. always stay on guard. Im an addict to nicotine and always will be. GRRRRRRR.
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Going well now and back on track with not smoking in work. I am using the puffer now and it does taste a lot nicer.... I have a strawberry one and a second apple and peach... yummy. 
    Not the same story at home yet but Ive bought the patches and I wont buy any smokes on the way home from work today. Taking this slowly because I dont wanna fall on my face again... but I do feel like I have more energy already simply by not smoking in work. Im more 'in the mood' to get stuff done and more interested or something. 

    So positive steps happening here. 

  30. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi D ublin guy.  Just got back from the fishing camp, and saw you online. It is nice to read your posts again. Yep it is very hard to quit and I get what you are going through. We are here to support you on your new journey. You did it before and you can do it again, The time does fly and soon it will be 6 months again of not smoking. Just use NOPE  NOPE and NOPE.  Keep writing I will be waiting for your progress report.. Good luck.
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