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Dublin Guys Journey

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  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 4 - still going. I think this time round its the habit that needs to be broken not the addiction. I had a few moments last night watching tv (Downton Abbey) where I would have liked one but I used the elfman inhaler in those moments and got through. The weekend now will be a challenge but have made plans to go visit some places I haven't been before. Its all about keeping busy and distracted; not cooked up in the house feeling sorry for myself. NOPE! keep going... :)
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Had a good weekend... managed to stay clear of the smokes and I bought another inhaler (apple and melon flavour). Lost my phone on a night out - foolishly left it on the table but I didn't panic or get worked up like I might have done as a smoker.
    Back to work now today but only have today and tomorrow to get through and then Im on vacation mode. So looking forward to getting away for the few days.
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well hello my Canadian friends. I made it back from my holiday in Spain. Didn't smoke and was not bothered at all going through the airports. A lovely time and wasn't tempted at all to buy some even though they are so much cheaper there than here. NOPE.
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still here hanging on. Got a new puffer today cos I forgot my other two at home this morning. this one is strawberry and melon flavour. They don't beat the drag of a cigarette but they definitely take the edge off. Next trip on the agenda now is home to Cork for Christmas and my partner is coming too. Have to be a non smoker for that cos Mum said she was very disappointed that I was smoking again having gotten so far. The guilt of that alone is enough to get me back in the saddle.

    Im heading for a hair consult with a restoration clinic on the 16th November. Plan is to spend the money Ive saved by not smoking on hair restoration in the new year. A little gift for the hard effort.
    I mentioned in another thread that I was beginning to sweat at night from smoking and soaking the bed much to the disgust of my partner... so that's another reason to quit for good. how disgusting. And my feet were smelling too. Its amazing how u don't notice these things until u give up. Smoking is just bad news all round. Nothing good about it.

    Hopefully I manage to keep up the effort now and not go back. I have to do this. And coming here keeps me accountable. Makes me know that Im not alone on this journey. Aiming to get all my Christmas shopping done over the next week or two. Cant stand crowds late December time in the shops and not smoking I know id be ratty as hell so best get all that done.
    Oh and looking at holidays in the new year again. That trip to Spain was great but we didn't go for long enough... next time will be 10 days and nights at least. Back to Spain again I reckon.. place near Barcelona. I used to live there before for 3 years so it will be so great to get back there again and see what has changed.
  5. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
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    09 Nov 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi Dublin Guy.
    Sitting here at work, I have a lot of free time LOL.  Im only on day 5 and was having wicked cravings tonight, even with the patch. I think its because I have so much free time and used to smoke whenever I wanted, just to relieve boredom. So, I hopped on here for encouragement. I read your journey, and I  really hope you stay smoke free. This is my 3rd time, I even went 2 years one time.. It really is a stinky dirty habit and pisses off my friends when I have to go out for smokes after meals ,during visits and after a trip before we can get a cab home. Im sick of the anxiety of needing a smoke, but in the same breath want to go screw it, Im a smoker and people need to deal with it. Givivng it a go though! Good Luck to us both!
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    I know exactly what you mean jmac56. What I found was I kept making excuses to allow a smoke here and there... but we're addicted... there is no just one or two.. one or two packs maybe. I even had my 'emergency stash' but that was being dipped into on a regular basis. So here I am back at it again. I do wanna quit for good though for so many reasons so Im holding onto those in my head and using my elfman puffer when the urges strike... I used the spray before but grew to dislike the taste. It does help though. Im no longer sweating a night now in bed which is great. Cant believe its almost a year now since I began this journey.... pity I didn't stay a bit stronger back in June and kept that quit going... I did try but life caught up with me. Finally things have settled down now so I have no excuses anymore... and the cost alone is a big factor... they just keep going up and no one can afford that everyday.
    I've reset my start date on this so this so here we go again.

    Love reading about other peoples journies on here and the struggles. Keep sit all real.
  7. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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     Hi guys. I can understand what both of you are going through. Having smoked for all my adult life , It is like giving up your best friend.  Yes I still get urges to say I will try just one, but I know it will lead me back down a road I can't travel. You both are doing great, keep up the fight. It is worth it. Use NOPE  Stay strong.
  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Fisherguy. I look up to you as inspiration in my quit. You have done so well and a year is now fast approaching for you. Cant believe it. Im struggling here and the urges are real.. especially in testing times. Last night I had an argument with my partner over something stupid and I was so close to caving in to try deal with the stress... I was getting ready to pack my bags an all... lol. But I used my puffers instead and had a good nights sleep and all is good again.
  9. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
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    14 Nov 2022 in reply to Fisher Guy
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    Thanks Fisher Guy
    Back at work and have made it 10 days now with no smoking, I had to pass on a dinner with some family members that smoke last night because of not feeling strong enough. They understood. Feeling pretty good today.  Cheers! 
  10. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
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    Hi Dublin Guy!  Ive been there. When I quit for my 2 years, I was with someone that didnt smoke, after we split up, I went "f*ck you"! and started smoking again, which was really stupid. We are always looking for reasons and excuses to start again.  Im 10 days smoke free so far.  Hope you are staying smoke free as well. Cheers!
  11. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    That's great jmac that you are 10 days now. I keep having starts and stops.... apparently Im like a wasp when I quit for a day or two and that sets me right back. I have the puffers on the go and the patches but its just trying to commit to it like I did before. Its really hard. Ill get there and Im not gonna give in but its very testing.

    The one good thing that's happening.. Im going for a hair assessment appointment on Wednesday, to get restoration done. Its been a bit thin on top since the age of about 23 and the money I saved by not smoking will go towards the procedure... so Im hoping that that will give me reason to stamp out the smokes for good.

    The other good news is that when I visit my parents back home, I have zero urges to smoke and can go the entire 4 or 5 days I stay without them. And neither do I smoke at work cos its too cold to bother looking for some sneaky hideout to go and smoke at... and the shop across the way doesn't ever seem to have my brand. So I know I can do this I just have to be firmer with myself and put up with being a 'wasp' for a day or two to get over the initial hurdles. Grrrr….
    Last modified on 14 Nov 2022 09:31 by dublinguy
  12. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    17 Nov 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Sorry I haven't been around to support you lately.  I am dealing with serious breathing issues and am now on oxygen.  Trust me, it is no fun at all when you struggle to breathe.

    I know how hard you have tried to quit smoking, and you continue to struggle.  It is all part of the process.  Try to stay strong no matter what.  Honestly, I know that if I hadn't quit when I did, I probably wouldn't be here today.  And there is so much life to live.

    Once again, you have to figure out how to deal with stress without lighting up.  I know that money is a motivating factor, so keep thinking about the hair restoration you would like to have done.  Savings add up fast when you quit smoking.  And how wonderful to put that money towards things we really want.

    You are a fighter, dublinguy.  Give yourself credit for all the work you have put into this process.  You will become a non-smoker for sure.  Believe in yourself.  I do.
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well hello again my friends. March 1st 2023, its Day 1 again for me. Patch on, all trace of cigarettes and lighters gone, puffer in the bag for emergencies. I'm going to do it this time. I've done it before, I know the drill. I know its not going to be easy but I do have support this time that I didn't before and of course, all of you on here to help encourage me and look for inspiration from. 
  14. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulation on your first day. You can do day at a time..NOPE NOPE NOPE,,Not one puff ever
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Freedomchild. Each time we try to quit we get closer to the goal. Made it through the first day ok. Even went to a bar last night and had a few drinks and while I would have liked to have lit up, I managed to pull through without doing so. A few people came in from outside after smoking and the stale stench really was disgusting. Funny how as a smoker, you just don't notice that smell.

    Day 2 now. Patch on again and still holding strong. It has to be mind over matter this time.

  16. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Great to see you back Dublinguy 
    This time will be your quit. Best of luck to you.  One day at a time.  You can do it
    NOPE !
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Jb63. took me a while to get back here but Im here now and that's all that matters. At least Im prepared now for what lies ahead. Its not been so bad so far and no side effects yet which is good. I have a very supportive partner in this so Im not alone this time in it. My downfall last time was moving into a house where it was ok to smoke and the smell of it in the air got too much for me. Wont fall for those traps this time and absolutely no smoking on nights out.

    I developed an awful cough these last few months from them and already that is easing up. So that's encouraging. I know 6 months is my downfall time as well. So I will keep the guard up this time and stay close on here for the help and support.
  18. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy. So go. to see you back. Hope all is well . You will beat this habit, I  f eel it. Keep saying NOPE.All my best.
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 3 - still going well. Didnt have any wine yesterday cos I just didnt feel like it. This morning I forgot to put on my patch so I got another box in the pharmacy and put one on. I think its still relatively soon after my last big quit attempt so it doesnt seem as much of a struggle this time around. Heading into town later for a few drinks after work. I think what helps too is that no one I hang out with now smokes... I was the only one nipping outside to smoke on my own. So that helps... no temptations or anyone to give me the 'one' here and there. 
  20. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Good for you, you can do this. I wish you the best in your quit..
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 7. Still going good. Feeling better but have been getting tired for bed earlier than usual in the evenings. Not really able to drink as much wine either anymore it seems. Appetite slowly getting better. Gonna stick with this now and really give this a good go. I felt great last year as a non smoker so I wanna get back to that again. 
  22. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Good for you. Sounds like your doing well. I to plan on sticking with it this time. Smoking was making me feel to dragged out.  I feel so much better not smoking at all.. NOPE NOPE NOPE
  23. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Yeah... I was coughing like no ones business for months from smoking. and i smelled bad.. sweating at night... thats seemed to have stopped now. 
  24. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Went to a bar last night and had a big argument with my partner. Ended up asking a guy outside if I could bum a smoke cos I was at my wits end. Then my chest burned after it and I felt a rotten taste left in my mouth. Wasn't worth it. Then on the walk into work this morning I was tempted to buy a pack but I walked straight past the shop with my patch on and didn't even slow down. Arguments are not helpful to a quit and we are easily rattled in the first few weeks. Keep on going. That's all I can do.
  25. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    One day at a can do this. and good for you to keep trying,,stay strong...
  26. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks freedomchild. Thats just it isnt it... take it one day at a time, accept the slips can happen but not let them take over or become weak and fail again. I was delighted I was able to walk past the shop without going in to get a pack. 
  27. ststephen
    ststephen avatar
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    So great that you passed it on by and that the bummed smoke was gross. Fall down...get back up. Flipping fabulous dublinguy. Easily rattled is the right term. I have been trying to remind myself of this at every craving so as I can see the addiction's  power more and more clearly. Trying not let the demon get me. Kill the demon!! N.O.P.E.
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thats's exactly it Stephen. A demon trying its best to get its claws into us again. I remember sitting in the bar saying to myself, 'just ride it out. Give in now and the next time will be even worse'... but I just needed to get away from the table for a few minutes. At least I didn't buy a pack. Yesterday was absolutely fine. Minimal cravings and no problem even after two glasses of wine watching a movie. 
    Patch on again today and marched straight passed the shop again on the way into work. Bought a nice big breakfast for myself. I'm definitely eating better again which is good. Another week almost over. 
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still going strong. Second weekend coming up now. Lets hope I can get through it ok. then next weekend we are heading down home to Cork for the long weekend so that will be fine. 
    We went back to the hotel bar again yesterday evening for a bottle of wine and that was fine... no urges to smoke struck me. Im getting better. Still wearing the patch and Im gonna run the whole programme. 
  30. ststephen
    ststephen avatar
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    The best word for it dublinguy - demon. It really is. Hating big tobacco helps :). They are all about $. To hell with them. You are inspiring me!! I'm at two weeks. On the patch. Gonna go with the whole patch thing too. You had some wine and still didn't do it! Simply amazing. 
336 posts, 0 answered