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Dublin Guys Journey

336 posts, 0 answered
  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 46.
    Yes freedomchild, I feel very proud of myself for getting to this point. I was a heavy smoker and had so many triggers that have been hard to fight through, but I've managed it. I know from past quits that as the weeks go by, its very easy to forget how hard we fight at the start and we think 'ah I'm fine now, I can have a smoke and will be able to continue the quit'. Wrong! big no no. The quit goes out the window and we're back to the old ways. I've come too far this time now to let that happen... 

    Last night I dreamed again that I bought a pack and had smoked 4. It was so real. And in the dream I was telling myself, 'it's ok you can just continue on with the quit like nothing happened'. Relieved when I woke up. lol. Have to laugh at such dreams and what a hold smoking has on us. I'm not thinking of smoking nearly as much anymore... but I log on here and read read read just to keep the want to quit fresh on my mind so I don't slip up. 

    Only 1 patch of Step one left now for tomorrow then Ill be onto Step 2 of the program on Sunday. 

    Savings €690.00
    Days Smoke-Free: 46
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 920

    Last modified on 21 Jan 2022 08:58 by dublinguy
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 49.
    Moved onto the Step 2 patches yesterday. So far so good. The smaller ones are so cute in comparison to the bigger ones. 2 weeks on these 15mg ones and then onto Step3.
    Few mild cravings yesterday but was able to get through them.
    Mad vivid dreams last night.. was dreaming of an aunt who passed away last year. We were on a bus and she fell out the door onto the pavement and I ran to pick her up and then bring her into the mall to buy a bunch of flowers cos she had dropped hers on the fall... It felt so real.

    Weekend was nice.. too quick though. Went out for drinks friday after work with a mate and we stayed in a hotel room for the night so had a lovely hotel breakfast saturday morning. Saturday was meant to meet another friend but was too tired after friday. Thought Id lost my mist spray but found it again. I find if I use the mist too much I end up coughing up a load of mucus. Sunday then I just chilled at home watching netflix. And now Monday morning back in work. 

    New guy started in the office today. Can smell that stale cigarette smoke off him when he comes back in. Cant believe I used to smell like that and never noticed. No amount of Calvin Klein can mask that stench.
    Last modified on 24 Jan 2022 09:41 by dublinguy
  3. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    ya I have vivid dreams as well. They seem so real. I take a few dèep breaths when I wake up. That seems to help a little bit.  Your doing great. Just awesome.
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 50.
    Cannot believe I've made it to day 50. That seems like such a long time but it has really flown by. 
    Sticking to the patch program and using the mist has worked so far so Ill keep going. 
    More vivid dreams last night but I cant remember what they were about. Its like going to the cinema every night. I remember I had that too when I was using champix. 
    Was feeling a bit restless yesterday at home and hungry all the time. Just have to keep on going. The end of the patches program is now in sight and then I guess will come the real test. Ill probably be using the mist for a while yet.
  5. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Time really does goby fast. Done with step 2 of the patches, and on to step 3. that will be only for 2 weeks. congrats on 50 days, wild isn't it that we made it this far, I understand about your dreams . I get them every once in a while, not to often, but they are vivid . Keep up the good work and stay safe.
  6. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulations on day 50.  your doing great. You got this. NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  7. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 51.
    Still going strong. Last night I had a few urges again but I just parked the ideas and used the mist spray. I'm nearly finished the second one already but its a life saver in those times of weakness. I definitely have a lot more energy than before and I'm feeling a lot more positive. Got the blood results back from a blood test I did last week and I have increased lymphocytes indicative of some sort of infection. Hope its not Covid but I reckon its related to not smoking... the immune system kicking in to clean up all the damage I did by smoking for years.

    Was nice looking at the welcome section of this site to see some new members starting off on their journey. By no means do I feel like an expert but I can relate so much to those early days of a quit when your mind is all over the place and the cravings are non stop. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Good luck to all.

    I'm reading Oceans thread again cos it was around this time in her journey that she had a few slips. Reading about it is really helpful because she explains it exactly how it is and I can relate so much. To slip now would bring those cravings and urges from the first week right back - no thank you! no thank you indeed!!!! 

    Been busy in work these days so that keeps me occupied. I haven't noticed much with the lower dose patches but I keep putting one on every morning and will get more on Friday. Gonna go the whole course as they advise and see how I go. Mood is so so... still a bit bored and thinking that a smoke would be so lovely now.. just the one.. but as Treepo said... it would not be the euphoric experience I think it would be.. Id cough my lungs up, feel dizzy, hate the taste and then be disgusted with myself and 15 euro out of pocket. thats just the deamon addiction trying to get me to cave in and I know its a one quick jump to be a full on pack a day smoker again if I give in now. Each time I get an urge I just tell myself... 'you can beat this.. you can win this game... and look at your dashboard and all that money saved'. and of course NOPE to seal the deal. Then the craving is gone and Im so happy for getting through it. January is nearly over now already so month 2 is on the horizon.
    Last modified on 26 Jan 2022 04:54 by dublinguy
  8. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Keep up the good work; Your doing good. Give yourself a pat on the back, and say how awesome your doing. NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  9. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    So glad to hear you are resisting those urges!  They truly do come from the addiction, and try to convince you that it would be nice to have just the one.  But that is the furthest thing from the truth.

    You know, for a long time after I quit, I enjoyed smelling the smoke from other people's cigarettes.  But now I can't stand it.  It irritates my nose and makes me want to sneeze.  And it burns my lungs as well.  I remember how when I was a smoker, I couldn't stand people rolling their eyes when I was smoking outside.  I thought, I'm outside, relax, what's the big deal?  Well, now I know.  it really is disgusting, and second hand smoke is dangerous, too.  There is just nothing that is good about this addiction.

    I hope you get over your infection soon.  Make no mistake, not smoking will only help you in that regard.
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    27 Jan 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    Day 52 - challenging
    Thanks freedomchild... hanging on in there going from day to day and holding to the belief that soon Ill be free of this addiction and wont even be thinking about it anymore.

    Hi Treepeo1. Great to hear from you. Hope you are doing well. You always give such great advice and the support really does help. Hopefully whatever infection I have will clear up soon and my blood picture goes back to normal. I do suspect its the quitting smoking though and my body is fighting furiously to clean up the mess. Funny how as a smoker I never cared about things like that. I was happily poisoning myself day in day out without a bother. Idiot me. No way at this point... just no way am I setting that count back to 0. 

    Will definitely buy some new clothes or something this weekend to cheer myself up a bit. Maybe I should post less often on here as well and see if that improves my mood. But I reckon Ill be on here till at least three months spilling the beans and moaning away... 
    I do love the smell of fresh smoking... but the stale smell off a smoker then turns me right off and is disgusting. I read in some old threads how hotels and restuarants make u smoke on patio areas around the back hidden from view... some even surrounded in wire like cages. Like a pack of wolves tied up and caged. Thats what being a smoker has come to. So glad Im not there as a caged tiger any longer.

    Was in a meeting there for work and hadn't a clue what was going on. Hate feeling like that cos it makes me anxious and that in turn causes an urge. Its funny how I now have to learn how to get through life as a non smoker.
    I went from a job that I was in for 4 years and had become so routine... I knew exactly what I was doing. And now in this new job where I basically have no idea what's going on.. and there's a team of people as opposed to me on my own. Just have to give this time to adjust and keep learning. Better opportunities with this job, so like the smoking.... I can't look back, that's not where I'm going.

    My second mist spray is gone so I'm buying another one today. I might be using it too much lately as a result of moving to Step 2 of the patch program with less nicotine and also the fact the new guy started and I'm smelling the stale stench we he comes back from his breaks. But I keep on telling myself the number of days I've come so far... I haven't died... i've no illness symptoms.. if anything I feel better in myself and not feeling gloomy like before. So I know I'm doing great... I guess i'm just past mid way through the first 3 months which is when its hardest. Oh to be like freedomchild now on 3 months... i'm jealous. 

    I'm going to go buy the mist now and then go for a little walk to get some air into me. Trying to make plans with a buddy for the weekend but he might be babysitting so nothing sure yet. Just need to keep making things to look forward to. 

    Thanks for the support all. It really does help and I love reading threads here to get encouragement. There's no way Id have gotten this far without this forum.

    (back from the walk) I think I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself today and I suppose we are allowed days like this. I stopped off at a small little cafe and got a latte and sat outside watching the world go by. Plenty of smokers and the whaft of cigarette smoke almost made me cry. I got a new spray mist from the pharmacy so Ill use that. NOPE... not one puff ever again. 

    When I think of slipping up I try tell myself hold on.. it will pass. How embarrassed Id be telling you here that I gave in cos I was weak, telling my mother who is rooting for me, my friends... its just not worth the guilt. And Im the one rooting for myself the most here. I know from past quits that when I relapsed I just threw in the towel completely and went back to smoking... and then it takes years to build up the courage to try again; and to stick to it.
    Last modified on 27 Jan 2022 11:08 by dublinguy
  11. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    hey this is challenging sometimes. I try and give myself lots of self talk. Most of this is all in our own minds. Really it is. we convinced ourselves of all these lies when we smoked. Now its time to tell ourselves the truth. NOPE NOPE NOPE.. not one puff ever, we can do this. It really isn't that bad, it really is a disgusting thing. we can beat this addiction.  We are worth the fight. I know its hard sometimes but you can do it. You are doing great. 
  12. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 53
    Thanks freedom... that self talk really works. 'hold on, keep going, don't give up, better times ahead'.
    Yesterday was a strange day. I wasn't really craving but the urges were all day in work. Once I got home I was fine. I went to bed early and slept right in till 7.30am. Looking forward to a lie in tomorrow morning. 
    I bought the second box of the step 2 patches yesterday evening so Im set up for the week. As much as Im tempted to smoke Im gonna stick to the plan and hopefully come out the other end still smoke free. It must be the step down to the 15mg patches that have caused these feelings this week. Its a struggle but Im trying to stay strong.

    Just back from a short break and went to that same cafe again. They were playing Whitney Houstons song 'Step by Step'. How appropriate... the lyrics ring true for what Im experiencing now. lol. 
    Last modified on 29 Jan 2022 07:24 by dublinguy
  13. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    So good to see your progress with your smoke free journey! It’s a hard addiction to quit & a struggle for sure. Those urges are real & suck but you are getting through them. You are forging ahead, step by step just like the song by Whitney Huston. So proud of you! Keep rocking your quit!
    Last modified on 30 Jan 2022 13:46 by wandam
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 56.
    Another weekend gone by.. the weeks are really flying by. 8 weeks in already. I think the awkward moments of last week calmed down over the weekend. Must have been my body adjusting to the lower level of nicotine. Im onto the second box of the step 2 patches now and will move to step 3 next week. If it gets too hard Ill go back to step 2.. or even step 1 again... and I have the mist at hand at all times.. just in case. 

    I didnt do much over the weekend, just took it easy at home watching a few movies. I went to the super market and picked up some food and ate well. Had a look in the clothes department but didnt see anything I wanted. Will go to another one during the week or next weekend. Need to get a reward for the effort put in so far. 
    The end of my contract for work is coming up at the end of February so that means it will either be extended for another few months or Ill go back to my old job. So they are kinda pushing me now in this job to do extra stuff... Ill take it in my stride with the mist nearby when I need it. Bit under pressure for sure though. Im not sure if I wanna stay on in this new job cos most of the time I havent a clue whats going on and the contract seems to be a rolling temporary one; as opposed to my old job that was permanent full time. Ill just have to wait and see what they decide I guess.

    I was going to stop writing daily updates here because Im overthinking the urges and craves but Im still gonna lurk around and read read read... just to keep distracted. With each week that passes I am getting more confident that I can actually do this... but its not been easy. So many times Ive been very tempted to throw in the towel and smoke. But I have some good friends and my mum encouraging me onwards to stick to the path. I do feel a lot better and healthier. 

    (after lunch). Didnt go for that coffee in the cafe today cos its too cold out. Just found out that I will be going back to my old job at the end of February. Thats a relief to be honest because this role is only a rolling temporary contract and pay increments frozen. The old job while boring, I had a lot more control and knew exactly what I was doing... which will help the urges.
    Last modified on 31 Jan 2022 10:11 by dublinguy
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 57
    Good day yesterday and today. I think I must be used to the 15mg patch now cos I got no cravings and haven't needed to use the mist very much at all. I remember in past quits it was about now, almost 2 months in that I would slip up and have 'the one'. Not this time. This time I'm determinded to go the full distance and finally be rid of cigarettes. I don't need them anymore. I keep looking in the mirror to see how much better I look, I don't smell of that stale yucky smell, my fingers arent stained from nicotine, Im breathing better, I have more energy and not forgetting how much money Ive saved. (€855 so far and rising by the day). I'm very proud of all that. 

    Keep fighting everyone; if I can do this anyone can. Not too bothered about the job situation. As I said, it will be less pressure in the old job when I go back so I wont have the same urges that I get in this new one. And no one smokes in that department either. It will be fine. But knowing Im going back, Ive now lost all interest in this new one. Don't care anymore.

    Have to thank everyone on here and the forum in general. Its a great place to come to get advice and encouragement. I dont think Id have made it without you all. When the cravings and urges strike I just come here and root around for something to read and it helps beat that urge right down. And then I smile. Another battle won. I like as well reading back on my thread and see the progress and how far I've come. Thanks. :)

    It would be nice to have a feature of private messages on here so you could maybe make friends on facebook or whatever. I feel Ive made buddies here with posters Id love to get to know better in person. 
    Last modified on 01 Feb 2022 11:04 by dublinguy
  16. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    You have 57 days under your belt - a huge congrats to you!  What a tremendous achievement!  See what you can do when you put your mind to it?

    Now you are really beginning to reap the benefits of being a non-smoker - breathing easier, not stinking of smoke, having more time, energy and money.  It really is wonderful.  Using the money you save for anything other than cigarettes is a bonus.  I used to treat myself to take out or new video games as a reward for not smoking, and I still had lots of extra cash for other things as well.  

    I'm glad to hear that you know what you are going to be doing job-wise.  It's hard to be in limbo, so now you don't have to worry.  Your future is shining bright!

    Rock on, dublinguy - you are doing great!
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 58.
    Finding it tough today... few hellish urges telling me that to smoke 1 would do no harm. Used the spray to distract myself and to get through it. I'm fine when I'm at home but in work its a fight. But I know I can do this and beat the addiction. I don't want to let anyone down, least of all myself. It must be that I'm getting less nicotine from the step 2 patches so I have to assume this is normal. I read Oceans thread around end of page 3 page 4 when she was at this stage and definitely noted the urges were strong around now as well. It's not driving me crazy yet, but man its a fight to stick with the program. 
    Thanks to all who have responded to me in this thread... it all helps. And thanks big time to Treepeo for always taking the time to give some helpful advice. I'm looking at you all and know that quitting is possible; so if yee can do it, why can't I. Cant believe its February already. On the 6th Ill be 2 months in. Then just another month to get to 3 and things should improve big time then. 

    I'm grumpy... thats how best I can describe it. And before I used to think a smoke would help, I know it would only make me feel worse if I slip up now. So I'm holding on as tight as I can. This must be the Hell week of the addiction kicking the bucket to try get me to cave in. What a nasty habit smoking was. And evil!
  18. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Long-time reader, first time poster (to this thread). I can see in each and every post you've made just how important this quit is to you. You said yesterday that in past quits you'd often slip up at around the 2 month mark, but that this time is different due to your determination. This time you also have a community of support here to back you up on those more challenging days. You also have the mist; it may help to use it more today to help balance things out after stepping down to the Step 2 patch. I also like that idea you mentioned a few days ago about rewarding yourself for your success; a day like today might be a good day to find yourself a reward (or two!). 

    Hope the rest of the day gets easier for you. Congratulations on 58 days!!!!
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi Efram, thanks for the reply. The mist sure is a life saver. Not sure how it works to be honest but when I'm having a craving or an urge I just give myself two squirts, swish it around for about a minute then swallow. It leaves a minty taste in your mouth and then poof.. the craving goes. Also the support on here is incredible. Everyone cheering each other on and wishing each other the best. Its a massive support that I haven't had in past quits. I'd be lost without it. I know I've kinda used this thread as a type of journal commenting on each day and each step... but it really helps. 2 months is definetly a challenging time for me so I'm doing my best to hold on and get through this unpleasantness. I'm going to do it this time cos smoking just isn't an option anymore. Both health wise and financially.. they literally were sucking the life out of me. As for the reward... Im getting very mean with my money. Seeing the bank balance slowly rise has resulted in me wanting to keep seeing it rise so Im not wasting money anymore. I plan on going to the mall this weekend to buy some new clothes. 

    Even though I've been complaining, a part of me is clutching onto this quit with every breath I have. I never want to go through this again. 
  20. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 59
    Still here. Tomorrow will be 60 days; Sunday will be 2 months. This week has been a bit of a challenge this week but that could be as a result of stress in work as when I am at home in my room, Im not getting the same type of urges. As well as the spray I'm drinking strong coffees too. And reading away on here reading up on all those quitters who have had success. When I started out getting to day 60 or 2 months was but a dream. Now its in sight so I just have to hold on.

    Have two more patches of step 2 left. I'm not sure if I should stay on Step 2 for another week or if I should bite the bullet, put up with and battle these urges at work and move to step 3. I have to think about that one.

    The problem with work is I know the contract isn't being extended and Ill be going back to the old job. So now its like I don't care about anything and don't even want to be here... but I keep getting assigned new work... It's a doozy.

    NOPE. I've got this. 

    (post lunch)... I went to that little cafe again and sat outside in the good weather. That's kind of a little treat I'm allowing myself lately. Even to just sit there alone and no smoking. Saw a few people puffing away on the walk and the smell was lovely. But its like my brain is shut off now and I know I just cant have one. This feeling is definitely new to me this quit. So things are looking up. I just have top prepare now for the weeks ahead with the lower dose patches and finally finishing the two weeks of step 3. Deep breaths... I can do this.
    Last modified on 03 Feb 2022 10:15 by dublinguy
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 60.
    Mood is lifted. Feeling good and very excited to be this far in. It says €900 saved and 1200 not smoked on the dashboard. Thats insane. 
    Gonna wake up early tomorrow and drive home to visit again. Ive no plans for the weekend so I don't want to be stuck in my room doing nothing. NOPE. Onwards and upwards.

    I wonder how Fisherguy is getting on. Almost time for him now to come off step 3. I bought my first box of the Step 3 to start on sunday.

    Still getting the strong urges...but only when I'm at work. And sometimes when that happens I think, 'this is just too hard'. But I know its just a long term habit and smoking was a crutch I used to break up the time and escape for a few minutes. As much as I'd love to light one up at the moment I'm keeping NOPE close to heart. Deep breaths and plenty of water. If I can just get another month under my belt Ill be ok. I'm in that danger zone now of 60-90 days when its oh so easy to slip up cos your brain is telling you that one would be ok. Was gonna ask a mate if he wanted to go for drinks after work today, but he still smokes and I think I'm not ready for that test yet. Id end up having one of his. I'll get there. But it's still a fight.

     If I smoked now, Id soon be saying 'its ok to smoke at work'. Then that would lead to cravings coming when Im at home and then Id be smoking there too.. and in the car while driving... So its better just to keep trying to battle through and know that it will soon get better. Knowing Im getting out of this stressful job in 3 weeks or so will help and Ive time off booked for the end of the month to look forward to. May Heaven and God help me get through this... I have so much respect for all you guys who have lasted to 60 days and kept going. Man its hard. 
    Last modified on 04 Feb 2022 06:15 by dublinguy
  22. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulations on 60 days that's great. Good luck on step 3, you can do it. Your doing great. I know those urges can be awful sometimes but you get stronger with them as time goes by. Self talk always helps me. Saying i can do this and it isn't that bad. Your doing awesome. remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.
    Last modified on 04 Feb 2022 14:25 by freedomchild
  23. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks freedomchild. I appreciate that. I have to recognize that 60 days is great and to give in now would just be a disaster. Id buy a pack and smoke the lot and be disgusted with myself. That's what happened in past quits. The urges would get so strong Id give in to them and then have the pack at hand.. for one a week on a Friday or something silly like that. But in doing that, all those cravings from the first week would come flooding right back and Id be back to being a pack a day smoker in no time. So I'm holding on here. 

    For some reason today has just been horrible. I just have an hour left in work and if I can just make it home without buying a pack Ill be ok. Its that 60day hiccup I guess. Ill head home tomorrow and that will break up the wk end. If this continues next week Ill go back onto the step 1 patch for another while. Its so annoying. But work has a bit to do with it as well.. im disappointed they said they are not keeping me on, but in another way Im glad cos I dont really like it. Im all over the place. 

    Going to make a pact with myself and this forum. In future when Im having tough days Im going to keep quiet about it and just use my spray and battle through it. Im giving myself this weekend to regroup and come back with a more positive outlook. Can only imagine how bad id be feeling now If i smoked. 
    Last modified on 04 Feb 2022 10:52 by dublinguy
  24. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy. was waiting for my 3rd month to come before I wrote, but you are right .  came off step 3  on day 70 so it has been 3 days with no patches. . Still get urges, but not as  bad as the first 2 months. My wife and I  went out with another couple yesterday at the Legion, and not once did  i even think about going for a smoke. What a good thought. Will post again on 3rd month anniversary if I make it and I will.NOPE works for me Keep writing and congradulation on 60 days. You got this..
  25. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hi dublinguy, 60!  awesome and I am so proud and happy for you. Give yourself a nice reward for all the hard work you have done, as you really do deserve it! I hope you have a nice restful weekend, as this is not an easy journey, and looking after yourself is so important. I napped and went to bed early lots, at the beginning as I could deal with cravings much easier than when I was overtired, or stressed, or both. And lots of distractions, walks, picture puzzles," mostly " healthy snacks, things that would keep my mind occupied. and there are so many helpful people on this site, I do spend a lot of time reading their stories, learning different ways that everyone deals with this addiction. I just needed to figure out what worked for my particular circumstance.
        Keep on going forward, you are doing it !  And have some fun, laughter really is the best medicine!!
  26. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hey Fisher Guy, Its so nice to hear how well you are doing, I'm happy that you let us know how you are, and it sounds like you are really working your quit! you definitely deserve a reward and a big pat on the back. when I was finished with the Patch, it was manageable for the most part, and when I did get a craving, I chewed 1/2 piece nicotine gum, but didn't take very many days to get past that too.
    I think there will always be certain triggers to set off a craving, but they don't happen very often anymore and don't last long. I sort of find it comical now, as they seem to pop up seemingly out of nowhere  at the oddest times! 
    Keep on going forward, your are doing it!!
  27. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks guys.. and well done Fisherguy. Ur inspiring me to keep up the effort.

    Well today marks 2 months since I quit... or 62 days. Im in great form and so pleased to have got to this milestone. 
    The bad urges stopped over the weekend... I went home to my parents for one day just to get out of the house here in dublin and break up the week. I was tempted to buy a pack but its almost like Ive programmed my brain now to forget about cigarettes when I enter a shop or a gas station. And I wasn't as on edge on the drive up and down as I was the last time I went. The car got its car wash this time...I used up all my mist spray again so I'll get another one tomorrow. And Im onto Step 3 of the patches now. First one of step 3 on today. Lets hope this week is nicer to me than last week. 

    But all in all... feeling good. Breathing better and I noticed I was able to sign in the car along to the radio without getting a sore throat. Thats a first in a very long time. 

    Thanks again... my dashboard is now giving me the two months update. It feels great. 
    Last modified on 06 Feb 2022 12:54 by dublinguy
  28. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Congratulations on 2 months quit.  Sounds like your doing a lot better. Good for you. Ya i also noticed my lungs feeling better, I  know that's a good sign when we start noticing these things.   Your doing great, awesome. 
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    07 Feb 2022
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    Day 63,
    Good day today. Few urges in work again but nothing like last week. I imagine myself now if I did buy a pack and smoked, Id be so disappointed in myself; its just not worth going there. Bought another spray this morning so using that as needed.
    Got a surprise when I got home. A phone call from a job back in my home city looking to interview me Thursday. Thankfully it can be done over Zoom. Maybe I should consider that and move home again instead of going back to my old job. Not sure I have the experience for what they are looking for but I can give it a try anyway. No harm in trying. Gonna keep that one to myself and do the interview and tell no one. 
    Last modified on 07 Feb 2022 12:12 by dublinguy
  30. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    08 Feb 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Day 64
    Still going good. I haven't really noticed anything different with using the lower dose patches for step 3 but I am using the mist spray when I need to. The urges to smoke are nowhere near as intense as they have been and I'm not even thinking about smoking as much. So something has definitely changed this week. Went to that little cafe again yesterday and it was raining but I was nice and snug in my coat under a street umbrella watching the world go by. Then when I got home I had that call about the job back in Cork. Was thinking about it all evening then. It would be great cos I could move home and see family again and save save save. Saving money is near impossible in Dublin cos everything is so expensive here. I'd miss a few friends I've made for sure but I think it would be a good move for me personally. I read over the job spec and I might have a chance. Fingers crossed.
    The thoughts of going back to my old job aren't really that inspiring to me at the moment. 

    I read back over this thread to just take stock of the progress I've made. I've come a long way and am determinded to go the distance with this quit. The stye on my eye is gone and the dry skin problem I had a few weeks ago seems to have cleared up. I'm still getting blood stained mucus from my nose - must be my lungs clearing out the crap. Other than that no symptoms really. I'm not coughing anymore and my lungs are no longer burning if I do have to clear my throat or cough. The horrible heartburn stopped too.

    So things are looking good and I'm still hanging on in there. This thread has become very journal/diary type marking the experiences as the days go by but it has really helped. Hopefully it will help others on their journey too. 

    (later in the day) Almost done with the day again... went to the cafe again to relax but when I got back to work the urges started hitting hard again. Ive used the spray a lot this afternoon and was very tempted to go and smoke. Man, when will this start to get easier. Just barely hung on today. Spoke out loud to myself 'hang in there dublinguy... this will pass... u dont need to smoke you are just missing something that was bad for u. hang in there buddy'. Made me almost want to cry but its working. 

    (later again) back home now and just chilling with a few drinks and the spray mist. Im shocked by the strength of the urges earlier but delighted I seem to be strong enough to fight them and resist. Ive 3 months now as my next target and its those terrible threes... Im going to get there and then I should be much stronger. 
    Last modified on 08 Feb 2022 13:46 by dublinguy
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