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Dublin Guys Journey

336 posts, 0 answered
  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Back again after the break down home. Still off em and im delighted. I was tempted by a few strong cravings during the holidays but i kept using the spray when that happened and it worked. Tomorrow Im am 4 weeks quit. Thursday Ill be a month into it. I really think this is the quit that is gonna stick this time as I have no intention of giving in now having gotten so far. Love reading here about what others are going through.. it gives a real sense of not going through this alone. 
  2. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Oh my gosh, dublinguy, you are doing GREAT!!!  I can't believe you are coming up on your first smoke free month.  Way to go!

    You are learning that every day, your quit becomes more valuable.  You have invested a lot of time and effort into your quit, and now you are going to start reaping the rewards.  I still remember how early on in my quit, I climbed two flights of stairs and then ran for the streetcar.  After I sat down, I realized that my heart wasn't pounding  out of my chest from the exertion.  Man, did that feel good!

    Keep going, dublinguy.  You've got this!
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    04 Jan 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    Thanks Treepeo. I'm over the moon happy about getting this far. And the further along Im getting, the more determinded Im getting to remain quit. Thank God the horrible heartburn has stopped at night time in bed. That was awful... Im finding Im having vivid dreams alright whereby I dream Im smoking and then relieved when I wake up. Thats kind of funny. It just shows how strong a grip smoking had on us. 
    Now my next goal is to make it to 2 months. Its 4 weeks exactly today and that dashboard is a real eye opener.
    520 cigarettes not smoked.. thats incredible that I would have smoked that many. Puts it all in context.

    Today was my first day back after the holidays and what do you know.. the cravings started striking again on the hour. Went for a walk with a friend at lunchtime and usually we'd stop for a smoke half way through but told her before we set off that Id quit and in fairness, she didnt stop to smoke in case id have been tempted. Its so easy to fall when ur a few weeks in cos you think ur over the hump and that just the one would do no harm. Its that way of thinking that has lead me to being quit now and struggling through the early stages. Keep going is all we can do... Im getting slight headaches now as well but nothing i cant handle. Smoking just isnt an option anymore. NOPE!

    Oh and Happy New Year everyone. Im so glad to be part of this Community. Helping each other. 
    Last modified on 04 Jan 2022 10:58 by dublinguy
  4. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    05 Jan 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy,

    I'm glad to hear that your friend was considerate enough not to light up in front of you.  Old habits are hard to break, and you don't need that kind of temptation.

    You are going to get cravings and thoughts of lighting up for a while, because this addiction runs really deep.  Even though I quit 5 years ago and love being a non-smoker, and even though I am battling metastatic breast cancer that has spread to my lungs, I still get the odd thought of wanting to have a cig.  It's ridiculous but there you have it.  We can never ever become complacent, because you just never know when this demon will raise its ugly head to try to tempt you.  That is why NOPE is so very important.  

    Also, at this point, if you did light up, you wouldn't get the satisfaction you think you would.  Your lungs would burn, you would get light headed and you would need to cough.  Even so, you would keep going because you wouldn't be able to stop.  That's how strong this addiction is.

    You have a new goal, making it to two months.  Stay the course.  You are doing great.  And give yourself little treats along the way.  You deserve it.
  5. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    So sorry to hear about what you are battling Treepeo. I can only imagine what that must be like. 
    NOPE is something im repeating to myself over and over now.
    Im one day shy of a month.... Ive been feeling irritated today by trivial stuff but I know this is just part of the process. Coffee and sweets to help me along and fresh air. Just back from my lunchtime walk.

    Agree totally with not enjoying it even if i did light up now... id be feeling sick and I know from past mistakes when I tried to quit and slipped... the taste is rotten but you keep smoking cos of the habit so u end up lighting up a second one and that's it.. hooked again. For motivation I just need to keep an eye on the dashboard and see the money building up. My taste has definitely improves too.... i no longer have that dry mouth I used to have as a smoker and have noticed ive a lot more saliva in my mouth now. The heartburn is still there a little bit at night but its nowhere as bad as it was the first week or second. I know its all just my bodies way of telling me it knows ive given up smoking and its trying to thank me. 

    Might go buy myself something nice at the weekend as a reward. Ill see. 
    Last modified on 05 Jan 2022 09:11 by dublinguy
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well... Ive made it to the one month milestone... have to admit I limped the last little bit. The cravings were hitting strong yesterday all day and I was tempted to go get a pack... but I used the mist and went for a walk again to distract myself. I love smelling cigarette smoke off people on the street but hate the stale stench off a person when they come in from a break. Cant believe i used smell like that. Funny how you just dont notice when youre a smoker. 
    Just paid my rent today so the bank balance is back to where it was but still a whole lot more than if I were still smoking. Going to stay on the step 1 patches for another 2 weeks or so and then move to step 2. Ive made plans to meet up with some friends at the weekend to have something to look forward to. 

    Ive noticed Im a bit more irritatable than i usually am this week. I should have taken this week off work as well. Hopefully this passes; I dont wanna be snapping at people. Also noticed that I, eating a lot better. The appetite has improved and Im finishing meals. I dont mind if I put on a bit of weight cos I was too thin as a smoker anyway. 

    Last modified on 06 Jan 2022 07:48 by dublinguy
  7. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Dublin Guy, 

    Congratulations on one month smoke free! What an exciting milestone to reach.

    I've been following along and reading about your quit when you post. I know it hasn't always been easy, but you have been so determined and have come up with great plans/strategies for each challenge.

    I hope you get a chance to celebrate all of your hard work. One month quit is something to be proud of.

  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Emily. It certainly has not been easy. The first week was awful and I was all restless but I was so eager to stay quit it pulled me through. By the second week things had calmed down and I started telling people that Id stopped... its all about getting used to not smoking anymore. I couldnt believe how many triggers I had. Work was tough going because I used take so many breaks; but starting the new job kinda helped with that one.

    This site is a lifeline... it really is... because you know everyone here or replying to you know exactly how you feel and that really helps. Ive read Oceans thread multiple times noting the milestones and the slips. I hope wherever she is that she is keeping well.. was almost crying by the end of the thread cos it looked like she was back smoking again. But that helps too cos its a kick and a pinch to not take the quit lightly and that a full pack a day habit is ever present waiting to tempt me/us. The break down home for the holidays was nice. I drank a few bottles of wine but remained off the smokes. A first in a long time. Ill prob head down again in February for a long weekend cos i have 3 days holidays left to take before march. 
  9. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    congratulations Dublinguy for your 1month smoke free journey. Ijust went on step 2 for the patch . It has been 6 weeks for me, so we are in this together. Will keep in touch and keep the faith and motto Nope 
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    07 Jan 2022 in reply to Fisher Guy
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    Day 32
    Well done and Keep going Fisherguy... 6 weeks is great... you're two weeks ahead of me. Nothing major to report today from me... still hanging in there with a big bag of hard boiled sweets in my drawer to keep me distracted. I bought another pack of the step 1 patches so I have em ready to go for the week. Gonna wait till Im six weeks in before moving to Step 2. I still have the spray and use it only when Im struggling but Im not using it as much as I was.

    The cravings are beginning to be less often now and Im not thinking of smoking anywhere near as often. Id still love to light up and have the one but I wont do it because I keep repeating NOPE NOPE NOPE and just think back on how hard Ive fought to get to this stage. 

    Im having vivid dreams. Real interesting ones that feel so real.... and ive noticed my taste has changed.. even water tastes good now. Im not drinking as much coca cola anymore... that was my thing.. coke and a smoke (or coffee and a smoke). Made plans to meet with a friend today after work for a few drinks. And meeting another friend tomorrow, then maybe get some food with a third friend sunday. Just so im not stuck alone in my room all weekend watching netflix. With covid rampant at the moment the urge to go out and do anything is low but I need to start doing stuff to expel all the extra energy i have now. Keep going everyone.. one more day is a new battle won. Im now keeping my dashboard open on my desktop at work so anytime a craving hits i click into it to marvel at the progress... how awfully sad it would be to have to reset those days to 0 again... it almost makes me cry even thinking about. 

    Enjoy another smoke free day everyone... NOPE is the only way.
    Last modified on 10 Jan 2022 05:24 by dublinguy
  11. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 34.
    Nothing major to report today. Went for drinks after work on Friday and it went well... didnt even think about heading outside to smoke and it helped that the friend I was it was really chatty and the evening flew by laughing all the way. Because of the covid bars now have to close at 8pm so it wasnt a late night. Today Im kinda feeling the pinch again.. its not cravings but more urges to smoke. And i have a headcold so feeling a bit ich. I love coming onto this site and seeing the tally of smokes i would have smoked go up. Gonna head back home next weekend to put all the decorations back into the attic. Parents are in their 70's so its to help out. And plus it breaks up my week having to do that drive down and back up. I think having idle time isnt good for a quit so Im trying to keep myself busy doing stuff. Right now im just having some fat frogs (a jucie drink with a tiny bit of vodka) and watching films on netflix. Back to work then again tomorrow. 

    Hope everyone is doing well. We are winning this battle. 
    Last modified on 10 Jan 2022 05:25 by dublinguy
  12. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 35.
    I cant believe I'm at 5 weeks tomorrow. I smoked my last cigarette on December 6th at 11.00am but I had noted my quit day as the 7th. So Ive changed it to the 6th now and I feel great seeing 35 days smoke free, €525 saved and 700 ciagarettes not smoked. NOPE... is the only way Im going to get through all this. Im not really getting cravings anymore which is great and the withdrawal symptoms like the heartburn at night have also stopped. But I did notice over the weekend that Im now getting 'urges'... not really wanting to smoke but more a yearning to smoke and they last longer than the cravings and hard to shake. Its hard to explain the difference but its very real. I read in Oceans thread that she experienced the same thing so I know Im not imagining it.

    Im sleeping like a log every night which is great and energy levels are up. Im more enthusiastic about work and not dreading going in everyday (the change of job was a good move). 

    So in summary.. things are good right now. Im glad I have people in my life who are encouraging me... Mum and one of my friends have been great. Not forgetting all you guys here... this little community we have going here is so helpful in a quit when you feel the need to rant... everyone understands what its like.
    Last modified on 10 Jan 2022 08:01 by dublinguy
  13. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    I know exactly what you mean by urges.  I used to get them, too.  Smoking was such an integral part of our lives that it is hard to shake it off.  But you are doing the right thing by reminding yourself how hard you worked to get to this point, and how devastating it would be to have to start over.  I suffered really badly that first month, and I told myself I would never subject myself to that again.  And I didn't.

    Keeping busy is a great idea.  And time flies.  You've already got 5 weeks under your belt.  That is so awesome!  And isn't it nice to be out with someone and not have to excuse yourself to go and smoke?  I used to be so embarrassed by that, and now I don't have to worry.  And neither do you.

    Hang in there and put that extra energy to work.  And know that your heart and lungs are doing a happy dance!
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi Treepeo1... great to hear from you. Your words are always so encouraging and understanding.
    There is no way in hell that I am gonna go through that first month again... I know I still have many battles ahead of me but the first month is definitely the hardest as you are trying to break the habit of smoking and the cravings and triggers keep hitting. It really helps that the people Im friends with dont smoke and are fully aware that im trying to quit. I feel so much better and my heart is definitely improving. I have one of those fit bit watches and the heart rate is now down to 75-95 as opposed to being around 120 as a smoker. Im eating better too... Im not too bothered if I put on a bit of weight throughout this. 
    Im still tempted but its not as strong as it was a few weeks back. I know from past attempts that those urges will continue to happen but its recognizing that and knowing that it will pass that will get us through. 
    NOPE... not one puff ever.... wish id kept that motto in past quits and id be home scott free of this addiction by now... but i guess I just wasnt ready back then.. now I have my eyes set on saving as much money as i can and try save up for a deposit on an apartment. 

    Im drinking a lot more water now cos it helps with the urges... I noticed my skin was getting a bit flakey round my forehead and by my eyebrows. Maybe a good moisturiser might be a good reward. I noticed as well that I developed a stye on my bottom eyelid... thats gotten much smaller now though so I assume and hope it will go away on its own. Not sure if those are smoking related but Im gonna blame everything on the 'giving up smoking' for a while to come. and of course Im eating my way through bags of hard boiled sweets - but that really helps with the cravings and urges.

    Im nearly finished my first nicorette spray so I might buy another one of them this weekend. Not a huge fan of it but it definitely helps.
    Last modified on 10 Jan 2022 10:26 by dublinguy
  15. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Your doing great. I use nope everyday it helps. Not one puff ever. Those urges can be awful but I noticed I'm getting a lot stronger. It sounds like you are as well. That's wonderful.  Be proud of yourself.  Give yourself a pat on the back. Your doing awesome. 
  16. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 36. (5 weeks in)
    Thanks Cindy. The urges sure are unpleasant. I went to the coffee shop there to grab a cappuchino and passed about 4 people smoking on the way. The smell was so nice. And then comes the wave of 'ah just have the one',... but nope nope nope. No way am I giving in now. Today im five weeks into the quit. I cant believe Ive gotten this far.

    Feeling a bit irritable today. Little things annoying me. Like for example, usually Im in work for 8am but for the next two weeks im in training so I dont have to be in till 9. this morning I wanted to sleep in a bit to come in for 9 but my landlord thought Id slept it in and started hoovering at 7.40am! So annoying. I just have to put up with it I suppose. 
    Roll on the weekend.. Im heading home to help put the decorations back in the attic. Im finding the wekends are tough going if Ive nothing planned and Im just sat in my room watching netflix. Gonna have to start motivating myself to get out a bit more. Maybe go for walks or something or just go to the shopping centres and walk around... Its all about keeping ourselves busy and then no time to think about smoking. Im definitely not thinking about it as often anymore... its only if I smell it. Dont those people know Im in the process of a quit! Smoking should be banned for everyone!!!!! lol. 

    Last modified on 11 Jan 2022 10:45 by dublinguy
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 37.
    Cant believe Im into my 6th week. As the days are flying by and I log in here Im finding Ive less to say about the whole thing. I guess my life is adjusting to being a non-smoker and the addiction is loosing the control it had over me for so long.
    Things Ive noticed that could be withdrawal..
    - sleeping way more than usual
    - vivid dreams... last night i dreamt that someonbe in work had a big box of cigars and was giving everyone one. Ive never smoked a cigar so have no idea where that came from.
    - flakey scalp.. dry skin. I got a special shampoo from the pharmacy for that that i need to use once or twice a week and im using moisturizer on my skin.
    - stuffy head cold that goes away... but the mucos in my nose is blood stained. Thats horrible.
    - heartburn, especially at night.. got some tablets in the pharmacy for that as well and that seems to have helped stop that.

    I suppose the sleeping and the vivid dreams are just symptoms and not bad things. The others i dunno what they're about. Im drinking lots more water and have a bag of boiled sweets at all times. Im drinking lots of coffee as well that I suppose I should try cut back on. 

    Im going to buy another box of the step 1 patches this week and then next week Ill move onto step 2... see how that goes. Last time I seriously tried to quit I began to get mental anxiety and panic attacks round about this long into the quit. That hasnt happened this time but Im prepared for it if it does.

    Im just a bit bored I suppose. And because of covid theres a lack of things to try or groups to join. I might join the local gym again and start going swimming after work or something. But gyms are so expensive here so ill find out the price anyway and see how that goes. 

    Still hanging in there.. few cravings from time to time but im getting past them. NOPE NOPE NOPE forever in my head. I never wanna go through this again so this is it. 

    Today I had to do a zoom call with a colleague and I was given a video cam so she could see me. I have to say when my face popped up on the screen I got a shock at how well I was looking. Not drawn out like I used to look. This quit business suits me! Keep it going... Not One Puff Ever.
    Last modified on 12 Jan 2022 11:41 by dublinguy
  18. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
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    Just a few days into my qui and I must say, reading your post is encouraging to me. Not my first quit attempt but looking at your story and all that you've achieve so far give me more strength to continue knowing we are not alone. I agree with you. Everyone should be banned from smoking and they should stop making them!!! 😉
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Me_n_freedom. thats really nice knowing that my journey is helping you. Ive read so much on here and really almost feel part of others journeys, marveling at their progress, laughing at the funny bits and sympathizing with the tough stuff. it all helps. I cant believe Ive gotten this far this time. My head is in the right place I guess and thats half the battle. Im coming up now on time to move onto Step 2 of the patch program. Bit nervous about that in case I get irritable with the decrease in nicotine Im getting. 

    A few days soon turn into a week and then to weeks and then to months... keep reading and exploring this site... its a treasure chest of information. We can do this! and yes.. we're all in it together. :)

    Having a few strong cravings this evening... used the last of my first mist spray. Gonna buy the next week box of patches and another mist spray in the morning. even though i dont like the spray, it works wonders when the cravings hit.
    Last modified on 13 Jan 2022 14:25 by dublinguy
  20. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 39.
    Wow the days are really beginning to mount up and I'm still hanging in there. Yesterday I finished by mist spray so I bought another one this morning to help when the cravings hit hard. Im not getting too many anymore or at least not as many as I did at the start of this journey... but when they do hit, they hit hard and strong and its so tempting to just go get a pack and smoke. I know if i even have one puff Ill be gone and disgusted with myself. Almost feel like crying thinking about it. Heading home tomorrow again for a quick 1 day visit. Tomorrow hitting another milestone... 40 days. I'm so happy I've committed to this quit and decided to stick with it. 
    Last modified on 14 Jan 2022 05:04 by dublinguy
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 41
    Still hanging on. Almost 6 weeks in now. Never thought Id see it when I started out on this journey. Was down home for a quick weekend break, just back now. Found it a small bit challenging driving back but i used the nicorette mist and it worked. I went to try get the car washed but there was too much of a queue and I was too restless to wait. could have been waiting an hour. I hope I can use the token next month when I go down again next month. So begins a new week as a non smoker. Love that this quit seems to have stuck. It was just the right time. Ive accepted now that the urges to smoke will probably always be there but I can get through it. Ive been lucky this time round cos none of my co-workers smoke. nor do any of my friends smoke so theres no one to tempt me with the 'just one' which is why past attempts failed. Delighted to be here with you lovely people... we are all in this together. Not One Puff Ever.
  22. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Good for you for hanging on strong. You can do this. Nope nope nope. I say that all the time. Right out loud as well. Glad everything is working out for you. Your doing awesome. 
  23. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 42
    Thanks Cindy. And congrats to you on your 80 Days. You are giving me inspiration to keep up the fight and have goals in sight. How are things going with the friend you had a fight with a while back and nearly slipped over? I hope that all got sorted out. I was a bit ratty with a friend this weekend cos he was annoying me with text messages when I was down home and trying to chat to my mum. I snapped at him and said 'keep this up now and you will be blocked'. Its amazing what a short fuse we have during our quits. he was all sorry then and i felt guilty. lol.
    Driving back to dublin then yesterday I was irritable as well. Other drivers were annoying me. How dare they be on the road at the same time as me! But I used the mist spray and have the patch on. Im moving to step 2 at the end of this week... will see how that goes. Already making plans to meet up with friends next weekend. I hate having nothing to do and being sat in my room doing nothing only watching netflix films. Its better to get out of the house doing stuff. 
    NOPE really does help. I repeat that to myself over and over and continue to read read read on here about what other people have gone through to reassure myself that quitting really is possible and that I will get to those milestones with time. 
  24. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    We all get grumpy I think. The friend I had a argument  with all got sorted out. Keep up the fight my friend. Deep breathing and count to 10 or 3 at least. It works. You can do this. Nope nope nope. I repeat that everyday out loud. Your doing awesome.  
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Cindy. Definitely get grumpy alright but it passes and then I just smile when I see my dashboard on here and the money I've saved. €630 already. Now I'm just setting targets.. like 2 months and 80 days like you. The further along I'm getting the better I'm feeling. Even my dad made a comment at how well I was looking when I was down home and I know it myself when I look in the mirror. And my energy levels are way up. I'm going to wait a while but I'm going to join the local gym and start going swimming after work... just need the weather to get a bit warmer... and Ill join for 6 months instead of the full year so that will cover the summer months. That will be my reward. A friend of mine wants to head away somewhere for a weekend soon or just book into a hotel here in dublin and have a drinks weekend... that sounds like fun and would be another reward. 

    I love logging in here and updating this journal type thread... its part of the journey. I'm still not out of the woods because I know and am aware I quit before and managed to relapse months into it. So I'm sticking close by and reading threads over and over so that the message sinks in. Just reading that other people have managed it is encouraging. This is difficult but not impossible. I'm only sorry I didn't quit sooner. 

    all the horrible side affects of the withdrawal seem to be gone all of a sudden so thats good. Im using the mist when I feel the need and its doing wonders. The first one I had was actually out of date... a friend had given it to me months ago when I mentioned I was gonna try to quit. Maybe thats why it was making me feel sick.. Will be interesting to see how it goes when I drop to the step 2 patches... Will keep you all posted on the progress. 
    Last modified on 17 Jan 2022 08:54 by dublinguy
  26. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 44.
    Feeling great. The cravings aren't coming at all these last few days but definitely the urges are still there. I'm using the mist when that happens. The new one I bought last week doesn't seem as strong as the first one I had... i don't feel like gagging when I use it, which is good. Each time I feel the 'ah just the one' I just think back to the first two weeks where I was physically throwing up. I never want to go through that again. Why would anyone keep putting themselves through that? 
    Feeling a bit bored when I get home from work alright. As a smoker my evenings used be spent watching tv having a drink and a smoke on the hour.. sometimes more often. But now that the smoking is gone, I'm just sat in my room watching tv sipping away on my fat frogs. Only having two a night now as opposed to four or five before. The routine is definitely changing. Once the months go by and the evenings start getting brighter again I'll be able to get out and go for walks and stuff. I would get a bike but there's nowhere to store it where I'm living now. I was seriously thinking of moving into an apartment on my own for a while there but the cost is insane... like in the region of 1600-1800 a month for a one bedroomed place. It make smore sense to stay where I am and save save save towards a deposit and buy a place with a mortgage. At 41 I've left it a bit late but shur what can you do. My friend is currently in a bidding war on a place but if he gets it there will be a spare room so I could move in with him. The place I'm in is fine but it's just the being stuck in my room is getting to me. This time last year I was renting a studio in a rough part of Dublin and I hated it. constant noise from the neighbours and I developed a two bottles of wine a night habit and smoking at least a pack a day. Now it feels like I'm in an entirely new place in my life and I'm much happier.

    Today I'm going to buy the first pack of Step 2 patches. I've two of the Step 1 patches left so Saturday I'll be moving to Step 2. So excited about that but cautious too in that I'm expecting and ready for the craves to strike.
  27. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    I've bin reading this thread and I think Your doing great. Hopefully your rewarding yourself. I know it keeps my spirits up when I do. Your doing awesome. 
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks freedomchild. My reward is looking at the dashboard everyday and seeing the stats update. Gonna go buy some new clothes this weekend. Was just on tik tok and there is a hair clinic in London for balding men. 
    Ive been losing my hair since about 23.. Its not that bad but I have to keep it really short. Anyway, the author of the videos messaged me today asking to send on some pictures of my hair. So I did. Maybe that would be a nice 'reward' in a few months... new hair. Im not sure if its possible as they are based in London. Basically they glue a wig type hair piece to your head and then style it... but what happens when ur own hair starts to grow in again... Can any hairdresser do the styling... Nothing to lose by asking anyway and I wouldnt mind a few trips to london... 
    Last modified on 19 Jan 2022 11:04 by dublinguy
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 45.
    Yippeee.. Who'd have thought Id have made it to this point. Already posted on another thread here today but like Treepo said before, if it helps to post... do it as often as possible. Once I'm not annoying anyone.

    Had a doctors appointment earlier and walking back Id did experience some urges to smoke. Always in the past, Id have smoked before going in and then again right away after coming out. And Id left my spray mist in my bag at work so I had nothing but NOPE to help me get through it. I walked back to the office a different route that avoided where I used to go to smoke before in the car park and stopped off to get a coffee on the way. It worked.

    My friend texted me just now saying to pack an overnight bag for tomorrow. We're going to stay in a hotel room in the city and have a mad night drinking. Yeay. Something to reward myself for my efforts thus far. Bars arent able to open past 8pm still here over covid so thats the idea behind this. Meeting another friend then Saturday for more drinks... so Ive a busy weekend ahead. Sunday will probably be just resting recovering from it. 

    Saw a few threads on here from people now into the 80 days non smoking... My next target is to make 2 months and then it will be 80days. Cant wait. The urges are definitely still there like today but they are not as bad as they were a few weeks back. Just hope I remain focussed and think of all the good that is coming from this quit and that I dont slip up and be going back to day 1! I just remember the horrible heartburn I had and thats enough to turn me off.
  30. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
    81 posts
    18 Jan 2022
    20 Jan 2022
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    Congratulations on going to 45 days. You should be proud. Glad your rewarding yourself. Nope nope nope. I've been saying that often I find it helps.  Your doing awesome.  
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