255 posts
06 Feb 2020
19 Jul 2022
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Hi dublinguy,
I know that sometimes you feel a bit discouraged because you have had some slips, but honestly, you are doing great, you really are. Quitting is harder than anyone can imagine. Smoking was a really entrenched part of our lives, and it is an extremely addictive habit. That is why we always have to remain vigilant, and not take our quits for granted. You never know when that "urge" is going to hit you. You said that the weather was warm and you "just felt like" smoking. That is the old habit rearing its addicted head. Since you quit, you have learned other ways of coping with situations, but it is all too easy to fall back on old patterns. We've all been there.
The good news is that you haven't given up and have a plan to get yourself back on track. I think it will be really beneficial for you to live in a non-smoking environment. It will help to reinforce not smoking as your new normal. And dating a non-smoker will also help. Trust me, if you even tried to sneak a cigarette and then went back to join her, she would know in a heartbeat and no doubt, it would be a real turnoff. As you know, smokers reek and there is no hiding it. And your mouth tastes like an ashtray.
Keep your chin up, dublinguy. Quitting is a process, and you have come a long way. Save your money for things you need, and for having fun. You're going to be okay. Believe in yourself, and know that I am rooting for you.