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Back Again With a Brand New Quit

106 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    23 Aug 2019 in reply to manderson4
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    Hi Manderson4

    way to go! Congrats in your fight, you are doing it! Try to relax your mind, be nice with yourself and the crave will go away!

     Trust me, it works! Give yourself a big hug! 

     You Can do it!
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    25 Aug 2019 in reply to manderson4
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    Hi manderson4!

    Nice to hear that you're now close to 40 days smoke-free! Congratulations, big time!

    And I like what you wrote on the 16th: "remember it gets easier with each cigarette you don't smoke." Most of the time this is true! I wonder if the past week has been harder in part because you'd stopped vaping and were getting less nicotine (along with the strained muscle and being sick).

    A thought: you'd mentioned that your quit coach said you could double up on the Step 3 patches if needed, and you mentioned that you bought some nicotine spray as well. As you seem to have concerns about vaping, I wonder if doubling up on the patch and using the spray might give you enough options to again go vape-free?

    I hope you get that bike soon -- what a great reward!

    Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Last modified on 25 Aug 2019 21:18 by efram, quit coach
  3. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    26 Aug 2019
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    40 days who'd a thunk it. So I got my honorarium on Friday after doing a outreach for cycling. Went to the bank and then thought time to buy my bike. the one I originally was going to get was already sold. I talked the guy that owns the shop I usually get my repairs done at and asked if he had anything. He said he had one that would be perfect for what I wanted and needed and phoned the store saying I would be in. I got it, I called the Cypress Connector. Cypress is the model name and Connector is the job I just finished for Everyone Rides. Friday night was a sleepless night and I had some running around to do and then the No Hate Rally and then crashed and burned, I missed a ride Saturday night but made up for it Sunday Morning. The cravings and the urges aren't as noticeable. Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    26 Aug 2019 in reply to manderson4
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    Hi Manderson

     You are doing it!
      I am so proud of you! Keep it up!
  5. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Had a time of reflection of this summer this week because I was asked to write a blog post about my summer experience. It seemed that I still have that thing where I can remember negative experiences. I had a busy day yesterday with foot care starting first thing in the morning, then Accu-detox and the stop smoking group and finishing up with a group ride in the evening. After the foot appointment I went to one of my favourite meditation spots for a bit put on some music and just thought and edited the blog post, it turned out a lot more positive and more in line with what they wanted. I stopped off at home picked up my tablet and went to Accu-Detox and during the quiet time there I typed up the blog post (Note to self next time take your bluetooth keyboard). The stop smoking group is going great I am now on day 44 and single step 3 patches. I do have extra if I know I am going to have a stressful day, but I am even dealing with that a little better. On the ride it was a great way to wind down the day exploring the city and the alley ways that I haven't been on before. Have a great smoke free day and weekend everyone.
  6. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 45 was interesting, on my way to my regular Saturday Activities I realized I didn't bring a hat or a marker so I stopped in at a store to get some and after some small talk the clerk put a pack of cigarettes on the counter (this is where I usually bought my cigarettes) at first I was shocked then laughed as I explained I had quit and was on day 45. The clerk and I talked a bit about quitting and asked for the information for the groups I have been part of because he had a couple of customers that wanted to quit as well. Have a great smoke free weekend and remember this too shall pass.
  7. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Another busy week, lots of meetings which is a good thing keeps me busy and out of trouble. Stop smoking is going great for the most part minimal cravings and memories. I have successfully stepped down to the step 3 patches. I did have 1 major memory this morning when I was clipped by a car while doing my ride. I wasn't hurt or anything and was checked on scene by a nurse. And then later saw one of doctors. But immediately after the thought of a cigarette was there and I caught myself checking my pockets for the pack. I don't ride with spray because well I have lost one before and that can be expensive, but I did have my sharpie. And thankfully the driver stopped and we talked and he had a bottle of water. Went to my appointment and then hung out with a friend one of the bike programs that has also quit smoking. Then came home and slept. I have a little pain but it is manageable. Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  8. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Today is starting out wonderful. Lots of memories about smoking and how I thought I enjoyed it. I am glad I journal different things especially new experiences like going to a open air concert to see a band that I enjoy, sitting through a church service without going outside, or even my first long distance bike ride and how good it felt even though I was tired and sore. 
    So today I am going to the dentist again. I probably should go more often. And I am getting a root canal at first I was nervous and thinking the last time I was smoking and I couldn't wait to get out and light up, then thinking about how weird everything felt because my mouth was frozen. But you know Monday when I went in for cleaning and xrays it felt good to not have to stop every few minutes because I had to cough or craving while the hygienist was cleaning. 
    I guess what I am saying is replace the bad memories of smoking with good ones of being a non-smoker and continue to draw on them for strength. 

    Have a Great Smoke Free Day Everyone.
  9. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
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    Thank you so much for providing the community these updates and motivating members; it's wonderful to hear you are having a good start to your day! It's also great you're being so reflective on your quit journey by journaling and replacing bad memories of being a smoker with good ones of being a non-smoker.

    Best of luck with the dentist!

    Kate R
  10. atp
    atp avatar
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    The dentist was another little bonus I never considered when quitting. I went a couple of weeks after quitting and again at the start of summer and my teeth were whiter and less build-up, so my cleanings are faster.

    I'm looking forward to my next cleaning in a few weeks. 
  11. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    02 Oct 2019
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    I am heading to bed but thought I would stop in and see my favourite group of quitters. It has been 11 weeks as of today that this round of quitting started. I have survived my latest round of dental appointments and hoped to ride 80 km's but that didn't happen because of a small injury. But I still rode 30 km's that day made some positive contacts. I am still in the quit smoking group and receiving NRT. I am on step 3 patches and have managed to go a few days without a patch. The cravings and or memories are a lot more manageable by distracting myself or going for a ride. It is nice having money for treats or for things like a coffee or lunch while out for the day on a ride. A few busy days coming up but be sure to be good to yourself and remember why you started this journey in the first place 
  12. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    02 Oct 2019 in reply to manderson4
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    You betcha, manderson4.  I am so happy to hear that you are rocking your quit.  Good for you!  You should be so proud of yourself!
  13. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Hey Everyone, still smokefree, just busier than I had ever hoped. I've had to say no to a few people which I am not used to do doing but it has helped birth a new program here called Bike Buddies. Which I am excited for. I can go multiply days without a patch or NRT. I had to switch to lozenges because my stop smoking clinic no longer has the sprays. I missed a week because of locking myself out of the house and not being able to get there and it stressed me a bit because I missed the group time, I did have patches and lozenges that lasted me the extra time. Last Friday I celebrated my 53rd birthday with a bike ride doing what is called the Ham-Burl loop and found I needed to replace a couple of parts on my bike. I thought it was going to be a major expense but again because of not smoking and going to a community co-op it ended up being cheaper than expected. I will try and stop by more often but until then enjoy the smoke free life because I know it is worth it. 
  14. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    It's great to hear that you are still smoke free.  Keeping busy is probably a good thing.  I'm glad that you were able to repair your bike.  I know how important it is to you.
  15. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    My 1 year quit anniversary came in the midst of the Covid lock down. The first couple of weeks where I self isolated and all my programs were shut down was tough because of boredom but I powered through. I live in a house with a few other guys who have worked all through out the pandemic. When the mandatory mask by-laws came into place at first I panicked a little because I was a heavy smoker for so long but I drew strength from past experiences like going to the dentist and not having problems with my breathing or coughing. i was out and about yesterday and a couple of people asked me for a cigarette or a lighter and my response was sorry I don't smoke. No hesitation, no doubt but I don't smoke. Every once in awhile I get the memories but I just repeat to myself 'This to shall pass' and 'I am a puff away from 3 packs a day' If you are  If you are thinking about quitting it is worth it why wait, new to quitting keep going, if its been a while keep rocking it and draw from your experiences,. Enjoy your smoke free day everyone.
  16. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    07 Jan 2022 in reply to manderson4
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    What a wonderful thread manderson4. So inspiring and proof testament that a quit journey is all about fighting through no matter what and to stay focused remembering the reasons we quit in the first place. Love finding and reading threads like this... first to read everything up to the point where I am on my journey to compare and contrast the experience and feelings at any given day... and then to read about what to expect in the days weeks and months to come. Hope you are out there keeping well and winning this battle. 
106 posts, 0 answered