efram, quit coach
248 posts
29 Nov 2017
25 Aug 2019
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Hi manderson4!
Nice to hear that you're now close to 40 days smoke-free! Congratulations, big time!
And I like what you wrote on the 16th: "remember it gets easier with each cigarette you don't smoke." Most of the time this is true! I wonder if the past week has been harder in part because you'd stopped vaping and were getting less nicotine (along with the strained muscle and being sick).
A thought: you'd mentioned that your quit coach said you could double up on the Step 3 patches if needed, and you mentioned that you bought some nicotine spray as well. As you seem to have concerns about vaping, I wonder if doubling up on the patch and using the spray might give you enough options to again go vape-free?
I hope you get that bike soon -- what a great reward!
Thanks for keeping us posted.
Last modified on 25 Aug 2019 21:18 by efram, quit coach