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Back Again With a Brand New Quit

106 posts, 0 answered
  1. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So I am up to day 36 again.  Went to a medical appointment and had 1 pill dosage upped to help control my blood sugar.  At one time I would have been discouraged by this but it has definately helped so now I am on the standard dose.  Last night I was fretting over this appointment and found it hard to sleep the good thing was that having a cigarette was the farthest thing from my mind instead I changed that thinking to a different route to go to the clinic and return so I could treat myself to lunch and a special Donut from a local shop.  Its still a little cool but the good thing is there is lots of mud to be found.  Have a great Smoke free day everyone.
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Isn't it cool to realize that you didn't think about smoking in situations where you would have in the past?  I remember the first time that happened to me, I found it so shocking, and it was also such a huge relief.  It is a sign that things are really starting to change for the better, and you are on your way to living your life as a non-smoker.  Way to go, manderson4! 
  3. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 39 and it is a tough one.  It is Mothers Day in the UK and I got tagged in a post and it is just bringing up a lot of memories of my Mom who passed away 10 years ago. So I went for a ride and bought another spray.  I guess that is just what the doctor ordered.  Now I got another kind of craving for a Double Mocha Cappuccino.  Which I guess I can have.  Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  4. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Manderson4,

    Sorry to hear today is a struggle, understandably so.  Great you able to resolve with the spray and hopefully a cappuccino too, sounds so well deserved.  

    Take good care and connect with us anytime.  

  5. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Manderson,  I was just checking up on your journey.  I'm so happy to see you plowing forward, no matter what.  I've had some bits and bruises but I'm sort of like you, moving forward anyway.   Keep on doing what you do, it works.
  6. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Well Day 49 is winding down, sounds longer than 7 weeks but hey I will take it.  Still on 14 mg patches and using 2 full sprays a week which in concerning my one quit coach because I only have about 1 month left in this program.  I called the other program and I am eligible for it which is a bit closer to home and starts just as the other one is finishing.  I am not sure if I need the spray or just like it.  But it is healthier than having a cigarette.  I also had to get my pills and vitamins adjusted because of the prescription and it was just upped last week.  On ward and upward to day 50.  Have a great smoke free evening everyone.
  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    I am so glad that you have people to lean on and to help you through this process.  That's really great.  I also applaud you for knowing what you really need, and wondering about whether there are some things you maybe could do without.  Sounds like you have great insight into yourself and your needs.

    Congrats on your 49 days, manderson4, and here's to many more!
  8. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Just want to say "Cheers to you!" manderson4 on your success.

    You are doing great!
  9. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hey Manderson,
    I'm sort of like you in the NRT supply department.  I'm now having to buy everything myself so I don't have "treat" money for rewards anymore.  I tried to wean down to half a 21 mg Patch but ended up chewing more NRT gum and having a lot of difficulty.  So I'm back up on the 21 mg. Patch, not really needing supplemental, but I enjoy 2 pieces of gum a day max.  I'm so glad you got into the other program, I can see how that support would be really beneficial.  I'm bummed that these programs only run during my work hours, I'd love to get that added support and have some expenses paid.  I can see how grateful you are.  Keep going, you'e doing so well!
  10. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 54 and just got back from the STOP program.  I was a bit concerned after last week when they suggested I get the information for the next program thinking I would be without the NRT for a week or more.  It would have meant having to buy some so I just wanted to get that cleared up before this weekend.  My last day at the STOP program is the 16th and the next program starts on the 19th so I am ok that way.  I actually lost my spray on my ride on Friday so I have only had the the patches so I can go without the spray.  The 30daysofbiking starts this weekend so I am looking forward to that.  Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  11. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 56 and after a rocky start to the day, seems the landlady is really sick and needed to call emergency services so the fire department rescue and a ambulance were here at 7 am.  I dont care seeing those lights and hearing the fire trucks when you first wake up is enough to stress out anyone.  I finished off 1 spray and started the next one but I didnt grab a cigarette.  By the time the closest store was open I was settled down enough.  I am waiting for 1 more delivery then I am going to go for a bike ride to enjoy these warmer temperatures.  Have a enjoyable rest of a smoke free day everyone.
  12. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    I should mention that the firetrucks and ambulance were part of my triggers that I started smoking the last 2 times.  
  13. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Wow. That is really fantastic then that you didn't smoke! Congratulations!!

    You did it!

  14. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 68 and all seems to be well.  I get random thoughts about buying a pack and these have happened usually when I am getting ready to go out for a ride, I think this has more to do with feeling crappy after my pills and the patch kick in than actually wanting a cigarette.  Just to be on the safe side I go a different route so I know the stores arent open until the feeling goes away. 

    Today was the second last group meeting with the STOP program.  I was feeling a little stressed because I heard the staff say they didnt have any nicorette spray.  The one coach/nurse that has been working with me the last year and a half surprised me and said she had spray set a side for me.  She said that it seems to be working o she didnt want to disrupt by switching to lozenges or gum.  When you are having a bad day and feel a little discouraged it is great to have another person that has confidence in you and believes in you.

    Anyway have a great smoke free evening everyone.  I am going to relax and try to get through 5 hours of Wrestling PPV (Ok maybe a couple of hours tonight)
  15. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Manderson,
    I'm so glad you got that spray to carry you through.  I know the craves can stil be bad at times as I too still get bad ones at least once a week.  You'd think that after all of this time they'd be gone, but not so.  I still think of smoking a lot, and I'm very aware that I'm not.  I went and registered at The Run to Quit this evening and picked up a pair of running shoes.  It starts tomorrow.  I just want to burn off this extra energy I have after work.  Good on you for doing so much biking, it's keeping you sane, I see!
  16. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Manderson4,

    I am so glad that the nurse put aside a spray for you.  That was really kind of her.  It also says a lot about you, namely, that she has faith in you to stay smoke free.  And you are so smart to avoid riding past stores when you are feeling a bit shaky.

    You should be really proud of yourself, Manderson4.  I hope you enjoy your wrestling!
  17. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So after the transition to one quit program to the other I had a slip, I got back on track on Sunday so this is day 3 I am so thankful for the Breathe Easier program inspite of myself.  I am back up to 21 mg patches and still using 2 sprays and 1 sharpie. But I havent had any real cravings. Anyways have a good smoke free evening everyone.
  18. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So today is Day 60 of my never ending journey to be a non-smoker.  I am still in the Breathe Easier Quit program for support and NRT and just went from Step 1 to Step 2 patches and still using the spray (Still sometimes too much). Last weekend I had a real struggle with cravings so I started the day with a 15 minute walk, and about an hour and a bottle of water later I went for a bike ride just to clear my head.  For the last few months even though I have been trying to quit I have been arranging to get Cigarettes for 3 friends from the reserve through another friend.  I guess they all started running low at the same time so they started asking about the smoke run. One friend was almost obsessive about it so I spend the better part of the weekend trying to get hold of my friend that does the run. I finally got hold of him and he had a close call with getting caught and decided not to do it anymore. This has resulted in 2 of the 3 thinking about quitting again and ! lady even going as far as going out and picking up spray and patches. I have joined another program that is 16 weeks and we are almost at the mid-point for that and that was goal setting and keeping us accountable to achieve that goal. My goal was to get back control of my A1C and to lose 30 pounds.  After a slow start and having problems doing that with beginning plan of two 10 minute walks and riding 10 miles a day.  I changed it to two 15 minute walks and a 15 mile bike ride. And I am almost back on track. There are some days that are really hard to stay on track with my quit, the diet and exercise but one of my mentors through Yoga (Yes I am struggling with Yoga again) posted a thought that I changed and adopted for myself, "I am 52 years young and I'm not planning for 60 or 65, I am planning for 80 or 90." Anyway back to trying to sleep.
  19. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Dear Manderson4

    I do remember your Journey from day one, and you were so Brave, trying and trying to be free, until you did it!
    Having slips or relapse is part of the quit Proceeds.
    Those negatives thoughts that you had it was just your Mind Addiction. Old times! The new you knows that is a Better and Healthy way of Life as Non Smoker!

    I know you Can do it! So do you!  

    Remember to distract your self from the Crave.
    Drink Water instead. 
    Deep Briefing. 
    Do something instead.

    I do Believe in you, take it easy!
  20. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Congratulations on 60 days! You can do it. It is good to hear about your several exercising activities. I am doing this myself with some pounds to lose. I started upward after an operation a couple of years ago and added some more when I quit four and a half months ago. Like you, I started out walking, and then recently I joined a gym where I have a 1-1/2 hour workout program three times a week. I am feeling much more invigorated ever since.

    Wishing you another smoke free day,


  21. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Weekends can be the worst when you are on your way to being a non-smoker.  Yesterday was a weird day and by 7pm I was laying down and fell asleep. I woke up once for about 5 mintutes but went right back to sleep. I woke up this morning earlier than I normally do and craving a cigarette. Drank some water, shaved my head, had a shower then the craving went away. Just to be sure it went away I went for a bike ride figuring I would get in a easy 10 miles then have a rest. Nope not me I went 22.9 and now I have some energy so I think I will do laundry next. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday.
  22. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    I was away for a couple of weeks.  I am so glad to see that you are sticking to your quit.  Good for you!  It's also great that you are still riding your bike.

    Keep the quit, my friend.  You are stronger than your addiction.
  23. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So today is one of those days that I dread. I have my energized group this afternoon and it a fitness test, last time was brutal and I could barley move afterwards then tonight I have my cycle advocacy group. We are meeting at a park instead of the stuffy offices providing the weather holds up. I am secretly hoping the weather holds up because we are meeting at a Ice Cream store. Everyone there knows I am quitting smoking and a few message me every couple of days to encourage me.  Anyways have a great smoke free day everyone and Yay Ice Cream!!!!!
  24. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Good job adding fitness activities to your quit. Now that is health plus. I have been working out regularly at the gym myself. There is a great feeling of accomplishment at the end of a session.

    Keep up the quit!

  25. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone I thought I would stop by seeing I have a few minutes to myself today. I am getting ready for my daily ride and Just not sure if I am going east or west or up always a fun challenge figuring that out. There are still some days I crave or think about a cigarette more than I should and I am using the Nicorette spray to get me through those times. I found out about a newer product called Nic-Nit and the spray is about 1/2 the price of the Nicorette Spray so I carry one of those when I am out and about. I lost a spray one day in the middle of a 25 mile ride, so this one doesn't hurt the pocket book as much. Have a great smoke free day and I will drop by a little later.
  26. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So today is day 82 I think. I had a really quiet Saturday I gave up my glowride to rest because Sunday I was riding with a 10 year old Autistic Boy that is riding from Whitby Ontario to Coney Island. Just to get to where we were meeting was 10 miles. Then I rode along the lake with him. In Total I rode 31.6 miles or 50.9 Km. My first 1/2 Grand Fondo. I am paying for it today with sore muscles but I am so glad I did. Because of quitting smoking I even had money to treat us to a ice cream cone part way through. It was kind of strange that as I was riding the down my street at the end, I was thinking about that I deserved a cigarette and when I pulled up the house there was a one of the local council candidates knocking on the door. I talked to her for a good 1/2 hour which was a good thing because the craving or urge to reward myself with a cigarette was gone. Instead I rewarded myself with a nice hot bath. Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  27. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Manderson4

    Is great to hear how you cope with the urge! By the way I enjoy the ride too! reading your post.

    Congrats in 82 Smoke free days!
  28. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Congratulations on enjoying 82 smoke free days and way to go finding interesting and rewarding distractions. I do the same myself and they lead me to thinking much less about smoking.

    Have another great smoke free day!

  29. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Wow manderson4,

    Kudos to you for doing such a long ride.  That is wonderful.  What a cool thing to do.

    Isn't it amazing that we still think we want to "reward" ourselves with a cigarette?  What a crock.  I'm sure your aching body really appreciated a hot bath after all of that exertion!

    Keep fighting, manderson4.  You've got this!
  30. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
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    Good Morning manderson,

    Congrats for each and every one of those 82 smoke-free days!

    You're bike riding is so inspirational  - awesome to hear how many miles you've been putting in!

    Love what you've written here about how you had the thought that you deserved a cigarette 'reward' for all your hard work that day, it takes a while to change those thoughts doesn't it? Your recognizing the thought but then, choosing a better alternative like a hot bath shows us all how it's done!

    Keep up the good work!
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