182 posts
28 Nov 2017
16 Jul 2023
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Hi dubling guys, cravings sucks and we need strategies to overcome this. Go for long walks, or take a shower, drink lots of water, watch a movie, eat your favoirte food. don't get too emotional or worry about life. if you can quit for month you should be able to quit forever.
Remember after 1 month of quitting your cravings will ease and you just need to follow the strategies to distract any cravings that come which normally last for few minutes unlike the ones during early stage. Learn to say nope when your friends offer your a smoke. NOPE (not another puff ever !!) is key to quitting. even if you smoke one after 5 years that could restore all your smoker memories which have been backed up deep into your memory to the front again and will put you back right away into your chain smoking again.
Trust me life is better without smoking!!
Last modified on 16 Jul 2023 06:55 by jeyan