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Dublin Guys Journey

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  1. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi dubling guys, cravings sucks and we need strategies to overcome this.  Go for long walks, or take a shower, drink lots of water, watch a movie, eat your favoirte food.   don't get too emotional or worry about life. if you can quit for month you should be able to quit forever.  

    Remember after 1 month of quitting your cravings will ease and you just need to follow the strategies to distract any cravings that come which normally last for few minutes unlike the ones during early stage.  Learn to say nope when your friends offer your a smoke.  NOPE (not another puff ever !!) is key to quitting. even if you smoke one after 5 years that could restore all your smoker memories which have been backed up deep into your memory to the front again and will put you back right away into your chain smoking again.

    Trust me life is better without smoking!!

    Last modified on 16 Jul 2023 06:55 by jeyan
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Fisherguy and Jeyan. You both are so right. Ive managed now to quit at work, period and I dont miss smoking there. Now to tackle the smoking at home business... its just gonna take a bit of effort on my part and focing myself to walk right on past the shop on the walk home. Im going to Spain in September for a week so I need the cash for that so will keep that in mind when I get tempted.

    Im lucky none of my friends really smoke at all and they all hate that I do so that wont be an issue. I remember feeling so good last time I quit so I want that feeling back. Watching the bank balance rise is just a bonus. 
    I am going to do this. And I will log the progress here like before - it really does help so much. And you feel accountable. 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Got on the weighing scales over the weekend... a stone in weight has gone on just by not smoking at work... its funny until the shirts start popping. But I know from the last time that this is temporary... I get to 12 stone and then it just plateaus again... but I am finding Im getting cravings for sweets and sugar drinks... Stocked up on Haribo over the weekend. 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Getting ready now to try again. Over the holiday period I got some gifts back of a carton of smokes and then bought two myself while on holiday in spain. Once those are gone its back to the drawing board. I need and want the nergy back that I had as a non smoker...
  5. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Congratulations on taking the steps to make some changes with your smoking. You recall having more energy when you were a non-smoker and you would like to get back to that point again. Make a list of all of your reasons for wanting to quit and keep it somewhere close so you can review it and find motivation. Your experience of quitting in the past has allowed you to learn some valuable lessons which you can use to boost your chances of success this time! 

    Warm regards,
    Karen, Quit Coach
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well here. I am,  yet again about to kick this habits butt again.
    My birthday is next month so my quit date is due then... Have to do it this time. Its a matter of life and death.
    Wish me luck everyone... I have a plan to read Allen Carrs book about Quitting and see if that works. Have a few patches too. Wont be using the spray this time.. it made me sick the last time. 

    Great to be back on here and seeing all of you working so hard together to conquer this beast that has us trapped in ourselves. :) 
  7. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello dublinguy - good to hear from, and congratulations on starting a new quit! This is clearly very important to you.

    You already have a solid plan in place... learning from past attempts, implementing strategies you know do work for you, and avoiding the ones that don't.

    We are always here to support you and listen as you continue on your quit journey. As always, thank you so much for sharing,

  8. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Nice to see you back on her Dublinguy. 
    Best of luck this time 
  9. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Good decision Dublin Guy.  Don't forget relapses are common in every quit. Just get back to your quit every time you relapse, until you perfect it.
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks. I will start this time by not smoking when Im at work... use one of those vapes to get me through cos I do like to get away from the desk sometimes just for a break. The Quit Date for me this time is two weeks time (or there abouts). They are just getting far too expensive and I can feel my heart beating faster and my lungs feel sore... have a check up with my doctor today so will try get a general assessment done. 
  11. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    So it was my birthday yesterday and my partner bought me the Alan Carrs Easy Way to Stop Smoking book. On chapter two and I feel already its beginning to work. Im still smoking but cutting way back and I for the first time in a long time, don't feel like going to the shop first thing when I wake up to stock up on supplies. My quit day is set for tomorrow, the 17th May 2024... and this time my mind is made up... This really is it and I will use the experience I have to push me to success this time. Im not going to tell my parents cos last time every phone call consisted of 'how you getting on with the smoke' which in turn just made me want to smoke. It really is a case of mind over matter. I can do this. 
  12. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello dubinguy - 

    On behalf of the whole team, a very happy (belated) birthday to you!

    What a way for you and your partner to honor this special occasion, by making a quit date and moving forward with changes to your smoking.

    You absolutely CAN do this, and please continue to keep us updated on your progress.

    Best wishes,
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    17 May in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Thanks Sarah... I bit the bullet and decided to make a start yesterday (the 16th). So far so good. I have the 'Lost Mary' vapes as well and they are helping. And I will use the patch too if things get a bit tough. So far the book and the vape seems to be holding strong for me... but I know I have a long battle ahead. 
    Feeling positive though and already feel fresher or something. Towards the end there I was nearly smoking 2 packs a day which is bonkers. That was not sustainable.... And with a vacation coming up I need all that cash for that... not to be blowing it up in smoke. Im going to read back over this entire blog again and remind myself of my last big attempt. This time if Im lucky enough to get to 6 months there is no way under any circumstances will I spark up. This time Im going all the way. 

    It feels like a toxic relationship has finally come to an end.. and I just have to be strong enough now to know what's best for me and the rest of my life... and having my partner really cements the desire to make this work. 

    So glad I found this site... it really does help.
    Last modified on 17 May 2024 00:23 by dublinguy
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still going good. Three vapes ready for use and I’m having fun sampling the different flavours. On chapter 7 of the book and I’m down in my parents house visiting for the weekend to do some work in the garden and take a break from the hectic lifestyle in Dublin 
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Still hanging on. Driving back to Dublin was a bit stressful but I made it… keep looking forward. I can do this 
  16. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 4... feeling great. I can honestly say now that the urge to get in the car first thig to the shop to get a pack has now departed. Now that urge has been replaced with an urge to go buy fresh fruit... raspberries, banana and grapes... Im feeling very confident this time round. Like a fog has lifted off my brain. Meeting a mate later today for a few beers in a local bar... so that will be a challenge.. not nipping outside for a smoke every 5 minutes. 
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 5... one day at a time.. Went to a bar yesterday and had the vape with me.. pineapple flavour seems to be winning in terms of flavour. On chapter 14 of the book. It really is looking good here. Ive noticed my skin is not as oily as before and my nails are changing colour to a more whitish/pink colour as opposed to the dullish stained with nicotine they used to be... Very happy with my progress so far and this blog like thread is great to check into while I move through the days and weeks. Positive Thoughts... 
  18. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 7... feeling better again like I recall from before. My skin looks fresher, my sense of smell and taste are improving. My appetite has risen... all great signs. Sleeping better too even though Im having very vivid dreams. When I wake up it take a few moments to decipher they were just dreams. The vapes are great and Ive found a few shops that sell them cheaper than the main chainstores do. I dont intend being on the vapes long term but they definitely help with the habit of the hand to mouth action. 
    I feel my thought process is improving too. Ive clearer focus and I feel better at future planning... 
    Im very happy with myself for getting to almost a week. It definitely is worth it. Not going to use the spray this time but I have the patches if things get tough but so far, the vape seems to be holding its own. 

    Fingers crossed this quit is my final one.. Ive got this. NOPE NOPE NOPE
  19. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Great job Dublinguy
    Great to see you back on here. One week is something to be proud of. Keep on going and remember what helped me so much NOPE

  20. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks JB... I remember you when you quit.. I was about 3 months into my quit at the time... and look at you now. Still here supporting us newbies (well kinda newbie). I feel great. I am using the Lost Mary Vapes a bit too much I think but Im still reading the book. The book tells you not to quit smoking till you finish the book... but Ive altered that to 'dont quit the vaping till you finish the book'. So far I think its working. My nails have gotten brighter, my skin is fresher and the whites of my eyes are a bit brighter and not so tired looking... So all this is good news. 

    Best birthday present I gave myself ever... and Im 44... probably half way through life so its all falling into place. Took some time off work so I could focus all my energy on this... thats how serious I am about this this time round. My boss will be very happy when I go back and not be stinking of that stale smell, annoying all my colleagues in the office.

    And whats more.. the weather is good at the moment so its almost as if Planet Earth herself is encouraging me in this battle. Ive got this.. and you are right... NOPE NOPE NOPE. I wont be fooled this time.
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 11... still going strong. I feel really confident this time. Like aware that I actually can do this. I posted up a status on my facebook and the encouragement I got from y friends was surreal. Dont want to let anyone down now, most of all myself. My thought process is beginning to change... thinking more clearly and faster. Im eating a lot better. I just feel much much better. Need to start getting out of the house now and going for walks.. not sitting here overthinking things. We are going to Bloom on Friday for the day... a garden show held every year displaying professional gardens and flowers... a summer show. And vacation is coming up mid August... Its important to have things to look forward to. A reward so to speak. 

    Hang on in there everyone.. we've got this. 
  22. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 12... haven't read back over this entire blog yet... but I will. I need to draw comparisons and adapt the positive, expel the negative. Im now on chapter 28 of the book and I have to say it is really working. It plays on your mind and drives home the idea of smoking being the monster inside. Today Im going home to my parents again for two days and hopefully the weather keeps up so I can work on the garden and do some painting (work that needs to be done). Back to Dublin then Thursday and Friday we are going to a gardening summer festival called Bloom. 
    Im still vaping but its a hell of a lot safer than smoking and my lungs aren't sore anymore when I breath. The fighting with my partner has stopped too which is a massive improvement. It's not that we no longer have disagreements but it's the tone or the approach to the discussions has changed. I can't say if its better or worse but it feels better. I was told a few days ago 'this is the man I fell in love with, not the spoilt child you have been acting like these past few months'.... which I now can completely understand. 

    Oh the beauty of hindsight looking back when I was out there every 5 minutes getting my fix, no matter the weather. I feel great... and I want this feeling to continue. 
  23. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 15... if I can make it to Day 28 Ill know Im over the hump. Feeling great. Looking in the mirror now and seeing a younger version of myself returning. No oily residue left after I moisturise. Why have I left it so long to quit. Still on chapter 28 of the book but thats a little over half way through so Im going to use the book to get off the vapes. The book tells you not to quit smoking till you finish the book. Did a bit of gardening while down home visiting my parents... plenty more waiting to be done for the next visit... but I have more energy to get it done so it will be fine. 

    So feeling good... positive outlook... and vacation time fast approaching so thats going to be the big reward if I make it to then. This time feels a lot smoother and less turbulent than my last big attempt. I definitely have learned from that experience and using it now to be stronger. Keep going everyone... We've got this! NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!
  24. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 17.... Went to Bloom yesterday in the park and it was lovely... a garden show they put on here every summer. It was so nice not to looking for somewhere to go to smoke and I actually didnt notice anyone smoking at all. Never noticed before how anti-social smoking has become. Still feeling positive and determined to get the job done this time. Still have the vapes and will keep with them... no need for the patches so maybe the vapes are doing it for this time. Everything going great at home and Im sleeping better with vivid dreams. Appetite has gotten better and Im enjoying my food. Trying not to drink too much alcohol cos that has been my weakness in past attempts. 
    Very happy with myself.
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 18... Onto Chapter 30 of the book. Only 14 left to go. Bought a refill Elfman vape today. While I fully intend dropping the vape once I finish the book, I think its going to be a good idea to have a vape close at hand in case of emergencies... Anything will be better than giving into the smokes... I would feel so gutted if I give in now for whatever reason. I took a few weeks off to help get me through this hard stage of the quit and Im glad I did that... but now Im anxious to get back to work and get back to a new normal routine. Then it will be a run into mid August for my holiday in Corfu... Cant wait for that and it will be so nice to be there on the beach or by the pool without an empty bottle of Coca-cola to gather the smelly ugly butts. Not to mention how nice it will be to sit down and enjoy a nice meal with my partner without having to rush out somewhere hidden from view to get my fix (every 5 minutes).

    Oh I love this new lifestyle choice Ive chosen. It is worth it... and I think because I have my mind fixed on quitting this time... its made a huge difference. I actually do want it this time.. I dont think I did before. Before it ws just to save money. This time its to save my sanity. 
  26. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 21.... well if I can make it to Day 28 they say the battle is won... but I do know from past errors I have to stay vigilent and not take anything for granted.

    Well big turn up for the books. Ive now moved back home to Cork from dublin, ended my relationship that had become abusive and quit my job. Its like my thought process has completely changed and all in a positive way. My life before was sucking every ounze of energy I had and its almost by not smoking, the fog lifted and I saw things for what they really are.

    So now Im searching for a new job and getting to grips with what has happened and adjusting to the new me. I can do this... Holiday to Corfu canceled but it turned out the agency we were going through went bust anyway so that wouldnt have happened anyway.

    Next thing to quit is the wine but thats a whole new ballgame that I will deal with when I can. 

    Hanging on in there... staying friends with my now ex but no going back. I should have left months ago but kept waiting for the what ifs and oh things will change. The only thing that changed was me.... and for the better.

  27. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 23... what a difference a week has made to my life. Have the cv out there looking for a new job and a complete new start. Have made peace with my ex partner and we are finally in a much better place with all the childishness behind us... or so I hope. My issue was wine and smokes... his was wine. And both of us were in very bad places. Pity it took me giving up smokes and fighting tooth and nail to recover myself for this hell of a difficult reality check to sink in and make the changes we both needed in order to save ourselves from premature deaths from stress and poison. Im not saying quitting smoking brought about all these changes... they were life wake up calls that we were given so many warnings about... but not smoking definitely helped me see the woods from the trees and while difficult changes and decisions were made in temper and anger... I know I did the right thing and I feel stronger as the days go by. I was asked if the drinking were to be cut out 100% would I go back... My reply was ... 'you and I both know thats not going to happen .. at least not in this lifetime and we would end up right back in that hell of a place we are fighting so hard to get out of and if anything, it would probably get even worse'. 

    Life teaches us all such lessons but its up to us to gather our thoughts as logical sane minded people, pick up the pieces and keep going. Life would be very dull if we lived in perfection but that doesnt mean we have to fuel the pits of hell and make life that bit more difficult for ourselves. Yes it sucks being single again after 2 years, yes it sucks my dream job is gone in a workplace I enjoyed and liked my colleagues... but I was living in a fantasy dreamworld thinking everything was great when it was the furthest thing from it.

    Ive managed to finish the book... still on the vapes but that seems the new thing now socially. I know I will ditch them when Im ready and at the end of the book it said to go back and read the book again in times of weakness... so thats going to be my bible and reference point for the next while. 

    Feel great... positive... intelligent... its as if a new me has emerged from a cocoon of doubt and uncertainty. Not sure I know exactly what Im doing just yet but I do feel a million times better.. less afraid, less anxious, less angry, less scared... does any of this make sense?

    This blog is really helping me. Just a place to vent whats on my mind that those close to me might not yet understand. Its feels like a new life.. a new world... all cos Im not longer inhaling those toxins I have been for the last 27 years. 
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 26.... Cant believe how far Ive gotten. Day 28 was my goal when I started so now that I see that finish line approaching I feel really positive and know Ive made one of the best decisions ever. 
    CV out there looking for a new job and have had some calls so fingers crossed something turns up soon. Im not someone to sit around doing nothing and like all of us... I like and want the money. Sad Corfu had to be cancelled but it was with an agency and same agency has gone bust with tiktok videos everywhere about people having to pay everything again when they got to their hotels as nothing had been paid by the agency. all the way from now on. Working things through with my partner... we have kind of come to the conclusion that we are really taking a break to sort our issues out alone. We will meet in person next week (to get the last of my stuff from that house) and have a chat... see where things go from there. Feeling positive about that.

    While I know I had my issues, and not smoking really made me think clearly.... he had issues too and loads of things were pushing me over the edge mental health wise. We had been having issues for a number of months and it all just came to a head... I know Im not the first or last person that will happen to. His issue was with alcohol. So he needs this time to work on that... which he tells me he is doing. Sometimes if you love someone, you really have to bite the bullet and walk away... if they love you like they claim to do, they will see what they have lost and do their best to get you back - including making the changes to make life 'easier'. I dont really think we need to 'change' people if we love them but if the 'changes' mean making them a better person... a truer reflection of the person you love in your mind... and they respond.. then that can only be a good thing. So watch the space....

    I dont miss dublin at all... the lifestyle there was just too chaotic. People were rough and feral.... I had no friends asuch (symptom of my failing relationship) and negativity was everywhere. It was expensive, busy, and not to mention dangerous. Everything involved drinking and getting drunk. Pick pockets everywhere... beggers. (Tourism Dublin will soon be chasing me to be a rep)... It just wasnt for me. Fine to visit go shopping.. but to live and make a life no. 

    Discovered the watermelon ice vape... moving to that now over the pineapple ice. Onwards and upwards... I really feel like Im winning this time and now there is no return.
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 29... well I made it to Day 28 and sailed right on through to Day 29. Very happy, feeling very positive.
    Bit of a cough now but thats normal and nothing to be concerned about in hay fever season. Put up a status update on my Facebook and got loads of support from everyone... thats encouragement enough to keep going and not let anyone down. Helps to know people are looking out for you and watching your progress.. like spectators at a race cheering on from the side.. your legs like jelly not knowing if you can keep going... but you hear the cheers and it pushes you to fight on... thats what Im doing now.. fighting to stay in the race and Im going to win it! lol... 
  30. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 31 or 1 month exactly.... I feel amazing. Better thought process, recognising whats best for me and sticking to my guns. Today is Fathers Day here so just an easy day planned at home... offered to cook dinner but Mum refusing that. Ex partner showing their true colours only confirming I did the right thing by leaving. Its almost as if smoking had a black cloud over me for so long and I was 'putting up' with things I really should not have had to and now that that black cloud is gone... and I have nothing but sunshine, the way has become clear to a much happier life... and isnt that what life should be all about..? being happy and being around people who bring out the best in you, not the opposite? Im not saying a magic wand has been waved and now Im in some fairytale existence... fare from it... but I feel better equipped to handle life and thinking and functioning like a real human being with emotions to bring about content... not misery... which is where I was trapped for so long.

    So onwards and upwards now. I looked up a calculator to work out exactly what I was on projection to spend on cigarettes had I continued... something like €18,000 a year!!! That is astounding. Theres my Volvo XC40 right there in two years which is a car I really want to buy. Having simple goals like this is helping me stay focussed. Now to get a new job that I will enjoy and then to move out of my parents house, start making some new friends (which is already kind of happening).... I had been in 'talks' with my ex trying to highlight the reasons I left and why this happened now but it all fell on deaf ears and angry hurt responses taking zero accountability or responsibility or a willingness to work with me... everything of course is my fault and my mental health. Who needs negativity like that in life dragging you down, pulling you back and making you feel bad? Absolutely no-one. Partnerships are about wanting the best for each other and bringing good things through positivity. No sitting there downing bottle after bottle of wine wallowing in misery and they 'why is life so cruel to me'.... Its so frustrating to think I put up with such nonsense for so long and that I was actually on my own in what I thought was a good relationship. when someone hits you out of their frustration... time to hit the hills and never look back.

    Thank you God for giving me the strength to fight this time and to recognise my own value and taking smoking away from me that was nothing but a heavy lead ball and chain around my neck arms and legs for so long... He cut those chains and gave me the chance and I seized the opportunity and now Im reaping the rewards... a true gift.
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