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Third time's the charm

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. gnomemoresmokes
    gnomemoresmokes avatar
    8 posts
    02 Apr 2020
    30 Jun 2020
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    Trying again for the third month in a row. This time with the patch. 
  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
    117 posts
    16 Jul 2018
    30 Jun 2020 in reply to gnomemoresmokes
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    Hello gnomemoresmokes,

    Congratulations on trying again. It often takes numerous attempts in order for a quit to be successful. Please don't give up!

    Using the nicotine patch is a great idea. It can double the chances of successfully quitting and it can make quitting much easier.

    Please reach out often and good luck!

  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    Hoping you are riding out the quit with some success as you seem pretty determined to keep coming back at it. 

    You need to add Nibs to your arsenal of quit smoking aids. I chewed through bags of those delicious red licorice nibs in my first few weeks of quitting. 

    Ok, maybe Nibs are not your thing, but find something to keep yourself busy when you get those crawling up the wall cravings. 

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    09 Jul 2020
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    Hi gnomemoresmokes

    Congrats this time, will be your time, remember the key is to be prepare, until you have built Confidence in your self to keep your Quit!

    You learn from day one, and every sleep, Now is a new quit with a different attitude.
    Remember with you want to quit?
    Do not worry too much, you started to quit already and the beginning of freedom!

    Distract your self from those moments and regard your self for one full day smoke free! 

    You can do it, we believe on you!
    One day at the time, never give up! 

    All the best
4 posts, 0 answered