kyle @ smokers helpline
84 posts
28 Nov 2017
10 Oct 2018
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Hello everyone,
Due to a mandatory infrastructure upgrade from Microsoft, will be offline for several hours beginning around 9pm Eastern Time on Monday, November 5. We have been told to expect a roughly 12 hour outage, though it may be less.
We apologize for this disruption, and thank you for your patience.
As always, if you experience any odd behaviour from the site before or after the upgrade, please let us know ASAP.
-Kyle and the team
EDITED: 9PM, not 3PM
EDIT 2: Rescheduled to Oct. 26th
EDIT 3: Rescheduled again. Seriously. Nov. 2nd
EDIT 4: Rescheduled AGAIN. Nov. 5th
Last modified on 05 Nov 2018 14:37 by kyle @ smokers helpline