efram, quit coach
242 posts
29 Nov 2017
23 Sep 2018
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Hi All,
Love the ideas here! Mandalas, puzzles, reading, computer games, gardening, walking, Cribbage, candies, sunflower seeds -- finding creative and fun ways to not smoke is what it's all about!
Some people do well with just a single distraction or coping skill to keep it simple ("Every time I have a craving, I'll break out the harmonica and play for 5 minutes!"), but for others, variety is what it's all about. I've heard from many people who write a nice long list of pretty much every idea that they can think of, and then pick and choose depending on their mood or the situation. Like good buddy notes, it may get boring sometimes to use the same distraction too often.
It can help to think of specific distractions that will keep the hands, mouth, and brain occupied.
Brieffree, I don't know what you did either, but I'm glad it worked! Nice going, staying true to your intention of staying smoke-free!
Sometimes distractions will change with the seasons. I have a feeling there will be a lot of people raking leaves soon instead of lighting up a cigarette.
Please keep sharing your distraction ideas here!