Forums / The day to day / Saturday Pledge

Saturday Pledge

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    15 Sep 2018
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    Good Morning Everyone

    Smitty, I proudly take your hand and Pledge to remain Smoke Free an other day, and I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in Line.
  2. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
    42 posts
    06 Sep 2018
    15 Sep 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    I will gladly take your other hand to help get me through the rest of my first day which is today.
    I have been struggling, but as I have taken your hand, I pledge to remain smoke-free for the rest of today.
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    15 Sep 2018
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    Hi Quit Buddy

    I super proud to take your hand and Pledge to stay smoke free today and tomorrow too, I will be taken your hand to Stay smoke free too. Also I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in Line, and be free of this Addiction. 
  4. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
    42 posts
    06 Sep 2018
    15 Sep 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    I made it 23 hours, then fell and had one cigarette.
    I got mad at myself and went out and bought sunflower seeds and sugar-free gum to add to my arsenal of sugar-free candy.
    Armed with all three, plus the Champix, I feel more confident that I can do this.
    I will take your hand again and make it through the rest of tonight and tomorrow as well.
    Thank you.
  5. prettyinpink
    prettyinpink avatar
    2 posts
    16 Sep 2018
    15 Sep 2018
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    I will also take your hand and make it through the rest of tonight and a full day of tomorrow too. 
5 posts, 0 answered