Forums / The day to day / Bored!


6 posts, 0 answered
  1. sammy
    sammy avatar
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    31 Dec 2019
    04 Feb 2020
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    Hi-I am 41 days smoke free.  For the first 30 days I slept a lot.  Now I’m just bored as heck in my spare time.  I have a busy life with work, exercise and walking the dog but when it’s time to sit and relax I am bored.  I used to have a couple glasses of wine and cigarettes and that’s basically what I did until bedtime.  Now I’m doing neither. I do crosswords and knitting but I’m just doing them to fill the time.  I wonder how long it will be before I’m relaxing in my downtime and not trying to “fill” my downtime with stuff just to keep myself occupied until bedtime.  Has anyone else experienced this?
  2. khick77
    khick77 avatar
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    05 Feb 2020
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    Yes I am to. For right now I am really bored with a lot of stress on me. Before my friend had his stroke's we would go for drives and have coffee and drive to Brackley beach in the spring summer and fall we would walk the trails that is my days off work and winter we just drive to see if people are ice fishing. Since he been in the hospital since Sunday. I been laying around wishing that he will get better and come home. My days seem so long now I can't drive I don't have my driver's license at all. And fighting the war in my brain to stay strong and not have that smoke. Since he been in the hospital I have not been in to see him where we are it to far to walk anywhere. Town is 10 minute drive 3 to 4 hour walk the beach is 5 minute drive and an hour walk that is to far to walk with a tornen legment. 
  3. sammy
    sammy avatar
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    31 Dec 2019
    05 Feb 2020 in reply to khick77
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    i’m sorry you friend is ill right now and you aren’t able to visit him.  It is tough being bored!  Do you read or watch tv?  That would be a good way to have lots to talk to your friend about when he’s better.  
    You’re doing well so stay strong!
  4. atp
    atp avatar
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    31 Dec 2018
    05 Feb 2020 in reply to sammy
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    I did the cold turkey quit method as well. I'm at 400 days and I can tell you that YES you do get passed the 'bored' phase. 

    The first 2 or so months I just didn't know what to do. I'd sit there and wonder how non-smokers can live their lives because it is so boring not smoking. 

    The problem was that I didn't know how to be a non-smoker, and I was missing the routine of smoking. 

    Even at about 9 months I was standing in the river salmon fishing and just feeling kind of bored and missing having a smoke while fishing. It was something I did for almost 30 years. It takes time to get used to change. 

    You know though, I don't miss freezing my butt off having a smoke outside in February. 

    You'll get used to it. 
  5. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
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    Hi everyone,

    The boredom factor is real. atp I love how you described it as you didn't know how to be a non-smoker.

    From speaking with clients, something I have heard a lot of them say is that they have picked up an old hobby or interest that they had left behind when smoking took up all their time. When we fill our time with something meaningful it can become just as enjoying as smoking was during these 'down' times. This may be a beautiful time in your life to discover new interests and hobbies as well. 

    I commend all of you for taking these times to wind down, because many people struggle and think they have to keep busy when quitting smoking 100% of the time.

    Best of luck,

    Jenna Lee
  6. khick77
    khick77 avatar
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    21 Dec 2019
    07 Feb 2020
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    I watch tv later on in the day when I get bored of the radio. Reading is not my strong suit I struggle with reading spelling. It takes me a while to figure out what everyone is saying on here. I do keep myself busy with my friends cat feed her and water her clean out her litter box feed 2 stray cats cheak the mail play games on my phone. But after a while I get bored of it all because I am used to doing all that stuff while smoking. It distracts me for a while it also helps me to focus on the tasks that I have to do. When I get back to work I will be playing some games I don't constant great so the games help me with that. Instead of looking around after ab hour at work it 3 to 5 hours later.
6 posts, 0 answered