255 posts
06 Feb 2020
27 Apr 2022
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Hi mom2ksm,
First, congratulations on quitting! I smoked for over 43 years so I know how hard it is to do. But through hard work and determination, you achieved your goal. Make sure you stick with it.
I have people in my life who still smoke. I just tell myself that I am the lucky one who decided to change her life for the better and persevered until I succeeded. And you know what? Now smoke bothers me. It makes my eyes and nose itch. I can't stand the smell. Yuck.
Don't worry about being the odd man out. You valued yourself enough to make a major change, and you should be really proud of yourself. And remember, when you wake up in the morning, you won't have a mouth that tastes like an ashtray, and you won't be coughing your guts out.
Please live by NOPE, Not One Puff Ever. If you never take that first puff, you will be a non-smoker forever.