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Hi! I’m new here.

9 posts, 1 answered
  1. mom2ksm
    mom2ksm avatar
    3 posts
    24 Apr 2022
    24 Apr 2022
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    Hi there! I’m looking for some support and community. I quit smoking on January 2 of this year and have been doing well. I smoked for 37 years and have finally had enough. My husband continues to smoke (outside) and most of the time it doesn’t bother me much. I am getting a little concerned about the upcoming camping season as he, my sister and her boyfriend all smoke, and we spend large amounts of time together. I’m worried about being the odd one out and how to handle it.  Any tips and tricks or advice is welcome!
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Welcome to our community here at the Smokers Helpline and congratulations for getting to where you are, almost 4 months. That takes guts and determination and clearly you have both to make this quit stick.
    In regards to the upcoming camping trips with smokers... bring plenty of candy and water with you. Remind yourself of why you wanted to quit and use the motto NOPE (Not one puff ever). You won't be the odd man out even though it may feel like that. Are you using any NRT? Im using the mist and that really helps when an urge strikes.
    Last modified on 27 Apr 2022 08:38 by dublinguy
  3. mom2ksm
    mom2ksm avatar
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    I’m not using anything now. I did use chantix to quit but haven’t taken that since February as it made me a bit nauseated.  I think it’s more the fact that I will be the odd person out and it’s a bit nerve wracking!
  4. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congrats on quitting. You are doing great. With no NRT. I quit February 28. My husband also still smokes outside. Which Doesn’t bother me. Just the smell !  I find I just have to keep busy with other smokers around. 
  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    27 Apr 2022 in reply to mom2ksm
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    Hi mom2ksm,  

    First, congratulations on quitting!  I smoked for over 43 years so I know how hard it is to do.  But through hard work and determination, you achieved your goal.  Make sure you stick with it.

    I have people in my life who still smoke.  I just tell myself that I am the lucky one who decided to change her life for the better and persevered until I succeeded.  And you know what?  Now smoke bothers me.  It makes my eyes and nose itch.  I can't stand the smell.  Yuck.

    Don't worry about being the odd man out.  You valued yourself enough to make a major change, and you should be really proud of yourself.  And remember, when you wake up in the morning, you won't have a mouth that tastes like an ashtray, and you won't be coughing your guts out.

    Please live by NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  If you never take that first puff, you will be a non-smoker forever.
  6. mom2ksm
    mom2ksm avatar
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    Just a quick update... Still not smoking, six months in!  Camping has been ok with the three smokers.  I do find they are avoiding me and congregating together while I'm left by myself.  I am the actual odd person out, but have resigned myself to it.  I'm glad to not be smoking and this is never more evident when we get up in the morning and I'm not coughing and hacking!
  7. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Congratulations mom2ksm:  wow 6 months is awesome. I am coming up on 8 months , so I understand what you are going through. Both my niece and nephew smoke, and I feel they are avoiding me as not to up set me  or tempt me. I told them it doesn;t  bother me and I can handle it. You are showing a good example to them, and one day they will be on board with you. Keep up the good work and keep NOPE close by.. Again Awesome.
  8. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congrats on 6 months mom2ksm that is a great accomplishment. I just passed 4 months and find being around smokers doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would.  I have also been to camp and I am amazed how little I think about smoking. I thought I would be really hard at camp
    keep up the great work. I really like to see posts on here about peoples success stories 😀
  9. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    10 Jul 2022 in reply to mom2ksm
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    Hi mom2ksm, 

    Wow congratulations on being 6 months smoke free! I hear you about being around smokers & being left out, happens to me with a few people and like you I quickly remind myself how lucky I am to no longer be a slave to an unhealthy addiction. So right on to in reminding yourself how you don’t miss the negative aspects that came with smoking. Keep on going, you are doing awesome! 
9 posts, 1 answered