Forums / Distractions / Calling All Artists of Any Kind

Calling All Artists of Any Kind

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. gracchus
    gracchus avatar
    3 posts
    04 Jan 2023
    03 Feb 2023
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    I'm a songwriter and smoking was an integral ( seemingly, I guess and hope) part of my process. Ever since I quit -25 days ago now, whenever I sit down to write, that of course is when the cravings kick in. Big time! So I'm wondering if there are any other artists out there of any kind, authors, painters, poets, sculptors,  skywriters etc who have had this issue  and found  a useful way of dealing with it.
  2. jax1964
    jax1964 avatar
    1 posts
    08 Jun 2023
    20 Jun 2023 in reply to gracchus
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    I found changing my location stopped the craving. If you can take your guitar out to a park that might help. After doing that for a few days, I find I can now go back to my regular routine without cravings.
  3. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
    64 posts
    09 Nov 2022
    21 Jun 2023 in reply to jax1964
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    Hi jax1964, 

    Thank you for sharing! You are absolutely right, even a small change to your routine can be beneficial, as your brain learns that doing a particular activity no longer means 'having a smoke'. This same trick applies to any unavoidable situation where you'd normally have a cigarette. It's great to see that you have found some strategies that work for you. Thanks again for posting!

  4. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    28 Jun 2023
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    Hi Everyone, 

    I totally agree with changing up your routine. I did just that & it helped me lots in maintaining my quit, especially in the beginning of my quit. One huge change I did was going for walks on my work breaks.
    Last modified on 28 Jun 2023 20:39 by wandam
4 posts, 0 answered