50 posts
27 Sep 2018
21 Oct 2018
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Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think in the last forty-two years that I would be able to go without a smoke for almost two weeks, much less an hour. I was one of those ones who said I would never quit (never say never, come to mind?), as I really didn't think it was harming me, or I thought I would be one of the lucky ones who got off scott free. I've since learned differently and taken my head out of the sand and know that I was only deluding myself. I came to the point 6 weeks ago, that I knew that I "needed" to quit, not that I "wanted" to quit. I'm going through cravings, I'm going through some withdrawal, the insomnia is definitely the worst, but those are a piece of cake compared to the fact that I was killing myself, knowingly. I want to be a non-smoker more than what I've ever wanted anything else in my life. I want to live. I know I'm strong enough to do this, sadly it came after forty-two years of smoking. But I don't want to regret not giving this my best shot. I already regret deeply that I ever started smoking and that I didn't give it a better try in my early twenties. Wishing all of you the very best in this journey.