Forums / Distractions / The 5 D's

The 5 D's

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
    58 posts
    29 Nov 2018
    21 Jun 2019
    Link to this post
    I know that most of you are familiar with the 4d's to help you handle urges to smoke but there is another one.

    1) Delay- will go away in a few minutes
    2) Distract- do something to get your mind off smoking: walking, music, puzzles, house chores, watching tv, etc
    3) Deep Breathing- taking two deep breathing slowly and deeply. Can also count (inhale 1 sec..exhale 1 sec...2in....2 out....etc)
    4) Drink Water- drink water slowly and can try keeping the water in your mouth for a while.
    5) Discuss your challenges of quitting or reducing with your support system (someone you know who has quit or friend) or you may always call Smokers' Helpline  1-877-513-5333

    Hope you all have a nice weekend!

    Jenna C
1 posts, 0 answered