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Mindfulness and our quit journey

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Can using mindfulness help us quit smoking? Mindfulness can be described as focusing our awareness on the present moment. It is being fully aware of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and what we see, hear, touch and smell around us. Mindfulness is letting the present moment be what it is, accept the situation or the experience as it is, whether good or bad. It is like slowing down and paying attention to what’s going on around us at the moment.

    Being mindful in our daily life can help us in all areas of our life. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It can help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms when we are quitting smoking. For example, if we have a craving right now, we can stop, take a deep breath, slow down and pay attention to our thoughts and feelings. We can notice what we see, hear and smell and really focus on being there at the moment and imagine the cravings fading away or we can simply think about something else.

    Do you practice mindfulness in your daily life? Is mindfulness helpful with your quit journey? How do you practice mindfulness?
  2. chartippybum
    chartippybum avatar
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    Today i had a really exciting day....but i find myself feeling guilty and worried. I am trying to be mindful and enjoying the moment. I practice gratitude. 
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Linda,

    Thank you for this reminder about living for and enjoying the moment I am in. I find this exceptionally challenging and I have to consciously try to slow down and take in the experiences of the moment. Being a new non-smoker gives me an amazing new opportunity to take in smells that were previously masked in smoke. Not smoking in this moment and enjoying it is a great way to quit.

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Linda

    That is a Great Exercise, to help you go with all those moments, Me specially I know when I will have a crave in advance, so I always prepare, I think in other think, or positive! If, I can not hold it, I use the help of NRT,
    But, know is a way of life, smoking is not more an issue to me.I control myself in different ways, I pay attention to my Body, what I need and when I need. That helps me to relax.
    I really enjoy fresh air.
  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Linda,

    It is so ironic that I came across this post now. Overnight, I developed a chest infection, and I thought to myself, "I am so glad that I no longer smoke, otherwise, I would be in such worse shape."  And that is true.  So I am always mindful of what is happening in my life in terms of me being a non-smoker now, and what life would be like if I still smoked. 

    And when I am on public transit, I often think, wow, people here are non-smokers, and I have joined the majority.  And when I smell a smoker, I want to get away from them, because I can't stand the stench, sorry to say.  I still don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke itself, but I absolutely hate the stench of smoke coming from a smoker.  And that was me for almost my entire life.  So I am not trying to put anyone down, trust me.  Just telling it like it is.

    I find it helps to be super aware, because I am constantly saying to myself, "See, aren't you glad you don't smoke any more?"  And that is the truth.  I think of it often, and it is really helpful to me.
  6. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Linda, I still struggle and have relapsed.  I limit my smoking, and don't smoke during the day. but I'm sill addicted.  Being mindful about my smoking means coming here to SHO because it helps me focus on my destructive smoking ways and on breaking my addiction.  Too often I'm busy and distracted from my mission by daily life necessities.  But whenever I sign in here, it remimds me to prioritize and get centered on my habit.  So thank you for this topic!
  7. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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7 posts, 0 answered