Forums / Cravings / Day 19

Day 19

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. lil_duckie
    lil_duckie avatar
    5 posts
    23 May 2024
    19 Jun
    Link to this post
    Hi everyone. I have been pretty quiet in posting two smokers helpline but I just wanna say thank you for just having stuff to read ideas. Thank you.
    I am really struggling today and for the last few days I feel that if I get dressed, I will just jump in the car and run to the store. But I can’t, I really do have to see this through  It’s hard though !   
    again, thank you for your support, everyone. 
    My question is ..  how to control today’s OBSESSION ?  
    Last modified on 19 Jun 2024 13:20 by lil_duckie
  2. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
    50 posts
    09 Nov 2022
    19 Jun in reply to lil_duckie
    Link to this post
    Hi lil_duckie, 

    It's very positive that you reached out and posted. Sounds like you are having a rough time, but despite that, you still reached out. This shows some real strength and commitment!

    Cravings can be challenging. Consider the 4 D's: delay, distract, drink water and deep breathing. Continue to connect here for support and keep your reasons for quitting top of mind. You may find it helpful to write them down and keep them posted somewhere where you will see it often. 

    You may also consider using a nicotine replacement therapy (nrt) product like the patch or gum. NRT can help soften cravings and ease symptoms of withdrawal. And remember the mantra that you have likely already seen on this forum: NOPE...not one puff ever. 

    Hope this helps. You are doing so well!

    Warm regards,
    Karen, Quit Coach
2 posts, 0 answered