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Dublin Guys Journey

336 posts, 0 answered
  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    25 Jun
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    Day 40... still going. Feels great. Bleeding gums again this morning when I brushed my teeth but thats all signs Im healing. Was sitting on a bar terrace the other day and could smell smoking from way down the street. Then went to another bar and people were smoking at the table beside me. It was horrid... another sign Im healing. Can believe I was actually smoking nearly 60 of those sticks at the end... really is a mystery now and no wonder I was struggling to make proper decisions. 
    Still in cork and still hunting for a job.. Its not looking too promising. Good news is I met up with my partner and we spend two nights at a hotel midway between Cork and Dublin and just had a lovely time. While I explained the reasons I left we kind of focussed on the 'what now's' and made plans. The penny has dropped with him and he is making a big effort and its like dealing with the guy I met in the first place again. I think he was just lost there for a while and was losing control of himself sinking into depression and drink problems. This shake up I gave him has kinda woken him up. So Im going to dublin tomorrow for a week to see how we get on. And Im applying for jobs back up there again. Im not sure yet how I feel about going back up there if that comes to pass but one step at a time. Hes going away to visit his aunt in spain in a few weeks to think things through for himself and thats a good thing. 

    So life has changed big time. And lessons have been learned and now without the smoking I feel much better equipped to make intelligent choices. Wine and too much of it is an absolute disaster. 

    Things going fine at home... just getting bored now without a job and I need money. Our national airline is on strike now so loads of people have had their summer holidays cancelled and lost lots of money. So at least Im not dealing with that. And if we get back on track with jobs and money... we will go somewhere else in the new year or at Christmas or something. 

    So things are looking up big style. Life has completely changed.
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    03 Jul
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    Day 48 now... just back from a week away in Dublin. Still going strong. I think this time I really have managed to kick the beast and I have no intention of slipping ever again. Things back on track with my partner so that was nice to experience again. So back home now again and the job hunting begins again. Its so frustrating when u spend so long applying and places dont even email you back saying no. 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    07 Jul
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    52 Days now... have felt a bit shaky, uncomfortable for the last day or two but that could be down to many things. Im not exactly having cravings but Im suddenly loving the idea of having a smoke but theres no way in Hell Im giving in now. Joined a few no smoking groups on facebook and seen a lot of people slipping. why is quitting so difficult? Im nearly at 2 months now and Ive been here before so I know I can do this. Thinking Im going to have to quit the vapes now soon cos Im using them way too often... it looks like i might be moving back to dublin again.. there just doesnt seem to be jobs here in cork and while Im enjoying the stress free life at my parents place.. money is going to fast start to run out and I need a job to have purpose and motivation. Ive sent so many cv's out but its just such a slow process. My partner and I are talking about moving to spain in the new year if things dont start to pick up job wise for both of us soon. 

    But still holding strong here... will keep going. 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    22 Jul
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    67 days now... woo hoo. easing up on the vaping now so thats next to go. 
    Have a job interview lined up for next month so things are beginning to look up again. I dunno whats going on in the jobs market here over the last few months but its been so slow. wasnt expecting to be out of work this long and now the money is running out so its not fun. 
    But everything is going well at the moment and no desire whatsoever to go back smoking. 
  5. sheza, quit coach
    sheza, quit coach avatar
    10 posts
    16 Oct 2023
    23 Jul
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    Hi dublinguy!

    Congratulations on reaching 67 days smoke-free! Your progress is truly inspiring.

    It’s great to hear about the positive changes you're experiencing, from feeling healthier to making thoughtful plans for the future. Your determination and the steps you’ve taken, like taking time off work to focus on quitting and managing your vaping, show your commitment to a healthier life.

    I’m glad to hear you’re feeling more confident and clear-minded and that you’re receiving such strong support from your friends and partner. It’s also wonderful that you’re using this time to plan for your future, including job opportunities and personal goals.

    Keep up the fantastic work and continue to stay focused on your goals. Remember, every day you’re smoke-free is a step towards a better future. We’re all cheering for you!
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    25 Jul in reply to sheza, quit coach
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    Thanks Sheza... yes it feels great. everytime i log in and see the counter moving up I feel so pleased and proud of myself for what ive done and accomplished. I got to 6 months before so thats my goal again but will stick with it this time and not fall again. 
336 posts, 0 answered