Forums / The day to day / One Month

One Month

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. rosie1931
    rosie1931 avatar
    50 posts
    27 Sep 2018
    08 Nov 2018
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    One month today.  Never say never,  Never underestimate yourself.  I did both for forty-two years.  Not anymore.  For anyone just starting their quit or thinking about it, do it.  You've got everything you need to succeed.  There are tools out there that make it easier, but we ourselves are the ones that make it happen.  Be positive, be strong, be confident.  The struggle can be as easy or as hard as you make it for yourself.  And please don't misunderstand, the journey to quit is a hard one, but it's not insurmountable if you go into it with the right mindset and utilize every single tool that is now available to us.
    One last never.  Never stop believing in yourself.  
    Wishing everyone a smoke-free day and a smoke-free future.  We've got this, we always did, we just didn't know it.  But we do now!  
  2. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Rosie,

    Congratulations.  One month is such a milestone.  I've read it many times how the success of our quit increases exponentially if we make it to the one-month mark.  And you're already there!!!  But more importantly, as you emphatically mention, is that one's attitude is the key to success.

    Congratulations Rosie, you deserve it!!

  3. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    08 Nov 2018
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    Hi Rosie1931,

    Congratulations on getting to the 1 month mark! That is a huge accomplishment. Hope you have some plans to celebrate.

    Thank-you for your words of encouragement and sharing the knowledge that helped you get here today.

    Wishing you a nice smoke free day and future,
  4. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
    140 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    09 Nov 2018 in reply to rosie1931
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    Hi Rosie. 

    Well said, and those words couldn't be truer. So inspiring. Use all the tools, research, take advice and support. Beat the beast down and show who is boss.!
  5. rosie1931
    rosie1931 avatar
    50 posts
    27 Sep 2018
    10 Nov 2018
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    Thanks everyone.  And sharing our journey helps as well.  Have a great weekend! 
5 posts, 0 answered