Forums / The day to day / Day two

Day two

8 posts, 5 answered
  1. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
    42 posts
    06 Sep 2018
    18 Sep 2018
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    Today is my second day of not smoking, I am not struggling during the day as much as I do in the evenings, starting around 3 pm till I go to bed at around 7 pm. So there is a 4 hour time period with which I struggle the most.
    The evenings are harder for me because bad things happened to me in the evenings growing up, That is why I go to bed so early, and I think that is why I struggle more in the evenings, because they are more stressful.
    I am using my distractions and my replacements such as sunflower seeds and sugar-free candy and gum. They do help, but it is hard not to think about smoking.
  2. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    18 Sep 2018 in reply to good buddy
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    Good Evening, good buddy!

    This is great news. Congratulations on getting to day 2!

    Evening time brings a lot of challenges for you. I am glad you have the seeds and candy and gum. Adding more to your evenings may help aside from the snacks. Many of our members listen to soothing music or nature sounds. There are so many ideas out there. Perhaps posting in the evening time too?

    Members check in and are here for you good buddy. Rooting for you all the way!

    You can do it,

  3. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
    42 posts
    06 Sep 2018
    19 Sep 2018 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    I am sorry, I can't right now, my cat is going in for surgery on Monday, I am too worried about her.
    I am changing my quit day up to Tuesday, September 25.
    I also just quit my volunteer job because the place I was volunteering at is a mess. All of the staff have quit because of the executive director, she basically pushed them out the door with her mean words. I was tired of walking on eggshells during my shifts.
    I called the executive director on her behavior and she won't take any of the blame when I know the truth. Again, I apologize, I know everyone is trying to support me in quitting smoking, but All day all I've been thinking about is having a smoke. I have been using my distractions and the candies etc, but even while doing all these things, no matter what I try, I can't get it off my mind.
    So, I have slipped, but  I will get back up again next Tuesday.
  4. chartippybum
    chartippybum avatar
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    Hang in there. You have inspired me not to slip up and have a smoke because i know it can be hard to quit again
  5. dmr
    dmr avatar
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    19 Sep 2018
    19 Sep 2018 in reply to good buddy
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    This is my first day here. I am wondering how you are doing Good Buddy?
    Last modified on 19 Sep 2018 17:55 by dmr
  6. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
    42 posts
    06 Sep 2018
    19 Sep 2018 in reply to dmr
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    I am stressed out today, I changed my quit date to September 25th, I am really glad you came aboard. There is wonderful support here. I just couldn't stay quit today and I know I am going to be stressed and worried about my cat till after she has her surgery. 
  7. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    19 Sep 2018 in reply to chartippybum
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    I know I can quit again, I just need to get through till Tuesday after my cat's surgery.
    I have not given up trying to quit, its just put on hold for a few days.
  8. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi good buddy,

    Sorry to hear about the stress you are experiencing. I hope all goes well with your cats surgery next week.

    Knowing that stress can be a trigger for you to smoke, do you have plans on how you will cope with any stress when you quit?

8 posts, 5 answered