good buddy
42 posts
06 Sep 2018
19 Sep 2018
in reply to
lillian, quit coach
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I am sorry, I can't right now, my cat is going in for surgery on Monday, I am too worried about her.
I am changing my quit day up to Tuesday, September 25.
I also just quit my volunteer job because the place I was volunteering at is a mess. All of the staff have quit because of the executive director, she basically pushed them out the door with her mean words. I was tired of walking on eggshells during my shifts.
I called the executive director on her behavior and she won't take any of the blame when I know the truth. Again, I apologize, I know everyone is trying to support me in quitting smoking, but All day all I've been thinking about is having a smoke. I have been using my distractions and the candies etc, but even while doing all these things, no matter what I try, I can't get it off my mind.
So, I have slipped, but I will get back up again next Tuesday.