Forums / My journey / The Smoking Dream

The Smoking Dream

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    I know I’m not alone with this one …

    Last night I had a dream wherein I was standing on a balcony smoking. AND, it was freaking amazing! I wish I could say I hated it … that I was disgusted with the taste, smell, etc. But it wasn’t. In fact, I had three cigarettes because it was so blissful.

    When I woke up, I had a gamut of emotions. I was disappointed because I couldn’t smoke. I missed smoking and even questioned why I quit in the first place. My relief that it was only a dream was some comfort because I wouldn’t have to go through the last few weeks again.

    After shaking the dream off I realized a couple of very important lessons …

    I’m a recovering addict and I accept that that part of my brain is hardwired. It will do what it needs to do to survive including showing up to “remind” me how much I want/need/love to smoke. Yup, it’s basically a dirty liar. But over the last four weeks I’ve started to re-wire my thinking so that my thoughts have a new place to go. I don’t fear quitting the way I did in the early days. At best, I get a little annoyed when smoking thoughts come to mind. At worst, I know I have the support (here), and the tools to keep me free from smoking.

    I’d be interested to hear from others if they too, had the “smoking” dream and what, if any, effect it had.

    Wishing you all a very happy day.
  2. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    I've had many dreams like this some that felt so real I woke up looking for cigarettes and a ashtray. The weirdest one was being chased by a giant cigarette. The last one was triggered by one of my housemates smoking outside but leaving the doors open and I caught a smell of it. Now I will get up and drink a glass of water and continue on with my day.
  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    I had a few smoking dreams in the first few months of my quit. Not quite as vivid as manderson's though!

    For me the bigger challenge was those times when I just felt like having a smoke because it was such a routine for me - not even a craving, just felt like that is what i should be doing, but easy enough to dismiss and carry on. I can't recall how many times I got into my van and started looking around for my non-existent smoke pack. The times I went to pay for gas and asked for a pack of smokes without even thinking about it (last time was about a month ago!).  Those are the the challenges of breaking a long ingrained routine. 

  4. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    03 Oct 2019 in reply to atp
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    Hi Justfortoday, On my previous attempts to quit smoking, I would have dreams occassionaly about having a smoke, and I would be angry that it wasn't real, but relieved that I didn't actually smoke! This time I have only had one dream not that long ago and I was a bit shook that it showed up now after 10 months. But I got over it fairly quickly and have not had one since. It just goes to show me that although things are going much better, I will always have to be aware of this addiction resurfacing often at the oddest times! As long as we live by N.O.P.E. (not one puff ever) we will be ok. Here is to another smoke free day!!  - m
  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi justfortoday,

    I had a dream that I smoked when I first quit.  If the smoking devil can't get you when you are awake, he will try to get you when you are asleep.  I remember feeling so relieved when I woke up that it was just a dream and that I hadn't blown my quit.  I mean, the dream was so real.

    You are so right.  The smoking devil is a dirty liar, and you just have to keep reminding yourself of that.  You are doing an amazing job!
  6. lscianname
    lscianname avatar
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    Omg i too have had those dreams.  so so real. but like all of you are saying, its the devil smoke playing on our emotions. Its upset that we now know the truth and we have cast it aside.  We/I will not let it win! HA!
  7. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    I totally relate to the dream that is so vivid and real.
    I just made a separate post about it and then discovered this thread.

    It seems like it is part of the mind remembering something that was once powerful and pleasurable,
  8. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    02 Apr 2020 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hi justfortoday- I know this post is old but been looking for you on forum. I am well- 5 months tomorrow smoke free ! At times it is a battle and at times its ok. Cravings way easier to move through and fewer and far between but things ok; Just thought be nice to touch base !
  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi justfortoday

    Look, I am thinking and I had close dreams an early days  where I run to get my smokes and that about it.
    As you said You know for experience that is possible to let go, is all our bad habits.

    Is time to think positive in your quit! be nice with your self!
    Regard your self for a good job. with something healthy!
    Happy smoke free day!
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    I had a few smoking dreams a few weeks into my quit. Nothing like Mandersons giant cigarette chasing me but more me actually smoking. The relief when you wake up and realise it was just a dream.
10 posts, 0 answered