168 posts
12 Aug 2019
02 Oct 2019
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I know I’m not alone with this one …
Last night I had a dream wherein I was standing on a balcony
smoking. AND, it was freaking amazing! I wish I could say I hated it … that I
was disgusted with the taste, smell, etc. But it wasn’t. In fact, I had three
cigarettes because it was so blissful.
When I woke up, I had a gamut of emotions. I was disappointed
because I couldn’t smoke. I missed smoking and even questioned why I quit in
the first place. My relief that it was only a dream was some comfort because I
wouldn’t have to go through the last few weeks again.
After shaking the dream off I realized a couple of very important
lessons …
I’m a recovering addict and I accept that that part of my brain
is hardwired. It will do what it needs to do to survive including showing up to
“remind” me how much I want/need/love to smoke. Yup, it’s basically a dirty
liar. But over the last four weeks I’ve started to re-wire my thinking so that
my thoughts have a new place to go. I don’t fear quitting the way I did in the
early days. At best, I get a little annoyed when smoking thoughts come to mind.
At worst, I know I have the support (here), and the tools to keep me free from
I’d be interested to hear from others if they too, had the “smoking”
dream and what, if any, effect it had.
Wishing you all a very happy day.