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28 Nov 2017
21 Aug 2019
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Well, before of that?
Was about a bunch of years, back then, I had 12 years, I was in Vacation with my Cousin and we made 1 smoke from dry grass, was horrible. Then steal smokes from the parents.....
I knew that smokes Couse Cancer and many other issues….But then my Parents smoke too. All the Adults did!
I think, if I knew at that time, 37 years ago, that was that Hard to quit! I probably leave it! or not, because at that age I did not care about it! I wanted it to be Big! Then times goes by, and get bigger and so....
So, I think ,if I Had the Contention that I need it at that time to choose rights or wrong, now I choose pure Air!
It was the time, when a Teen grows and try to be part of life!
Ho! Man, How good point of discussion.
My Father knew that I was smoking, and He punish me! That was the worse for me..….In Peace rest!
One day at the time! Never give up! Move head! Don't look back!
Have a wonderful Smoke free day!
Last modified on 21 Aug 2019 18:45 by brieffree