Forums / The day to day / Day 11

Day 11

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. kit
    kit avatar
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    18 Apr 2019
    16 Nov 2019
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    Day 11- feeling a bit blue. First week was over I kinda felt like- ok- one week- thats over and thought I will smoke. I get why its called a " journey" I have not smoked. But can feel my motivation slipping- only a bit. I try things like water or a walk etc. but sometimes just doesnt cut it. I like documentaries- usually go to You Tube and watch them- anything that distracts me.
    Wish I could say was eating celery and running 5k a day- sadly I am not. Just keep remembering WHY I wanted to quit! Have a good night all...
    Glad you are all here. Kit
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    16 Nov 2019 in reply to kit
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    Hi there kit,

    It is a journey, and one that is so worth it. Everything we associate with ourselves has always been controlled by our addiction. If we are going out for the evening we check to make sure we have enough cigarettes, and as smokers we're constantly scoping out a place to smoke. For years we used smoking to comfort, celebrate, relax and calm us ... we've even turned to smoking as a reward. "I'll just sweep the kitchen, and then I'll have a cigarette ".

    Of course you're feeling a bit down, kit. Not only are you trying to redefine how you live, you're having to leave "the smoker" who you were behind. So it's okay to feel sad.

    You're spot on to focus on your reasons for quitting, and try to remind yourself all of this is part of the incredible healing you are working through.

    Feel whatever you need to feel right now. You've been so strong, kit, and your strength will carry you through this.
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    Ps kit!

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi kit,

    I can understand why you feel a bit down.  Quitting is hard.  It drains you physically, mentally and emotionally.  People who have never smoked can't really understand how truly difficult quitting is.  It takes strength and determination to succeed.  And sometimes we just don't feel that strong.

    But quitting is so worth all the effort.  At some point, you will start to feel better.  You will be able to climb stairs without huffing and puffing.  Your breath will stay fresher, and your clothes won't stink of smoke.  And you will be able to live your life without worrying about when and where you can get your next fix.

    You have made it through 11 days smoke free, kit.  Keep it going.  Don't let all your hard work be in vain.  Make it count.  And do something nice for yourself.  You deserve a treat.
  5. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    Congratulations Kit! 

    Everything you are feeling is very normal and will pass. It's ok to feel your motivation slip from time to time. But keep going..... Take it one step at a time. 

    What documentaries do you find helps to distract you? I love documentaries, they are interesting and you learn something.

    Please let us know of your continued success. 

  6. kit
    kit avatar
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    18 Apr 2019
    17 Nov 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    Hi treepeo,
    Thank you for helping me to remind my self of that monkey on my back that truly was  making me  CRAZY both PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY !!! ALL THE EXTRA TIME - looking for secret places to smoke- do I have enough tonight for tomorrow morning...  ITS INSANITY !
    13 days- gonna get easier- has to !!
    Thanks Treepeo
  7. kit
    kit avatar
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    18 Apr 2019
    17 Nov 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hi justfortoday-
    Its so easier not always looking for that next fix. YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT redefine how I live. ITS HUGE- just feel SPACED OUT AND ANGRY !!! Day 13- tomorrow 2 weeks. Its like being in limbo- I dont really feel like smoking but feels like some one sawed off my arms or something! Big hole I dont know how to fill- YET !
    Thank you for being here. Hope your having a good day !
  8. kit
    kit avatar
    91 posts
    18 Apr 2019
    16 Dec 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hi justfortoday- 42 days not smoking- Easier in many ways and harder in others. Funny dreams about smoking. Keep needing to really get the " its a journey not a marathon " Truly  (or at least me ) have to look at what cigarettes were covering up in my life- It feels so much more than just stopping smoking.....It means having to make big changes in my life....
8 posts, 0 answered