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DAY 105

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  1. kit
    kit avatar
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     Im feeling like I should stop counting the days- it is beginning to feel like it keeps reminding me of smoking. Some one told me once- DONT COUNT THE DAYS LET THE DAYS COUNT YOU ! 
    Have a great day everyone- Kit
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    When I first quit getting to one day, then 2,3, etc was a miracle to be announced to the populace from the rooftops. 

    Then a week and a month - I was proud. 

    By the 3rd month we settle into a routine. We got this. We can do it. It isn't so much about getting to the next day anymore. It becomes about adjusting to living smokefree. We start to enjoy the benefits we didn't know were there. 

    By one year, phthhh - I can go all year without smoking while standing on my head. How many days has it been? 

    You're turning a corner. Congrats. 

  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi kit,

    WOOHOO, way to go!  You are getting it done!

    You know what?  I have a smoking app on my phone which tracks days quit, money saved, hours of life gained, etc.  Every once in a while I check in to see my stats, because we all need some positive reinforcement.  But otherwise, I know what you mean.  You don't want to dwell on the thought of smoking.  But if it hasn't happened already, one day you will completely forget about smoking, and that pattern will continue.  And when it hits you, you will know that you are truly a non-smoker, and it's gonna feel really good.

    I hope you are really proud of yourself, kit.  105 days is quit an accomplishment. Do something nice for yourself.  You deserve it!
  4. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi treepeo- Yeah- Its a journey. FYI - I may come up as kit 12- had series technical glitches so had to use different name - so im kit or kit12- And I have QUIT !! almost 4 months !
    Hope all is good- kit12 
  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hey kit,

    I had technical issues, too, so now I am treepeo1.  At least we are back online.  That is the most important thing.

    I can relate to cravings being farther in between, but sometimes more intense.  I posted in desperation at times, trying hard to stay strong.  All I can say is that the intensity will fade as well over time.  Sorry, it's always over time, isn't it?  That's just the name of the game when you quit.

    You are doing so well, kit.  I am really happy for you.  You are a winner!
  6. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    It would feel odd to smoke now.I can feel a shift in my routine. The ease of living - not having to centre my life around smoking.  Buying them doI have enough for the morning etc. 
    I went to an event last night - not having to step out of venue and find at tree or a hidden place to sneak a smoke felt relaxing. Four months coming up ! Thanks atp
  7. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi treepeo
    Thats kinda funny- treepeo1 and kit12- Im still having technical issues but found a way in and yes so very happy to be back on line ! Yup- its always over time- but its s true...
    Thank you for your encouragement - treepeo1- from kit 12
  8. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Almost 4 months and still get really tired. Keep waiting for all the energy that people have said I will have.
    MISSED smoking A LOT today ! It feels like my old life of being a smoker is gone but feel in limbo for something to fill all the time I spent smoking. Hard day!!!
  9. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hang in there, kit.  After smoking for years and years, it is one tough habit to give up.  And it will continue to try to tempt you from time to time.  It will also try to fill you with negative thoughts about some of the positive things that happen when you quit, such as having more free time.

    Keep thinking of all the reasons why you wanted to quit in the first place.  And isn't it kinda sad that this lousy habit can consume us to such an extent?  Geez.  There are so many more important things to think about.
  10. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi treepeo1
    Four months smoke free. Yikes - it seems like those first few weeks were just yesterday and also years ago. The urge to smoke still hangs around but to follow through is gone- at least for today- like to go one day at a time. And yes you are so right- there are so many more things to think of...
    Have a great day- Kit12
  11. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Congrats Kit for your accomplishment of being smoke free for four months!  I know how hard this quitting business is, but we are doing it. Do something nice for yourself, as it is well deserved.  I hope everyone on this journey is having another great smoke free day!!  - m
  12. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Sundays hard for me ! My family is away for week- usually a time I would smoke a lot as kids husband not judging me (or me judging myself) even smoke in house not go out side. Hard- but have to play the tape all the way to the end and deeply regret it ! Know matter how you look at it ( at least for me ) I some times feel like Im grieving the loss of smoking!
    any one ever feel that?  Kit12
  13. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Hi kit. Sorry to hear you had a rough time on Sunday. How are you doing now? I understand what you are saying about grieving the loss of smoking but like you said, we have to play that tape all the way to the end. I just keep reminding myself that I am doing the right thing by quitting.
    Hope all is well.
  14. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Four months and a week since quitting smoking ! I have to be honest- I have been missing it a lot lately. My family is away for the week- I could not go as I am working. ITS ALWAYS HARD when Im on my own in the house. I always smoked in the shed - so children did not see-as well my husband - it would upset him. If they were/are away for a week or more i would usually smoke in the house for first few days. They have been away six days.  I have not smoked but struggling. Chewing the gum and distracting myself. The moenings have become hard again- as is driving and not smoking!
    One day at a time ! Have a good day all !
  15. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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  16. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hey kit12,

    I remember how hard it got after months had gone by.  This addiction works really hard to tempt us.  You have to stay strong.

    When I felt like that, I would remind myself of how hard I worked to quit.  And it was really hard.  I never want to go through that again.  And I reminded myself of all the reasons why I wanted to quit in the first place.  That helped.

    Yesterday I went to dinner with friends.  And even after being smoke free for 3 years, I still marvel at the fact that I no longer have to excuse myself to go have a cigarette.  How I used to hate that.  I felt like such an idiot.  Now I am free and no longer have to worry about getting a fix.  It is much more relaxing.

    You are going to be fine kit12.  Keep reminding yourself that you deserve to live life as a non-smoker.
  17. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi treepeo1-
    You nailed it- I do not ever want to go through another quit again!!
    In my 5th. month and still-somedays are hard and some days I never think about it ( I like those days .)
    I have a lot of free time as of late- for me that can be dangerous.
    Feeling a little wobbly re my quit. Kind of like- Ok -I am almost at 5 months -Ive done it- when can I smoke again.
    On Spring Break  now-then the 2 weeks after my place of work is closed due to virus. Feels like I need to go back to first few weeks of quitting. A lot of crappy tv and gum and more gum. Having all these days of no work makes me nervous! Thanks treepeo1. Have a great smoke free day!
  18. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Thanks atp- I needed to hear that. YES- I am turning a corner ! Good way to look at it !
  19. want2livelong
    want2livelong avatar
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    Way to go Kit! That's amazing. I look forward to celebrating 105 days. I'm on day  30 today. Had a really big craving yesterday but pushed through it. My partner smokes so that sometimes makes it hard - but he is contemplating quitting and is on Zyban - so hopefully he will find the motivation to quit too. But we all know, pressure from others doesn't work - so I'm just letting him figure it out for himself. And I continue to celebrate each day that I am not smoking. I had a dream that I was about to light a cigarette and told myself in my dream that I would feel guilty about it so I put it down. lol. Anyone ever dream about smoking? Haaa well I woke up and felt relieved that I didn't "cheat" in my dreams! crazy. Anyway, congrats and keep it up!
  20. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi want2livelong- YEAH YEAH and another Yeah!!!  Day 30 that is HUGE- a whole month ! Also am glad the thing in your mouth is nothing WOW- you must of been relieved- big time. Feels good not to smoke. I crave a lot-but the cravings are different- like you said- I push through them The more days being smoke free I think why would I screw it up now! First 2 weeks were so hard- but as atp told me just the other day- I have turned a corner and so have you! Lets keep on this journey!  Congratulations !!! Lets stay on this journey!!!!
  21. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi atp- Almost 6 months and my cravings are really strong. Not sure if its due to the anxiety around the Pandemic- the insanity of work - (teacher ) or just plain cravings. My head seems to be in a constant state of spinning around and around and around. I am mindful this is a difficult time for the entire world- difficult is an understatement !!! I have this THOUGHT that starting to smoke again will give me some relief !!! Deep down inside I know it wont but feeling like smoking is now an option. I have not smoked- but thought I should put it out there hoping it will help reduce these insane cravings!!! Hope you and everyone in our community is safe and well !   ---- KIT12   
  22. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Kit12
    You are not alone, I quit almost 5 years ago and still have my moments, extra emotional and I carve like I never quit!
    But, the good part was that I learn how to fight, and resist the moments.
    last 2 days were so stressful at work, at the point at almost run away! I crave for 2 days,. the pain, the guilt and impotency to find relieve stress me at a point I did not like!
    In my Journey, long time ago I will smoke 3 pks and that was it! That was the easy old me, the new me do not allowed to fail into the crave anymore and find NO MATTER HOW a way to scape healthy, safe and secure!
    Ones of course, the pain is gone, I say to my self, I did it, still smoke free!

    Here is the suggestion, enjoy quitting, regard your self  for amazing job 6 months free, Freedom is yours!

    All the best 
  23. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    Hi brieffree-
    Thank you- I needed to hear that!
    Enjoy my quit. I was and then about 2 weeks ago I started hating it- getting  super frustrated at work- loads of anger that has probably been bottled up for years. Thankfully I am trying to let the anger go a little bit at a time. Journal or just walk and walk. I see people smoking and my old thinking comes back. They look happy and healthy. And how the heck would I know that. Six months - why would I blow it and start all over again! IT WILL PASS ! - Thanks brieffree- a lot ! 
  24. atp
    atp avatar
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    Congrats on sticking to your guns. 6 months makes your quit pretty valuable wouldn't you say?

    With Covid-19 we are all dealing with issues. 2 weeks ago I had to close my business due to being declared non-essential. I was stressed. I felt like the first week when I quit - that anxiety, thirsty, heart beating feeling. 

    I wanted a smoke. 16 months and there I was....craving. How else did we deal with stress for most of our adult lives? 

    One puff and I'd probably be back to pack a day within a week.
    No way do I want to go back to smoking.
    I feel so much better today.
    I can breath.
    I have energy. 

    So, take a few deep breaths and relax, and maybe go and make yourself a nice steaming bowl of steel cut oats, or whatever. Live life. You've gained so much living space these past 6 months. And I bet you smell an awful lot better too!

  25. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hey kit,

    Hang in there, my friend.  These are extraordinarily stressful times, and that doesn't help when you are fighting an addiction.   But you have done all of the hard work and suffered through the terrible withdrawal pains.  Don't let all your efforts be for nothing.  Make them count!

    I was to happy to see your progress, kit.  You should be really proud of yourself.

    Give yourself a boost by going back to the basics.   Remind yourself of all the reasons why you wanted to quit.  Make a list of all of the positive things that have changed since you quit.  Go on websites and read about the benefits of quitting. What you need are positive reinforcements to keep you focussed on your goal.

    I am rooting for you, kit.  Hang in there, and believe in yourself.  You deserve to lead a smoke free life.
  26. kit12
    kit12 avatar
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    THANKS treepeo1
    Funny how fast our or at least how fast my brain can easily forget why I quit smoking!  Its the delay part that works for me !  If I can wait and not pick up a cigarette - and think how horrible I know I will feel- AND DEEP REGRET if I relapsed -the craving goes away really fast ! Like riding a wave out. Will be six months in about a week ! NEVER thought I would get this far ! Never want to be chained to smoking again ! NEVER..  Thanks treepeo1 - have a great day!
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