168 posts
12 Aug 2019
03 Dec 2019
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Hello Kit!!
Look at you go! 28 freakin' days!
Hey, I know how awful it is facing weekends … I remember two weeks into my quit I had booked a vacation and as it approached, I soooooo dreaded it!
Now that you have some time behind you, I wanted to make a suggestion that might help with getting back to enjoying your weekend. Too much time isolating might in fact be feeding the emotional dependency.
Something that really helped me on weekends, and holidays was dedicating a certain amount of time on my artwork, and cooking (my amazing husband is the cook in our household). I would make a plan what I wanted to accomplish creatively, and then get it done. During the week I would pick a country (usually one that I wanted to visit one day), and find a recipe that represented that country. On Saturdays, I would go out and purchase everything I needed to make it. I would make sure that whatever I was making was extremely time consuming. I would then spend Sunday preparing the meal.
I still follow this practice every week. And don't forget, when we learn something new, our brain produces the dopamine that we used to rely on nicotine to do.
So, my friend, maybe find a couple of things you've always wanted to try and put it into practice. It really really works!!
Have a great day, kit!!