50 posts
27 Sep 2018
08 Dec 2018
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Good Afternoon Everyone
Two months today, woo hoo! Funny, 61 days ago I wouldn't have been able to last two hours, never mind two months without a smokey butt. And if for some reason I had to go two hours, you would not have wanted to be around me, hehe. As I've already stated, my reasons for quitting is the fact that so many around me are getting sick due to smoking-related illnesses. Ironically, today, I will be going out with one of my best friends who is in that category. Funny story, last year we went away to Cuba, and I told her on the plane, that once we landed, she had better be able to keep up with me, cause I was running once we landed (to have that damned cigarette). Tell you what, she did keep up with me, and she rarely could! Two freaking 50 plus women running across an airport, what a site that must have been. I've avoided her for two months because she smokes, and I've been deathly afraid of a relapse if I see her. Cross your fingers today. Anyhow, she has been diagnosed with a blockage in her heart, due to smoking and will find out the extent and what has to be done, in early January. She is still smoking. Shake my head. I won't use strong arm tactics, because it simply won't work. But I do gently prod her from time to time. Quitting smoking will be a realization that she will have to come to on her own, in her own time and in her own way. She, as well as everyone else, will do it for herself and want it for herself. Otherwise she will not succeed. Have a great and smoke-free Saturday everyone!