832 posts
29 Nov 2017
26 Mar 2019
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Hi tiny2018,
Wow, you have it all figured out already. Good for you!
Isn't it amazing how much time we wasted on smoking? Like you, it used to be that smoking came first for me above everything else. So I didn't have breakfast in the morning. Instead, I had 3 cigarettes before I went to work. When I decided to quit, I realized that I had all this spare time in the morning, so I did start to have breakfast. And I also did a chore or too that I wouldn't have had time to do before. And I have to say, that made me really happy.
Keep doing what you're doing, tiny2018, and keep rewarding yourself. Quitting smoking can be an exciting adventure that leads to so many new and wonderful possibilities. Enjoy your journey, and be proud!