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Changed things up

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    after a false start yesterday and having a slip the same morning I came to the posts and it helped me to realize it just isn't going without a cigarette that makes you become a non smoker it is I need to really work at having to totally changing my life and lifestyle as well. the morning was when I had my slip and with help I realized that maybe changing things up and doing a new routine in the morning may help and continue with it as to begin my new lifestyle a smoke free one. this morning after fed my kitty and cuddled and grabbed my coffee instead of sitting flipping through the tv while I drank it, as it always involved going outside for a smoke during that, I went right into the shower and even did a bit of a change up getting ready and once was ready I did things that needed to do instead of again sitting flipping through tv with another coffee and realized I am actually getting things done this morning that I need to do each morning but always make my smoke first instead but I got them all done and even didn't do one right after the other I sat and cuddled my kitty and would stand up even my mood being better this morning and went and did another then did something I liked to do relaxing and then got up and another thing in morning and it went so smooth and not once every thought about having a smoke but I did at first when sat there so I totally flipped what I was thinking not of not having a cigarette but actually just going on with my day and didn't even give having a smoke come into mind. I walked to go get my bloodwork done and this morning I walked with my head held high and when walked let my mind freely think at same time I looked at all the nice and different houses along the way the lawns and yards and enjoyed it and never missed a cigarette while walking and didn't think of it or a physical thing where had urge to just pull out a smoke at all either. I enjoyed my whole morning so much and while had company for a few when got home I made some lunch sat down on my computer and came here to read posts and maybe post my morning success while I sat and enjoyed my lunch which almost never had as was too busy going in and out for a smoke.
  2. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi tiny2018

    I love this story!!!

    Isn't it amazing how much time we devoted to smoking. 

    It sounds like you've got this figured out.  Keep your head held high.

    Did I mention how much I love this story?
  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    Congrats on taking the plunge to quit smoking!

    I got about a week into my quit and started to realize I didn't know how to be a 'non-smoker'. Funny to look back at now, but at the time I was kind of lost. I spent a lot of time on this site at that time and realized I needed to make some lifestyle changes too. So seeing you have it all together puts you in the drivers seat as far as your quit goes. 
  4. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    I had a nice retreat or relaxation laying down this afternoon and got up after a couple hours and fed my kitty as she curled up in my stomach like a dog does and she slept curled up there too while was laying down. I decided to come and read the posts and always have great suggestions and help that helps me along the way finding out where can find local help here and decided that my first day and worked hard changing things up and enjoying every minute of it and being smoke free today that I am going to reward myself by renting a movie on VOD on my cable box and enjoy a nice evening 
  5. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Tiny, Amazing how you unlocked the secret to quitting smoking!  Smoking is both an addiction and habit.  Breaking the habit requires changes to our life style and how we do things including activities, food, entertainment & leisure, driving habits, computer addiction, how we look at life, how we handle emotions, etc. :)  Good luck! No one can stop you now from quitting!
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    Wow, you have it all figured out already.  Good for you!

    Isn't it amazing how much time we wasted on smoking?  Like you, it used to be that smoking came first for me above everything else.  So I didn't have breakfast in the morning.  Instead, I had 3 cigarettes before I went to work.  When I decided to quit, I realized that I had all this spare time in the morning, so I did start to have breakfast.  And I also did a chore or too that I wouldn't have had time to do before.  And I have to say, that made me really happy.

    Keep doing what you're doing, tiny2018, and keep rewarding yourself.  Quitting smoking can be an exciting adventure that leads to so many new and wonderful possibilities.  Enjoy your journey, and be proud!
  7. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello tiny2018 - what a shift you made! Wow! You were able to make change to where the cigarettes no longer fit in your day. And as a result, have more time on your hands to do the things YOU want to do (and kitty cuddles are pretty wonderful :) ).
    Heartfelt congrats, and the best with the new day ahead.
    Continue to keep your 'head held high' for you have every reason to be proud.
7 posts, 0 answered