Forums / The day to day / Where's the First Week Challenge Contest?

Where's the First Week Challenge Contest?

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
    255 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    06 Jan 2022
    Link to this post
    Good morning Smokers' Helpline Community,

    As some of you may have noticed, the First Week Challenge Contest is not accepting any registrations at this time. We know that it's been an extra incentive or motivation for many people to make a quit attempt, so why would it be suspended? 

    Well, we have an exciting announcement to make and hope that you will join us on the site on January 17th to learn more about what is to come!

    Wishing you all the best in your quit journeys. 
1 posts, 0 answered