jenna lee, quit coach
265 posts
28 Jun 2018
22 Jan 2022
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Hi Freedomchild,
Here are some strategies for weaning off of NRT:
1) Delay the time before using the product
2) switch to another product such as spray
3) Try non-NRT methods for cravings such as the 4D's: delay, distract, deep breathe, drink water
4) try a practice quit - don't use the lozenges for a time free and see what the experience is like - this may address the fear of the unknown that you are describing
Continue to go over your reasons and motivation for quitting smoking as well like you are. Also, please continue the dialogue with your healthcare provider. They may be encouraging you to wean off the lozenges, but if that means potentially relapsing, then they may have other suggestions.
Jenna Lee