832 posts
29 Nov 2017
12 Dec 2018
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Hi Linda,
When I was young, my parents used to say, "Don't put off for today what you can do tomorrow." That saying has served me well my whole life. For example, one day I didn't feel like doing laundry, but I thought of that saying and I did it anyway. The next day, the elevator to the basement where the machines are was busted, so I was relieved that I had done my laundry the day before after all.
It was the same thing when I quit smoking. I was the queen of procrastination. But finally I set a date and when it rolled around, that was that. I was going to start my quit no matter what that day. Now as it turns out, I only made it until that evening and then I gave in, because the pain was more than I expected or could bear. But I stuck to my timetable about quitting before I finished my Christmas holidays, and 2 days later I gave it another shot and stuck to it. December 29th will be my two year anniversary.
So I think those are good words to live by, and they certainly keep me motivated even when I'm feeling a bit sluggish.