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I feel like doing nothing today…

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    12 Dec 2018
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    We all make plans and set goals for the future. Sometimes, we like to envision what our life will be like if we make a decision to change. We can easily see the long term benefits and rewards that we can get if we take action today. However, we don’t always feel motivated or inspired every single day and sometimes, we feel like doing nothing at all. Sometimes, it’s okay…Of course, we find endless reasons to postpone the things that we can do today for tomorrow, the next day and so on. How do you get things done today when you don’t feel motivated?
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    12 Dec 2018
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    Hi Linda,

    When I was young, my parents used to say, "Don't put off for today what you can do tomorrow."  That saying has served me well my whole life.  For example, one day I didn't feel like doing laundry, but I thought of that saying and I did it anyway.  The next day, the elevator to the basement where the machines are was busted, so I was relieved that I had done my laundry the day before after all.

    It was the same thing when I quit smoking.  I was the queen of procrastination.  But finally I set a date and when it rolled around, that was that.  I was going to start my quit no matter what that day.  Now as it turns out, I only made it until that evening and then I gave in, because the pain was more than I expected or could bear.  But I stuck to my timetable about quitting before I finished my Christmas holidays, and 2 days later I gave it another shot and stuck to it.  December 29th will be my two year anniversary.

    So I think those are good words to live by, and they certainly keep me motivated even when I'm feeling a bit sluggish.
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Linda,

    There are certainly times when I consider doing nothing, but then I tend to feel guilty about not accomplishing what I know needs to be done. I keep a daily to-do list and get a great deal of satisfaction from crossing items off it as they are completed.

    Like treepeo, I procrastinated my quit until I just could not live with myself any longer. When my last pack was gone, I simply did not buy another. In that instance, doing nothing about buying smokes was a life saver.

  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    13 Dec 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    I love it, eagerquit! Sometimes procrastination is something to feel proud about -- especially when it comes to not buying more cigarettes.

    I speak with people who feel bad about doing nothing after they quit; they may not have so much initiative due to withdrawals. I tell them that it's fine: what they are doing, even by just sitting around, is quitting smoking, and that's a lot!

    Treepeo, thanks for the words to live by! Your parents taught you well. It sounds like setting a date made a difference.
4 posts, 0 answered