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What's wrong with my lung?

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. quitting2019
    quitting2019 avatar
    3 posts
    02 Dec 2019
    02 Dec 2019
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    I decided to quit smoking in early Nov 2019(after smoking about 5 cigarettes per day for  years). When I quit, I had about half a pack left and I was having one here and there until I finished my last 1 on Nov 25,2019. Around the same time, I started to coughing up really thick and dark (black/brown-ish) phlegm(here is a picture I took - I also got sore throat and almost lost my voice for a few days before the dark phlegm.

    For the past week and a bit, I cough up the dark phlegm about 3 to 5 times a day, especially after I eat my meals. I've never seen this color  before, and the phlegm is so thick and sticky, almost like bubble gum,I feel fine otherwise. I've quit before cold turkey for months and didn't experience anything like this. This time really scares me. Does anyone else have the same experience? Thanks in advance for any info and advise!
    Last modified on 02 Dec 2019 17:13 by quitting2019
  2. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    02 Dec 2019 in reply to quitting2019
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    I had some nasty mucous coming up a few weeks after I quit - basically my lungs trying to clean out the tar and crap from years of smoking. 

    That being said, get yourself to the doctor and get it checked out. Could be a cold/flu, could be aliens have infected your body with spores...Either way get it checked out just to cover all bases. 

    BTW - congrats on quitting!
    Last modified on 02 Dec 2019 16:25 by atp
2 posts, 0 answered