
6 posts, 0 answered
  1. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    I have to say this:  there are times when quitting smoking isn't the easiest thing I've ever done.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    01 May 2019 in reply to turningpoint
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    Hi turningpoint

    Who said that was easy! Easy is to quit! the hard part is to keep the quit! That is why we are here getting traying to keep the quit!

    - Keep thinking in Positive, you quit forever....
    - Keep distracting your self! From the crave, it will go away....
    - Think how and what to do when the crave comes instead of failing.
    - Make a plan what to do instead of thinking in smokes
    - Enjoy been free, regard your self!
    - Every day is a try! never give up!

    You can do this! 
  3. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Turningpoint, you are a master of understatement! Hopefully you are finding it a bit easier today, more like a cakewalk than a slog.

    As breiffree says, keep thinking positive.

    For those who aren't having the easiest time, what positive changes do you hope to see in your life from quitting? 
  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi turningpoint

    If quitting were easy, I don't think there would be many smokers.  We all know that breaking this addiction is one of the most difficult things we can do in life.  But look at you - you're doing it!!!

    I often remind myself that the more difficult the battle, the sweeter the victory.  I say this sitting on my deck, coffee in hand, soaking in the morning sun, and listening to the birds chirping away.  And nowhere an urge to smoke!  We don't need cigarettes to enjoy life.

    It is a difficult road, but keep looking forward and take it one step at a time.
  5. ludakrz
    ludakrz avatar
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    I understand you so much.
  6. ludakrz
    ludakrz avatar
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    turningpoint, when I stopped smoking - it was hard as hell. So the only thing that helped me to stay "alive" in that situation is home exercises. I mean physical workout. I bought an inversion table.  It is one of the best purchases I've ever done.
    Last modified on 09 May 2019 18:24 by Missing user
6 posts, 0 answered