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46 days and waistline expanding YIKES!!

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. want2livelong
    want2livelong avatar
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    Well I am pretty excited about having quit 46 days ago. Time is going by faster than I thought it would. Still have some strong cravings especially when stress pops up - but told myself that nothing is going to get in my way of achieving my goal of living a long life. I need to really get exercising because I have gained weight for sure. Still feeling fatigued and not sure if this is a normal part of quitting ? Anyone else fatigued after quitting? 
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    06 Apr 2020 in reply to want2livelong
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    Good Morning, and Congrats in 46 smoke free days, amassing work.
    What ever is your Plan to quit, seems to work out, those feelings are normal, your body is reacting to the change, as you said you gain some wait, so I will monitor haw much you eat and combination with some exercise you will be ok.
    But if the problem persist, it will be good idea to see your Doctor.
    Your body start healing it self, as soon as you quit!
    Your Lungs started to get rid of the bad staff from smoking!
    Walking in a nice day helps a lot, just enjoying fresh air coming in to your lungs.

    All the best!
  3. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi want2livelong,

    You should be so excited about 46 days!

    To experience cravings and withdrawal such as fatigue at this time is still normal. Everyone's body is different and everyone's smoking history is different. Your body may still be adjusting and flushing out the chemicals. That takes energy, hence the tiredness.

    Your attitude regarding nothing getting in your way of your goals - keep that going!

    In fact, exercise will make you feel MORE energized and is a recommended way to stay smoke-free and battle cravings and urges.

    Keep up the amazing work,

    Jenna Lee
  4. atp
    atp avatar
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    09 Apr 2020 in reply to want2livelong
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    Being fatigued is actually a good thing. Your body repairs itself while you sleep and you don't have cravings while sleeping either. I also found that it wasn't so much fatigue as my body getting into a more normal pattern for sleep. No more late night coffee/smoke combos.....

    As for weight gain- for me I was up at one point about 20lbs due to a combo of things which included a blown MCL, but I did find that I ate more so I needed to start watching my intake a bit. Amazing what regaining your sense of smell and taste do for your appetite. All that being said I took the weight gain as a positive compared to still smoking and it prompted me to start to eat better and exercise more, so even more positives. 

  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi want2livelong,

    WooHoo!   Congratulations on being smoke free for so long!

    I think most people gain weight when they quit.  But big deal.  As a non-smoker, you are now getting the full benefit of the nutrients in the food you eat.  I think I read somewhere that smokers need 3x the vitamin C that non-smokers need, and that is just one example.  So weight gain is a small price to pay to get benefits like that.

    In addition, you may find that as time goes on, you will make other lifestyle changes that will contribute to your health.  Many of us find that quitting smoking has led us to eat better and exercise more.  Maybe it's because we are now actually caring for ourselves in a way we haven't done in a long time.  But one good change seems to lead to another.

    I am really happy for you, want2livelong.  Keep up the good work!  You are doing great!
5 posts, 0 answered