Forums / Distractions / Staying smoke-free during the holidays

Staying smoke-free during the holidays

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
    146 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    27 Dec 2017
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    Holidays have always been a great time for sharing and celebration with friends and family. Everyone is visiting each other, appreciating the good time, enjoying great food and giving gifts and love to others. If you are trying to quit smoking or if you had quit already, social gatherings and parties can be tempting: other smokers and alcohol seem to be everywhere. What do you do during those moments or how do you remain smoke-free? Do you have quit smoking aids with you? Do you ease up on the alcohol, stay inside and not joining other smokers and stick with your plan? How do you stay focused and motivated during the holidays?

    Happy smoke-free holidays everyone!
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    28 Dec 2017
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    Hi Linda,

    I spent Christmas with two of my sisters, both of whom smoke.  I may have had a moment of 5 seconds or so when I was tempted to light up, but that was more because we all used to smoke together, and I felt outside of the group, so to speak.  But I realized that I made the right decision for me when I quit, and I wanted my sisters to see that it really could be done, and to consider that if I was strong enough to quit, they are strong enough, too.  I am not one of those "reformed" smokers, because not only is that hypocritical, but it is also a complete turn-off.  But I think that actions can speak louder than words.  So all of that helped me to keep my quit.

    Ultimately, I was glad to get home, because nowadays, all of that smoke makes my chest feel tight and my eyes hurt.  And man, did my clothes reek.  Yikes!  I am definitely much happier as a non-smoker.
  3. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
    278 posts
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    28 Dec 2017
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    Hello Treepeo,

    Actions do speak louder than words indeed!  Remembering your strong motivation in the moment for yourself and modelling for your sisters certainly paid off.  

    Great to hear of your happiness as a non-smoker.  

    Enjoy the rest of the season!

3 posts, 0 answered