832 posts
29 Nov 2017
28 Dec 2017
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Hi Linda,
I spent Christmas with two of my sisters, both of whom smoke. I may have had a moment of 5 seconds or so when I was tempted to light up, but that was more because we all used to smoke together, and I felt outside of the group, so to speak. But I realized that I made the right decision for me when I quit, and I wanted my sisters to see that it really could be done, and to consider that if I was strong enough to quit, they are strong enough, too. I am not one of those "reformed" smokers, because not only is that hypocritical, but it is also a complete turn-off. But I think that actions can speak louder than words. So all of that helped me to keep my quit.
Ultimately, I was glad to get home, because nowadays, all of that smoke makes my chest feel tight and my eyes hurt. And man, did my clothes reek. Yikes! I am definitely much happier as a non-smoker.