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Winter & Boredom

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    231 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    15 Jan 2021
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    Hello community!

    With the holidays behind us, some provinces in lockdown, and the next few months of winter weather ahead....
    Tell us: What do you do to manage your quit/keep your smoking low during this time of year? 

    Looking forward to hear all of your ideas & strategies! You all have such creative ways to stay smoke-free, so thank you for sharing with others!!

    Take care & be safe
  2. lamont
    lamont avatar
    1 posts
    20 Feb 2021
    21 Feb 2021 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    helllo sarah. my nick name is lamont.  i have the winter blues and isalation issues. wondering how i can find a way to solve my problem. i keep going back to my old paterns. been years. i quit for short time. i years i go for walks looking  the ground and outside astrays for buts. with the isolation of covin found i had to do something. so i started on myself. meditation and scripture writeing which i been doing for years. now in not hanging around any one. my feelings are getting in the way of my smoking problem. i know i keep telling myself to. i can quit and i have done it but im afraid. bottom line. the dont want the issue. but the finances and friends i used to have all gone now. now it got creditor help. march 1 my quit date. my first payment for two years to pay off my debts and im happy. a huge weight off my shoulders. now i do alot walking threw the years lost 100 bls. then covin gain 50 but last 4 to5 months lost 40. so not 316 bls. so my my question to you would i be right to aviod places and people who smoke. was as an hard drug addict and i left those people. now useing my mind in meditation on goals to inprove myself. but im i wrong of walking away for my last friends of smoking. for all the other addiction i did walk away and my life changed. do i have to do it again. im afrain i will not be able to find people who dont smoke and trust. your sincerly lamont
  3. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    22 Feb 2021 in reply to lamont
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    Hi Lamont,

    Congratulations on setting your quit date for March 1st. 

    You bring up a really interesting topic here. We are already being forced to isolate from others. With quitting smoking, is it worth letting our smoking friends go too? Tough call... for sure there is no right or wrong answer. You come off as a person who is self aware and knows what it takes to make a big life change. 

    Maybe avoidance all together is not necessary; perhaps there is a way to alter the relationship where you only meet or communicate with these people where smoking cannot be involved (ex. indoors, online, etc.)

    Hope you are able to get to a conclusion by your quit date,

3 posts, 0 answered