Forums / The day to day / Wednesday Quote

Wednesday Quote

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    220 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    13 Jun 2018
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Slipping up is so much a part of this change. If it is happening to you, try to keep this quote in mind, from the enkiquotes site:

    "There is no such thing as "going back to square one". Even if you feel  like you're having to start over, you are trying again with more knowledge, strength and power than you had before.
    Your journey was never over, it was just waiting for you to find it again."

    You can do it, it is never too late.

  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    13 Jun 2018
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    Hi Lilian

    I am sure it is part of the process to the freedom! As is so important to know your Addiction before start quitting! To know how deeply you were dominated by the smokes.....
    Today is much easier to Quit for good than Years ago!

    We can do this! Never give up!
2 posts, 0 answered