140 posts
06 Nov 2018
23 Nov 2018
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So am not quite finished with Allan Carr/s book, but read it only to confirm how i became a Happy Non-Smoker without it. I made it almost to the end before having to relinquish it to hubby. He wants to quit by Christmas. Today he tells me he is probably done tomorrow. I don't mean done the book... i mean both the book and the smoking. He believes in cold turkey as i do. Rip the band-aid off fast, why torture yourself. Besides , there is no pain that I experienced. Its more of a beckoning, a taunting.
The worst thing you can do is give into it. NOPE not ever! The next worse is to miss it and long for it, for that is why the cravings remain. Instead you have to turn the tables and say to it " I am taking my life back and it's about time!"
Fear also holds some back. They are afraid to really commit to being a Non-Smoker because they don't know how to be one. Rubbish really. The only difference is that they don't smoke. (And are fare likelier to be more healthy) They were once non-smokers too before they picked up the addiction of nicotine. They don't know what to do with their hands. I keep mine busy on this site!
Pick up a hobby, knitting, crochet, woodworking, baking, writing, reading, puzzles, if you can't occupy your hands, at least occupy your mind. Read through posts and retrain your mind. Open your mind to new possibilities.
I am off topic again, The Funeral was Lovely.
I couldn't smoke the last cigarette so i watched hubby. Saw the filter turn yellow, Took a last swish of one in my mouth to remember that awful taste. Then blew the smoke through a kleenex. I had never done that before ( i think i was afraid to) I know what came off walls when i washed them. I then took a cigarette and remembered as i looked at it how i had let it run my life, cost so much to keep the nicotine monster happy and how it had affected my health. I then through it on the floor and stomped on it with a "Never Again!" picked it up and tore it into shreds before flushing it down the toilet. I am free. The funeral is over . It is dead forever to me.
I come here and read my verse, and my everyday pledge. I will visit those to remember why I started on this journey and why I will not wander off path.
It is indeed glorious to be a Happy Non-Smoker. Believe and you can too!
P.s There is another Happy Non-Smoker amongst us. I found 3 at the other site in my 2 days there. I will find more, and hopefully create more. If we can assure those contemplating quitting that it really is not all that hard , not nearly what we had been told and expecting and fearing, then we are saving more lives. Again i apologize to those who feel we are gloating over our accomplishment. Yes we are happy, as you are that you succeeded. It is a wonderful feeling to be free. We are all here to share and encourage others to take the steps to quitting smoking.