Forums / The day to day / January and February First Week Challenge Winners!

January and February First Week Challenge Winners!

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    25 Feb 2021
    Link to this post
    I am happy to announce the first of our 2021 First Week Challenge Contest winners! Sending a huge congratulations to Vitali Tchoumak from Aurora ON, and Castro Jaradat from Toronto, ON!

    Our Winners chose to quit smoking for two different reasons: Vitali quit for financial gain and Castro quit for health. Don't forget you can see your financial and health gains on your dashboard and all the benefits of quitting smoking such as the cost calculator. 

    Click 'Quit and Win' at the top of the page to enter the March contest before March 1.

    Good luck!
1 posts, 0 answered