Forums / The day to day / I will not smoke today because...

I will not smoke today because...

18 posts, 0 answered
  1. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    This is a tool that was used daily on my sobriety journey on the SMART Recovery forum. Basically everyone popped in each day and gave their reason for not drinking that day. I found that posting it online made me feel obligated to keep my word, even to total strangers. I'm hoping this will help me stay on track with not smoking too. Maybe this will help others (even if you just say it to yourself).Everyone's reasons are different and it is truly inspiring to read them. They can be as simple or complex as you like. So here's mine for today:

    I will not smoke today because I detest always starting back at day one and if I don't smoke today then tomorrow will be day two.
  2. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I don't want to feel tired all day with no energy to do things. Ticks me off I wasted so much time smoking instead of living.
  3. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I'm tired of coughing and would like to breathe better.
  4. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I will not smoke today, because I want to save money, and treat myself to something every week I manage to stay smoke free. 
  5. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I need to keep breaking the cycle. “One is too many and a thousand is never enough.”
  6. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I feel like I'm making some progress moving one step forward, and I don't want to go two steps back 
  7. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I caved yesterday and I’m back to square one. “Your bottom is when you stop digging” 
  8. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I am starting to breathe a bit better, and smell things again......which isn't always a good thing! Rowan, don't worry about caving, and dust yourself off, and try again. I caved so many times, that I've lost count. You can do it!!
  9. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    This is a great idea 
    I will not smoke today because I feel so much better not smoking !
  10. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I've made it 1 week smoke free, and aiming for Week 2.
  11. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I'm back! (day one again) I will not smoke today because the only way to quit is to stop putting cigarettes in my mouth.
  12. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I have a terrible cough and I know it will make it worse.
  13. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I don't want to start back at 0
  14. andee
    andee avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I made it this far, why ruin a good thing.?
  15. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I have used up all my "day 1's"
  16. andee
    andee avatar
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    I will not smoke today because for 9 out of 10 people just 1 is more then 1
  17. rowan
    rowan avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I have Covid and I don't want to make it worse
  18. andee
    andee avatar
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    I will not smoke today because I stopped smoking in 2023
18 posts, 0 answered