Forums / The day to day / Friday Pledge

Friday Pledge

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    15 Mar 2019
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    Good Morning


    I proudly take your hand and Pledge to remain  smoke free an other day and tomorrow too and I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in Line.
  2. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    15 Mar 2019 in reply to brieffree
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    I proudly take your hand and Pledge to remain  smoke free for my 73rd day, and tomorrow too and I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in Line.
    Last modified on 15 Mar 2019 08:49 by atp
  3. nancyinnes
    nancyinnes avatar
    7 posts
    14 Mar 2019
    15 Mar 2019
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    Good Morning!
    I proudly take your hand and Pledge to remain  smoke free for the 3rd day and I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in Line.
  4. moniamic
    moniamic avatar
    3 posts
    15 Mar 2019
    15 Mar 2019 in reply to nancyinnes
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    Thanks! I am on my second preparation day.. still give into cravings.. hoping eventually they will stop and I get to enjoy freedom. Signed up today. So far I feel like I am slave to cigarettes and my will is not as strong.. well so be it.. it’s a journey. Glad to know people support each other .. looking for feel good success stories:)
  5. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    15 Mar 2019 in reply to moniamic
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    Smoking is a terrible addiction and it is hard work to quit. You need to really want it to succeed in your quit .

    But, it is so worth it. Most of us smokers don't even know what it is like to be a non-smoker, as we've been addicted so long . For me the incentives started about day 4 or 5 when I was less winded going up the stairs. And it just kept getting better. 

    Educate yourself .Have a plan. Reach out for help (this site is great). Be true to yourself .
5 posts, 0 answered